objects: 150
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Alighiero Boetti : Mettere al Mondo il Mondo
  • exhibition catalogue
  • cloth boards issued without dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 21.5 x 21.5 cm.
  • 336 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 3893224122

Alighiero Boetti : Mettere al Mondo il Mondo

Alighiero Boetti, Rolf Lauter, Jean-Christophe Ammann, Anne-Marie Sauzeu-Boetti, Caterina Maderna-Lauter, Klaus Görner

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with shows held at Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, January 30 - May 10, 1998, and Galerie Jahrhunderthalle Hoechst, Frankfurt, March 1 - April 19, 1998. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Scenarios : Scripts to Perform
  • critical theory
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 23 x 15.5 cm.
  • 704 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Scenarios : Scripts to Perform

Richard Kostelantz, Marina Abramovic, Ulay, Blair H. Allen, Charles Amirkhanian, Michael Andre, Bruce Andrews, Mel Andringa, Anna Banana, Amari Baraka, Peter H. Barnett, Wolfgang Bauer, Lee Baxandall, Allan Bealy, Kenneth Bernard, George Brecht, Carolyn Brown, Ed Bullins, Donald Burgy, John Cage, Carl D. Clark, Guy de Cointet, David Cole, Paul Epstein, Loris Essary, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Robert Filliou, A.M. Fine, Richard Foreman, Peter Frank, Ken Friedman, Malcolm Goldstein, Paul Goodman, Dan Graham, Spalding Gray, Charles Gruber, Guerrilla Art Action Group, Anna Halprin, Ihab Hassan, Scott Helmes, Bob Heman, Hi Red Center, Dick Higgins, William M. Hoffman, Jerry Hunt, Patrick Ireland, Tom Johnson, Ben Johnston, Sheila Keenan, George Ketterl, Michael Kirby, Alison Knowles, Christopher Knowles, Kenneth J. Leon, The Living Theatre, Philip Lopate, Alvin Lucier, Mary Lucier, Otto Luening, Toby Lurie, Jackson Mac Low, George Maciunas, Sarah Maclay, Toby MacLennan, Aaron Marcus, Kenneth Maue, Michael McClure, Jonas Mekas, Dave Morice, Charlie Morrow, Linda Mussman, Opal Louis Nations, Claes Oldenburg, Rochelle Owens, Nam June Paik, Pedro Pietri, Le Plan K, Bern Porter, Rachel Rosenthal, Jerome Rothenberg, R. Murray Schafer, Francis Schwartz, Stephen Scobie, Douglas Barbour, Stuart Sherman, Mieko Shiomi, Paul Sills, Stuart Smith, Gertrude Stein, Conciere Taylor, Jim Theobald, Lorenzo Thomas, Fred Truck, Tristan Tzara, Wolf Vostell, Keith Waldrop, Robert Watts, Carole Weber, Emmett Williams, Robert Wilson, Nina Yankowitz, Paul Zelevansky

Anthology of theatrical/performative scripts and documents conceived as of as a companion to Breakthrough Fictioneers and Essaying Essays. Compiled and edited by Richard Kostelantz. Features contributions by Marina Abramovic, Ulay, Blair H. ... [details]

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  • artists' book
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 26.5 x 26.6 cm.
  • 442 pp.
  • edition size 200
  • signed and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9780440153252



