Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 29 - March 27, 1988. Introduction by David A. Ross. Essays by Fredric Jameson, Eric Michaud, Elisabeth Sussman, David Joselit, Abigail Solomon-Godeau, Alice Jardine. ... [details]
Fall 1992 issue of October, edited by Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Joan Copjec, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Hal Foster, Denis Hollier, and John Rajchman. Contents include: "Aesthetics and Anaesthetics: Walter Benjamin's Artwork Essay Reconsidered," by Susan Buck-Morss; "Ernst Jünger and the Transformed World," by Brigitte Werneburg; "Spiritual Reactionaries After German Reunification: Syberberg, Foucault, and Others," by Diedrich Diederichsen; "Kiefer in Berlin," by Andreas Huyssen; "Painting Negation: Gerhard Richter's Negatives," by Peter Osborne; "Moments of Interpretation," by Desa Philippi; "Hand-Made Photographs and Homeless Representation," by Thomas Crow; and "The Richter-Scale of Blur," by Gertrud Koch. [details]
Summer 1992 issue of October, edited by Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Joan Copjec, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Hal Foster, Denis Hollier, and John Rajchman. Contents include: "Introduction: The Question of Identity," by John Rajchman; "Multiculturism and the Politics of Identity," by Joan Scott; "A Matter of Life and Death," by Cornel West; "Citizenship and Political Identity," by Chantal Mouffe; "Freedom's Basis in the Indeterminate," by Homi Bhabha; "Politics, Identification, and Subjectivization," by Jacques Ranciere; "The Inevitability of Nation: German Intellectuals After Unification;" "Universalism, Particularism, and the Question of Identity," by Ernesto Laclau; "Reflections on Identity," by Stanley Aronowitz; and "The Americans," by E. ... [details]
Edited by Joan Copjec, Douglas Crimp, Rosalind Krauss, and Annette Michelson. Essays "The Body's Shadow Realm," by Gertrud Koch; "Looking Awry," by Slavoj Žižek; "The Sartorial Superego," by Joan Copjec; "Spectacle, Attention, Counter-Memory," by Jonathan Crary; "The Rock 'n' Roll Ghost," by Andrew Ross. [details]
Issue 49 of the periodical October. Edited by Joan Copjec, Douglas Crimp, Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, and Terri L. Cafaro. Contents include: "Some Functions of Feminist Criticism, or The Scandal of the Mute Body," by Tania Modleski; "Van Gogh, or The Insufficiency of Sacrifice," by Eric Michaud; "French Customs, Literary Borders," by Denis Hollier; "The Orthopsychic Subject: Film Theory and the Reception of Lacan," by Joan Copjec; "Yves Klein, or The Dead Dealer," by Thierry de Duve; "Sontag's Urbanity," by D. ... [details]
Edited by Joan Copjec, Douglas Crimp, Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, and Terri L. Cafaro. Essays "Andy Warhol, or The Machine Perfected," by Thierry de Duve; "The Aesthetic Transformation of the Image of the Unimaginable," by Gertrud Koch; "Anselm Kiefer: The Terror of History, the Temptation of Myth," by Andreas Huyssen; "Fatal Attractions: Leni Riefenstahl's The Blue Light," by Eric Rentschler; "Contribution to Points of Reference 38/88," by Hans Haacke; "The Monument is Invisible, the Sign Visible," by Werner Fenz; "A Note on Gerhard Richter's October 18, 1977," by Benjamin H. ... [details]
Edited by Joan Copjec, Douglas Crimp, Rosalind Krauss, and Annette Michelson. Essays "The Philosophical Brothel," by Leo Steinberg; "The Word of God: "I am dead,' " by Denis Hollier; "Foucault's Art of Seeing," by John Rajchman. [details]
Summer 1987 issue of October, edited by Joan Copjec, Douglas Crimp, Rosalind Krauss and Annette Michelson. Contents include: "Jeremy Bentham's Panoptic Device," by Jacques-Alain Miller; "Postmodern History at the Musée d'Orsay," by Patricia Mainardi; "Learn to Read, She Said," by Ann Smock; "Ramble City: Postmodernism and Blade Runner," by Guiliana Bruno; "An Interview with Steve Fagin," by Peter Wollen; and "Gramophone, Film, Typewriter," by Friedrich Kittler. [details]
Issue edited by Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Joan Copjec, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Hal Foster, Denis Hollier, John Rajchman. Essays "The Rat's Ass," by Molly Nesbit; "The Unsecret Life: A Warhol Advertisement," by David James; "'Where Is Your Rupture?': Mass Culture and the Gesamtkunstwerk," by Annette Michelson; "Armor Fou," by Hal Foster; "From Detail to Fragment: Décollage Affichiste," by Benjamin H. ... [details]
Edited by Joan Copjec, Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, and Martha Buskirk. Essays "The Emergence of Cultural Studies and the Crisis of the Humanities," by Stuart Hall; "Federal Papers," by Catharine Stimpson; "Political Detention: Countering the University," by Barbara Harlow; "Words without Things: The Mode of Information," by Mark Poster; "Power and Freedom: Opposition and the Humanities," by Paul A. ... [details]