Inaugural issue of Kicks Sexcitment published circa 1969. Contents include: "Sin for Breakfast," by Mason Hoffenberg; "Innocence," a novel excerpt by Harriet Daimler; advertisement for the Olympia Press; "Doctor Onan," a novel excerpt by Jon Horn; "Changing Times. ... [details]
Issue number 2 of Women in Command, published circa 1980, edited by The Pen That Wields The Whip. Contents include: "Editorial," by The Pen That Wields The Whip; "Slaves Rules While Reading W.I.C!;" "Fetish Report;" "Wanda;" "Quote Falls;" "Interview with Madame Sadista," by Mistress Ellie Furie; "Ask Viola;" "Showers," by Mistress Elizabeth; "Anne's Letter," by Mistress Anne Pierce; "Slave Pen;" "Tel-A-Fantasy;" "Stanton Centerfold;" "How to Place an Ad;" "Gallery of Dominatrixes;" "Women In Command 'Sanctuary;'" "Classifieds;" and "How to Subscribe. ... [details]
Artists publication featuring full color graphic pages with poetry and text. Including drawing by Erin Matson; "National Prestige" by Jeff Nuttall; "Dominion" by Alan Russo; poem by Philip Whalen; centerfold by Bob Branaman; poem by Yvonne Bond; and poem by Charles Plymell. ... [details]
Set of two postcards published by artist Ray Rodrique featuring found photographs with moustaches and long hair drawn over top of the images accompanied by handwritten and typed text. [details]
Single-sided flyer with carbon-copy typed text featuring instructions for a conceptual action: "After toilet reality take four hundred envelopes each containing absoluteness fling them (the envelopes) across a room with conceptual action mark each arrival with ruler and chalk connect points as to make a graph snap picture send to specified address. ... [details]
Vol. 3, No. 49 issue of Kiss, published in [n.d], [edited by Al Hansen, published by Joel Fabrikant]. Contents include: "Doll House Romance;" "Astro-Sex1;" "The Big Swain!;" "Big Mamma;" "Rawmeat;" and "personal ads that are intriguing & discreet: Swingers United for Kicks. ... [details]
Vol. 3, No. 48 issue of Kiss, published in [n.d], [edited by Al Hansen, published by Joel Fabrikant]. Contents include: "Pain: Night of Terror;" "The Whip of the Stryker;" "Joe Blow;" "Doll House Romance;" two full page comics; "Scrounge Pie;" "The Big Swain!;" "Raw Meat;" and "personal ads that are intriguing & discreet: Swingers United for Kicks. ... [details]
Vol. 2, No. 2 issue of Kiss, published in [n.d], edited by Al Hansen, published by Joel Fabrikant. Contents include: a page of graffiti "direct from the wall of our crapper and featuring Spain Rodriguez;" "Robert Justin Whiteshit," by Clitoria; "Rock Cocks," by A. ... [details]
Vol. 2, No. 20 issue of Kiss, published in [n.d], edited by Al Hansen. Contents include: "Old Canal St. Whore's War;" "Hot Pants Society," by Ronald Slade (incorporating an uncredited photograph of Claes Oldenburg from one of his 1961 performances); "Rape on Wheels," by Hal Russo; "Dali et Ultra: Millenium's Love Affair;" "Sci-Fuck;" "Boys on the Road: Chapter 3, Masseur Please!!!," by Samuel Wheeler; "Begin Designing Sex Ship Earth," not credited but appears similar in theme to the work of R. ... [details]
Vol. 2, No. 1 issue of Kiss, published in [n.d], edited by Al Hansen, published by Joel Fabrikant. Contents include: "Editorial;" "Beloved Ondine's Advice to the Shopworn;" a full page reproduction of 'The Dolly Sisters' by Al Hansen, 1967, in the collection of Roy Lichtenstein; "Sinema/Sexion;" "Poor Angel," by Jaq Barger; "Balling Music," by Zelda the Cat; "Electro Fuck;" "The Great Silent Yuletide," by Clitoria; "A Christmas Carol;" and "personal ads that are intriguing & discreet: Swingers United for Kicks. ... [details]