James Hoff, David Adjaye, Vince Aletti, Pawel Althamer, Rae Armantrout, Art Club 2000, Jan Avgikos, Fia Bakström, Jack Bankowsky, Clive Bell, Daniel Birnbaum, Ian Birnie, Claire Bishop, Nayland Blake, Francesco Bonami, David Bordwell, Lizzi Bougatsos, Andrea Bowers, AA Bronson, Delia Brown, Louisa Buck, Richard Buckley, Kate Bush, David Byrne, Dan Cameron, Laura Cantrell, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Monsieur Chat, Lynne Cooke, Dennis Cooper, Christopher Cox, Arthur C. Danto, Diedrich Diederichsen, Trisha Donnelly, Sam Durant, Marcel Dzama, Dave Eggers, Okwui Enwezor, Roe Ethridge, Matias Faldbakken, Johanna Fateman, Wendy Fonarow, Forcefield, Iain Forsyth, Brendan Fowler, Thomas Frank, Anna Gaskell, Alison M. Gingeras, Thelma Golden, Ann Goldstein, Loren Goodman, Isabelle Graw, Rachel Greene, Boris Groys, Bruce Hainley, Peter Halley, Howard Hampton, Richard Hawkins, Martin Herbert, Dave Hickey, Matthew Higgs, J. Hoberman, Tom Holert, A.M. Homes, Julia House, Andrew Hultkrans, Susie Ibarra, Chrissie Iles, Gary Indiana, Jim Isermann, Darius James, Kent Jones, Ronald Jones, Isaac Julien, Miranda July, Charlie Kaufman, Matt Keegan, Mike Kelley, Christina Kelly, John Kelsey, Rita Kersting, Karen Kilimnik, Alison Knowles, Kode9, Wayne Koestenbaum, Barbara Kruger, Christina Kubisch, Friedrich Kunath, Marta Kuzma, Steve Lafreniere, Alix Lambert, Inez van Lamsweerde, Thomas Lawson, Pamela M. Lee, Lisa Liebmann, Arto Lindsay, Barbara London, Charles Long, Chip Lord, Guy Maddin, Christian Marclay, Matmos, Nick Mauss, Lucy McKenzie, Josephine Meckseper, James Meyer, Jason Middlebrook, Aleksandra Mir, Katy Moran, Jessica Morgan, Dave Muller, Christopher Münch, Marissa Nadler, Rosalind Nashashibi, Kori Newkirk, Bob Nickas, Philip Nobel, Linda Nochlin, Geoffrey O'Brien, Glenn O'Brien, Ken Okiishi, Paulina Olowska, Elizabeth Peyton, Richard Phillips, Paola Pivi, Peter Plagens, Olivia Plender, Jane Pollard, Stephen Prina, Rob Pruitt, James Quandt, Eileen Quinlan, Raqs Media Collective Ben Ratliff, Simon Reynolds, Daivd Rimanelli, David Rimanelli, David Rimanelli, David Robbins, Jonathan Romney, Kay Rosen, Robert Rosenblum, Marina Rosenfeld, Daniela Rossell, Neather Rowe, Ralph Rugoff, Mayer Rus, Lisa Ruyter, Tomas Saraceno, Elizabeth Schambelan, Paul Schimmel, Jim Shaw, Richard Shone, Choire Sicha, Katy Siegel, Amy Sillman, Laurie Simmons, Debra Singer, Guy Richards Smit, Susan Sontag, Carol Squiers, Frances Stark, Georgina Starr, Robert Storr, D. Strauss, Ali Subotnick, Amy Taubin, John Tremblay, Donald Urquhart, Jeffrey Vallance, Tom Vanderbilt, Banks Violette, Stephen Vitiello, Bruce Wagner, Hamza Walker, Kelley Walker, Alex Waterman, John Waters, Toby Webster, Olav Westphalen, T.J. Wilcox, Cathy Wilkes, Stephanie Zacharek

Artists' book edited by James Hoff -- a recompilation of Artforum magazine's monthly Top Ten column written by a rotating cast of artists, scholars, actors and other superstars from 1998 to 2008. Comprised of direct copies of the author's pages from the magazine coupled with black boxes representing the supporting images. ... [details]

Brooklyn, NY: No Input Books,
Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1968 Annual Exhibition : Sculpture
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 21 x 21 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Whitney Museum of American Art, 1968 Annual Exhibition : Sculpture

