objects: 239
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  • exhibition catalogue
  • illustrated wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 2 vol. 24 x 17 cm. each
  • 2 vol. : vol. 1. : 272 pp. ; 2 vol. : 112 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9063221355 ; 9063221363

Sonsbeek 86 : Internationale Beelden Tentoonstelling / International Sculpture Exhibition

[Deel 1 / Part 1 & Deel 2 / Part 2]

Saskia Bos, Simone Jongkind, Jolie van Leeuwen, Mathilde Roskam, Brigitte van der Sande, Siah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, Bazile Bustamante, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, James Casabere, John Chamberlain, Tony Cragg, Richard Deacon, Georg Jiri Dokoupil, Lili Dujouri, Ger Van Elk, Luciano Fabro, Peter Fischli, David Weiss, Katharina Fritsch, Barry Flanagan, Fortuyn / O'Brien, Dan Graham, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Shirazeh Houshiary, Anish Kapoor, Niek Kemps, Harald Klingelhöller, Bertrand Lavier, Mario Merz, Marisa Merz, Reinhard Mucha, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, Bruce Nauman, Tom Otterness, Claes Oldenburg, Panamarenko, Giulio Paolini, Giuseppe Penone, Thomas Schütte, Jeroen Snijders, Ettore Spalletti, Rosemarie Trockel, Peer Veneman, Jan Vercruysse, Henk Visch, Carel Visser, Isolde Wawrin, Heimo Zobernig

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held June 18 - September 14, 1986. Texts by Simone Jongkind, Jolie van Leeuwen, Mathilde Roskam, and Brigitte van der Sande. Artists in the exhibition include Siah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, Bazile Bustamante, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, James Casabere, John Chamberlain, Tony Cragg, Richard Deacon, Georg Jiri Dokoupil, Lili Dujouri, Ger Van Elk, Luciano Fabro, Peter Fischli, David Weiss, Katharina Fritsch, Barry Flanagan, Fortuyn / O'Brien, Dan Graham, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Shirazeh Houshiary, Anish Kapoor, Niek Kemps, Harald Klingelhöller, Bertrand Lavier, Mario Merz, Marisa Merz, Reinhard Mucha, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, Bruce Nauman, Tom Otterness, Claes Oldenburg, Panamarenko, Giulio Paolini, Giuseppe Penone, Thomas Schütte, Jeroen Snijders, Ettore Spalletti, Rosemarie Trockel, Peer Veneman, Jan Vercruysse, Henk Visch, Carel Visser, Isolde Wawrin, and Heimo Zobernig. ... [details]

Utrecht, Netherlands: Veen / Reflex,
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  • exhibition catalogue
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28.5 x 22 cm.
  • 271 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0810918110

The American Collections

William C. Agee, John I.H. Baur, Doreen Bolger, Nannette V. Maciejunes, E. Jane Connell, William Kloss, Richard L. Rubenfeld, Laura L. Meixner, Debora A. Rindge, Steven W. Rosen, Norma J. Roberts, Winslow Homer, George Inness, Albert Bierstadt, Martin John Heade, Severin Roesen, William Michael Harnett, De Scott Evans, Albert Pinkham Ryder, Ralph Albert Blakelock, Elihu Vedder, John La Farge, James A. McNeill Whistler, John Henry Twachtman, Childe Hassam, John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt, Theodore Robinson, Thomas Eakins, Cecilia Beaux, Robert Henri, John Sloan, Ernest Lawson, Maurice Prendergast, William Glackens, George Wesley Bellows, Rockwell Kent, Edward Middleton Manigault, Arthur G. Dove, Georgia O'Keeffe, Marsden Hartley, John Marin, Man Ray, Morton Livingston Schamberg, Thomas Hart Benton, Stanton Macdonald-Wright, Preston Dickinson, Charles Sheeler, Charles Demuth, Niles Spencer, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Paul Manship, Charles E. Burchfield, Guy Pène du Bois, Peter Blume, Elijah Pierce, Reginald Marsh, Walt Kuhn, Alfred Maurer, Stuart Davis, Lyonel Feininger, Edward Hopper, Isabel Bishop, Hugo Robus, Chaim Gross, Geoge Tooker, Andrew Wyeth, Tom Wesselmann, Kenneth Snelson, Helen Frankenthaler, Kenneth Noland, Louise Nevelson, Dan Flavin, Clement Meadmore, Alexander Calder, George Rickey, George Segal, Richard Stankiewicz, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Robert Natkin, Stephen Antonakos

Catalogue published in honor of the collection of American art held at the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio. With contributions by William C. Agee, John I.H. Baur, Doreen Bolger, Nannette V. Maciejunes, E. ... [details]

Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
The British Art Show 4
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • other special feature[s]
  • color
  • 28 x 23 cm.
  • 111 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 1853321451

The British Art Show 4

Vicki Lewis, Richard Cork, Rose Finn-Kelcey, Thomas Lawson

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with shows held : November 12 - February 4, 1995-6, Manchester ; February 24 - April 28, 1996, Edinburgh ; May 18 - July 21, 1996, Cardiff. Focus on contemporary British artists. ... [details]

London, United Kingdom: National Touring Exhibitions,
Condition:  Used
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30.5 x 23 cm.
  • 207 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0896593126

The Frozen Image : Scandinavian Photography

Martin Friedman, Henning Bender, Bert Carpelan, Lennart Durehed, Arne Eggum, John Erichsen, Bo Grandien, Solveig Greve, Rune Hassner, Gudmundur Ingólfsson, Ismo Kajander, MIchael Metcalf, Robert Meyer, Knud Nellemose, Bjørn Ochsner, Jan Olsheden, Allan Porter, Rolf Söderberg, Leif Wigh, Heikki Aho, L.O. Akerman, B. Allwin, Dag Alveng, Roald Amundsen, Brossen Andersson, Hans Andersson, Petter Antonisen, Jón J. Árnason, Ole Jonsen Aune, Sten Didrik Bellander, Jim Bengston, Fritz Benzen, Johan Bülow Birk, Lars Björk, Anton Blomberg, Morten Bo, Emil Boehm, Jorgen Borg, Pietro Th. Boyesen, Signe Brander, Björn Breitholtz, Conrad M. Bringe, Pétur Brynjólfsson, Nanna Büchert, Ferdinand Cammer, Krass Clement, Henrik Cronström, Carl Curman, Gustaf Alred Johannes Dahlöf, Jón J. Dahlmann, Holger Damgaard, Björn Dawidsson, Ditlev Duckert, Lennert Durehed, John Englund, Frans Henry Engström, Thure Eson, Sigfüs Eymundsson, Finnur P. Fródason, Palle From, Hans Gedda, Henry B. Goodwin, Sigurdur Gudmundsson, Hans Hammarskiöld, Georg E. Hansen, Jørgen Hansen, Carl Adolph Hårdh, Evald Hemmert, John Hertzberg, Harry Hintze, Bo Holst, Frederick W. Warbreck Howell, Kristian Hude, Gudmundur Ingólfsson, Into Konrad Inha, Johannes Jaeger, Per Bak Jensen, Patrik Johnson, Aron Jonason, Jon Kaldal, Anton Kalland, Jørgen Anker Kierkegaard, Vihtori Kilpinen, Halvard Kjaervik, Frans G. Klemming, Knud Knudsen, Alfred Koller, Thomas Neergaard Krabbe, Jan Landfeldt, Lars Larsson, Ólafur Lárusson, Jouko Leskelä, Mauritz Levin, Axel Lindahl, Bertil Ludvigsson, Peter P. Lundh, Birger Lundsten, Tue Lütken, Olafur Magnússon, Skúli Thor Magnússon, Eino Mäkinen, Hans Malmberg, Israel B. Melchoir, Borg Mesch, Erkki Mikkola, Odd Moe, Rolf Mortenson, Budtz Müller, Evard Munch, Chrstian Neuhaus, Severin Nilson, Pål-Nils Nilsson, Karl Nordgaard, Alfred Nybom, Ralph Nykvist, Rolf Ødegaard, Magnús Ólafsson, Lennart Olson, Anna Otto, Sakari Pälsi, Jamie Parslow, Samuli Paulaharju, Per Persson, Peter L. Petersen, Einar Pétursson, Arne Pietinen, Wilhelm Piro, Matti A. Pitkanen, Eli Ponsaing, Tage Poulsen, Queen Viktoria of Sweden, Aage Remfeldt, Georg Remström, N.O. Reppen, John Riise, Anna Riwkin, C.G. Rosenberg, Harald Rosenberg, Wilhelm Roth, Axel Rydin, Pentti Sammallahti, Tom Sandberg, Sixten Sandell, Karl Sandels, Jonas Albert Sandman, Wladimir Schohin, Hilma Selin, Marcus Selmer, Vilho Setälä, Sigurgeir Sigurjónsson, Ulf Simonsson, U.T. Sirelius, Gunnar Smoliansky, John Stenersen, Bertil Stilling, Bertil Strandell, August Strindberg, Nils Strindberg, Christer Strömholm, Ingimundur Sveinsson, Herrman Sylwander, L. Szacinski, Nils Thomasson, Otmar Thormann, Carl Kristian Thorncliff, Gunhild Thorsteinsson, Vilhelm Tillge, Emil Tønnies, Heinrich Tønnis, Sophus Tromholt, William Truelsen, Pekka Turunen, Armas Otto Väisänen, Poul Erik Veigaard, Timo Viljakainen, Lennart Wängestam, Arne Wahlberg, L. Walter, Carl Wessel, Ellisif Wessel, Anders Beer Wilse, Peder Winge, Rolf Winquist, Sigridur Zoëga