Peter Agostini, Calvin Albert, Peter Alexander, John Anderson, Stephen Antonakos, Richard Artschwager, Jerry Ballaine, Robert Bart, Leonard Baskin, Mary Bauermeister, Bennett Bean, John Bennett, Fletcher Benton, Tony Berlant, Ben Berns, Michael Bigger, Ronald Bladen, Varujan Boghosian, Lee Bontecou, Louise Bourgeois, Alexander Calder, Kennetth Campbell, John Chamberlain, Chryssa, Mike Cooper, Tony Delap, Walter De Maria, Deborah de Moulpied, Jose de Rivera, Mark di Suvero, Tom Doyle, Robert Engman, Peter Erskine, Herbert Ferber, Frank Gallo, William Geis III, Cristos Gianakos, John Goodyear, Robert Graham, Nancy Grossman, Robert Grosvenor, Roy Gussow, Peter Gutkin, Michael Hall, Duayne Hatchett, Alex Hay, Michael Heizer, Eva Hesse, Will Horwitt, Robert Howard, Robert Hudson, Richard Hunt, James Huntington, Daniel Larue Johnson, Donald Judd, Craig Kauffman, Ellsworth Kelly, William King, Robert Kinmont, Lyman Kipp, Gabriel Kohn, Joseph Konzal, Rockne Krebs, Gary Kuehn, Gerald Laing, Leroy Lamis, Stanley Landsman, Michael Lekakis, Joseph Levi, Les Levine, Alexander Liberman, Roy Lichtenstein, Seymour Lipton, Jim Love, Bix Lye, Sheldon Machlin, Robert Mallary, John McCracken, Ed McGowin, Walter McNamara, Clement Meadmore, James Melchert, Robert Morris, Robert Murray, Louise Nevelson, Barnett Newman, Minoru Niizuma, Claes Oldenburg, Dennis Oppenheim, Alfonso Ossorio, Harold Paris, Kenneth Price, Leo Rabkin, Carlos Ramos, James Reineking, Sam Richardson, Robert Richenburg, George Rickey, Larry Rivers, Henry Rollins, James Rosati, Bernard Rosenthal, Charles Ross, Theodore Roszak, Lucas Samaras, Fred Sandback, Alan Saret, Julius Schmidt, Roy Schnackenberg, George Segal, Jason Seley, William Sellers, Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, Kenneth Snelson, Sylvia Stone, Edvins Strautmanis, George Sugarman, Wayne Taylor, Julius Tobias, Michael Todd, Ernest Trova, Anne Truitt, William Tunberg, Dewain Valentine, Richard van Buren, Frank Lincoln Viner, Ruth Vollmer, David von Schlegell, David Weinrib, Tom Wesselmann, H.C. Westermann, John Willenbecher, Franklin Williams, Christopher Wilmarth, James Wines, Gary Wojcik

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held December 17, 1968 - February 9, 1969. Artists included in the exhibition are Peter Agostini, Calvin Albert, Peter Alexander, John Anderson, Stephen Antonakos, Richard Artschwager, Jerry Ballaine, Robert Bart, Leonard Baskin, Mary Bauermeister, Bennett Bean, John Bennett, Fletcher Benton, Tony Berlant, Ben Berns, Michael Bigger, Ronald Bladen, Varujan Boghosian, Lee Bontecou, Louise Bourgeois, Alexander Calder, Kennetth Campbell, John Chamberlain, Chryssa, Mike Cooper, Tony Delap, Walter De Maria, Deborah de Moulpied, Jose de Rivera, Mark di Suvero, Tom Doyle, Robert Engman, Peter Erskine, Herbert Ferber, Frank Gallo, William Geis III, Cristos Gianakos, John Goodyear, Robert Graham, Nancy Grossman, Robert Grosvenor, Roy Gussow, Peter Gutkin, Michael Hall, Duayne Hatchett, Alex Hay, Michael Heizer, Eva Hesse, Will Horwitt, Robert Howard, Robert Hudson, Richard Hunt, James Huntington, Daniel Larue Johnson, Donald Judd, Craig Kauffman, Ellsworth Kelly, William King, Robert Kinmont, Lyman Kipp, Gabriel Kohn, Joseph Konzal, Rockne Krebs, Gary Kuehn, Gerald Laing, Leroy Lamis, Stanley Landsman, Michael Lekakis, Joseph Levi, Les Levine, Alexander Liberman, Roy Lichtenstein, Seymour Lipton, Jim Love, Bix Lye, Sheldon Machlin, Robert Mallary, John McCracken, Ed McGowin, Walter McNamara, Clement Meadmore, James Melchert, Robert Morris, Robert Murray, Louise Nevelson, Barnett Newman, Minoru Niizuma, Claes Oldenburg, Dennis Oppenheim, Alfonso Ossorio, Harold Paris, Kenneth Price, Leo Rabkin, Carlos Ramos, James Reineking, Sam Richardson, Robert Richenburg, George Rickey, Larry Rivers, Henry Rollins, James Rosati, Bernard Rosenthal, Charles Ross, Theodore Roszak, Lucas Samaras, Fred Sandback, Alan Saret, Julius Schmidt, Roy Schnackenberg, George Segal, Jason Seley, William Sellers, Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, Kenneth Snelson, Sylvia Stone, Edvins Strautmanis, George Sugarman, Wayne Taylor, Julius Tobias, Michael Todd, Ernest Trova, Anne Truitt, William Tunberg, Dewain Valentine, Richard van Buren, Frank Lincoln Viner, Ruth Vollmer, David von Schlegell, David Weinrib, Tom Wesselmann, H. ... [details]

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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 158+ pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 157 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 38, No. 3 (November 1999)

Jack Bankowsky, Robert Storr, Brian Wallis, Peter Plagens, Andrew Ross, James Hall, jodi.org, Rachel Greene, Laura Winters, Peter Bowen, Steve Erickson, Frances Stark, Daniel Birnbaum, Carol Armstrong, Leo Bersani, Ulysse Dutoit, Joel Sanders, Dennis Cooper, David Rimanelli, David Frankel, Francesca Hughes, Rachel Withers, Dan Cameron, George Baker, Katy Siegel, Donald Kuspit, Margaret Sundell, Nico Israel, Mason Klein, Andrew Perchuk, Barry Schwabsky, Thad Ziolkowski, Justin Spring, Frances Richard, James Yood, Bruce Hainley, Christopher Miles, John K. Grande, Alexandre Melo, Pablo Llorca, Ida Panicelli, Mario Codognato, Miriam Rosen, Harald Fricke, Wolf Jahn, Jos Van den Bergh, Michael Archer, Mark Dion

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Passages: Robert Storr on Rudy Burckhardt," by Robert Storr; "News: Brian Wallis on the Pew Charitable Trust," by Brian Wallis; "News: Peter Plagens on Marla Prather," by Peter Plagens; "News: Andrew Ross Talks with Amy Adler about the 'Sensation' Sensation," by Andrew Ross; "News: James Hall on Trafalgar Square," by James Hall; "News: Alissa Quart on Paulo Herkenhoff," by Alissa Quart; "Hot List," by jodi. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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The Collection of Victor and Sally Ganz
  • exhibition catalogue
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 30.5 x 22 cm.
  • 227 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

The Collection of Victor and Sally Ganz

Victor and Sally Ganz, Michael FitzGerald, Christopher Burge

A lavish auction catalogue for sale of the collection of Victor and Sally Ganz, held November 10, 1997. Includes text by FitzGerald and extensive documentation on all works with artist biographies, provenance, exhibition histories, etc. ... [details]

New York, NY: Christie's,
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Blank Meets Pettibon
  • audio CD
  • color
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Blank Meets Pettibon

Raymond Pettibon, Blank

Blank (Oliver Augst, Rüdiger Carl, Christoph Korn) meet Raymond Pettibon is an audio CD by the Frankfurt Trio "Blank" which encounters classic improvisation with the sure-footed and subversive gesture of contemporary anarchism. ... [details]

Erkrath, Germany: GROB,
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1975 Biennial Exhibition
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 20.9 x 21 cm.
  • unpaginated
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

1975 Biennial Exhibition

John Hanhardt, Barbara Haskell, James Monte, Elke Solomon, Marcia Tucker, Tom Armstrong, Martha Alf, David Anderson, James R. Anderson, Dennis Ashbaugh, Domingo Barreres, W.B. Bearman, Tony Bechara, Gene Beery, Allen Edward Bertoldi, Gary Beydler, Ross Bleckner, Cheryl Bowers, Robin Bruch, Scott Burton, Barry Buxkamper, Sam Cady, Cristiano Camacho, Larry Ray Camp, Sarah Anne Canright, Mel Casas, Thomas Chimes, Joseph Clower, Maxine Cole, Christopher Darton, Phil Douglas Davies, John Dickson, Joe Di Giorgio, Paul Dillon, John E. Dowell, Jr., Carol Eckman, William Fares, Frank Faulkner, Kathleen Ferguson, Carole Fisher, Kent Floeter, John Ford, Charles Gaines, Charles Garabedian, Richard George, Abigail Gerd, Roland Ginzel, Ron Gorchov, John S. Gordon, George Green, Tom Green, Dominick Guida, Fred N. Guyot, Don Hazlitt, Leonard L. Hunter III, Miyoko Ito, Jack Jefferson, Pamela Jenrette, Virginia Johnson, David Jones, Jerry Jones, Elizabeth Ann Knox, Robert Kushner, Salvatore J. La Rosa, Patricia Lay, Marilyn Lenkowsky, Alvin Light, Carol Lindsley, Kim Robert MacConnel, David Mackenzie, William E. Mahan, Allan McCollum, Jan Lee McComas, Todd Mckie, George Miller, Judith Suzanne Miller, Scott Miller, Rudolph Montanez, Philip Mullen, Hiroshi Murata, Hass Murphy, Paula Nees, Stuart Nielson, Rob Roy Norton, Jr., Mary McLean Obering, Carl Palazzolo, Lan Payne, James Perry, Tomaso Puliafito, Cherie Raciti, Kaare Rafoss, David Reed, Roland Reiss, Gregg Renfrow, Philip Renteria, Bill Richards, Judy Rifka, Frank Rivera, George Rodart, John Scott Roloff, Edward Ross, Barbara Rossi, Barbara Quinn Roth, Edwin Rothfarb, Paul Rotterdam, Ursula Schneider, John Schnell, Barbara Schwartz, Samuel Scott, Rudy Serra, Charles Simonds, Alexis Smith, Andrew Spence, Earl Staley, Barbara Strasen, Gene Sturman, Susanna Tanger, Robert Thiele, Richard Thompson, Ken Tisa, Alan Turner, Alan Uglow, Carolynn Umlauf, Thomas M. Uttech, Mary Warner, Robert J. Warrens, Sibyl L. Weil, John Wenger, Wanda Westcoast, mark Christian Wethli, Edward R. Whiteman, Andrew Wilf, Donald Roller Wilson, Connie Zehr, Elyn Zimmerman, Billy Adler, John Margolies, John Arvanites, George Bolling, Jim Byrne, Juan Downey, Terry Fox, Hermine Freed, Frank Gillette, Joel Glassman, Beryl Korot, Paul Kos, Andy Mann, Anthony Ramos, Allen Ruppersberg, Ilene Segalove, John Sturgeon, Bill Viola