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, September 12 - November 14, 1982. Exhibition traveled to the International Center of Photography, New York, January 13 - February 27, 1983; the Frederick S. ... [details]

Minneapolis / New York, MN / NY: Walker Art Center / Abbeville Press Publishers,
Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
  • reference book
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 25 x 15 cm.
  • 197 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9788495216250

The Permanent Collections of the Guggenheim Museums

Thomas Krens, Juan Ignacio Vidarte, Bridget Alsdorf, Dore Ashton, Julie Ault, Jan Avgikos, Txomin Badiola, Tracey Bashkoff, Jennifer Blessing, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, Germano Celant, Linda Dalrymple Henderson, Lisa Dennison, Matthew Drutt, Judi Freeman, Gary Garrels, Michael Govan, Jon Ippolito, Liz Kotz, Rosalind Krauss, Cornelia Lauf, John Miller, Thyrza Nichols Goodeve, J. Fiona Ragheb, Nancy Spector, Erica Strongin, Joseph Thompson, Coosje van Bruggen, Kara van der Weg, Maria-Christina Villaseñor, Diane Waldman, Rose-Carol Washton Long, Joan Young

Guidebook to the permanent Guggenheim Museum collections throughout the world. Includes notes by Thomas Krens and Juan Ignacio Vidarte, with texts by Bridget Alsdorf, Dore Ashton, Julie Ault, Jan Avgikos, Txomin Badiola, Tracey Bashkoff, Jennifer Blessing, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, Germano Celant, Linda Dalrymple Henderson, Lisa Dennison, Matthew Drutt, Judi Freeman, Gary Garrels, Michael Govan, Jon Ippolito, Liz Kotz, Rosalind Krauss, Cornelia Lauf, John Miller, Thyrza Nichols Goodeve, J. ... [details]

Bilbao, Spain: Guggenheim Bilbao,
Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
Tokyo International Biennale : New Image in Painting
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • other special feature[s]
  • black-and-white
  • 22 x 20 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Tokyo International Biennale : New Image in Painting

Michiaki Kawakita, Tokushichi Hasegawa, Jean Leymarie, Horacio Flores-Sánchez, Sir Roland A. Penrose, John Perreault, Masataka Ogawa

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with the Tokyo International Biennale, held in 1974. Texts by Jean Leymarie, Horacio Flores-Sánchez, Sir Roland A. Penrose, John Perreault and Masataka Ogawa. ... [details]

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  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 30 x 23 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • other special feature[s]
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30 x 23 cm.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
ZG Magazine
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 38 x 27.8 cm.
  • 25 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

ZG Magazine

The Body / No. 10 (Spring 1984)

Rosetta Brooks, Angela Carter, Richard Prince, Peter Halley, Silvia Kolbowski, Gray Watson, Josh Baer, Barbara Kruger, Jessie Holborn, Malcom Morley, Carlo McCormick, Thomas Lawson, Mark Holborn, Kartar Singh, Kristina Kitsis, Jonathan Miles, Craig Bromberg

Issue number 10 of ZG Magazine, edited by Rosetta Brooks. Contents include: "Editorial: The Body of the Image," by Rosetta Brooks; "The Wound in the Fa ce: the made-up face," by Angela Carter; "Richard Prince Interviewed by Peter Halley; "(Di-Vested Interests): The Calvin Klein Ads," by artist/writer Silvia Kolbowski; "The Resurrection of the Body: The Presentation of the Body in Art," by Gray Watson; "Cultural Scan: Speculations on 'the body' by artists and writers," by Josh Baer, Barbara Kruger, Jessie Holborn, Malcom Morley, Carlo McCormick, and Thomas Lawson; "Eiko Very Parco: A Critical Overview of the book 'Eiko by Eiko,'" by Mark Holborn; "Interview with Kartar Singh: The Influence of Eastern Philosophy on the West;" "Simulated Sexuality/Androgynous Outcomes," by Kristina Kitsis; "The Eternal Body," by Jonathan Miles; and "Silhouette Bodies: dance and performance," by artist/writer Craig Bromberg. ... [details]

New York, NY: ZG Magazine,
Condition:  Fair. Water damage to periodical including rippling of covers and staining of bottom half of contents. Rubbing off cover edges. 8 mm. tear to bottom edge of spine. Underlining with red pen on pages 1-4. Due to size additional shipping charges will be required for international orders.
[Object # 38810]
objects: 239