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 20 - April 9, 1975. Curated by John Hanhardt, Barbara Haskell, James Monte, Elke Solomon, and Marcia Tucker. Foreward by Tom Armstrong, director of the Whitney Museum. ... [details]

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  • exhibition catalogue
  • boxed edition
  • ink jet printed
  • stitch bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 23 x 14 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size 100
  • unsigned and numbered


[21 Volume Box Set]

Public-Holiday Project, Champion Fine Art, Rachel Foullon, Matt Keegan, Laura Kleger, Sara Greenberger, Adam Putnam, Alex Robbins, Halsey Rodman, Carter Mull, Michael Zahn, Rebecca Chamberlain, Christopher Chiappa, John Pilson, Jeroen Kooijmans, Guy Richards Smit, Michael Smith, William Wegman, Kelly Breslin, Meredith Danluck, Alice Könitz, Jeff Ono, Michelle Lopez, Kate Grinnan, Tom Texas Holmes, Slylar Haskard, Anna Sew Hoy, Joe Scanlan, Stephen Shore, Kelley Walker, Flora Wiegmann, Drew Heitzler, James Welling, Eric Wesley, Carey Young, Walead Beshty, Rose Kallal, Fia Backström, Michael Phelan, Jonah Freeman, Chuck Nanny, Adam McEwen, John Tremblay, Peter Coffin, Craig Kalpakjian, John Armleder, Cyprian Gaillard, Jan Groover, Kevin Landers, Olivier Mosset, Amy O'Neill, Kirsten Mosher, Jordan Wolfson, Samuel Casebolt, Candace Cole, Charles Goldman, Alix Lambert, Brian Bress, Jeff Burton, Corinna Schnitt, Monique van Genderen, Terra Fuller, Benjamin Butler, Suzanna Vapnek, Franklin Evans, Mari Eastman, Charles Irvin, Holly Coulis, Brian Belott, Bella Foster, Melissa Brown, Brendan Cass, Charlotta Westergren, Ellen Altfest, Tyson Reeder, Scott Reeder, Claudia Pena, Katherine Bernhardt, Nick Barna, Scott Cassidy, Tom Costa, Erik Frydenborg, Hannah Greely, Jesse Kamm, Kalup Donte Linzy, Shana Lutker, Avigail Moss, Stephen Rhodes, Joaquin Spengemann, Jonas Wood, Heather Cantrell, Rachel Corry, Drew Dominick, Ernest Gibson, Raffi Kalenderian, Shio Kusaka, Nate Lowman, Tony Matelli, Adrian Paules, Bert Rodriguez, Keith Vaughn, Matt Johnson, Jonas Nobel, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Frederik Söderberg, Dan Torop, Roe Ethridge, Nina Andersson, Ron Jude, Kevin Landers, Aleksandra Mir, Andrew Rodgers, Chris Verene, Matt Ducklo, Huma Bhabha, Jennifer Sirey, Nancy Shaver, Susan Jennings, Jennifer Coates, David Shaw, Valetin Carron, Gardar Eide Einarsson, Fabrice Gygi, Alex Morrison, Mai-thu Perret, Aidas Bereikis, Bettina Funcke, Seth Price, Bill Saylor, Anke Weyer, Wendy White, Emily Sunblad, Josh Smith, Lizzie Bougatsos, Amy Granat, Elizabeth Valdez, Steven Parrino, Alex Kwartler, Macrae Semans, Molly Welch, Allyson Vieira, Jarrett Mellenbruch, Adam Raymont, Emily Miranda, Carol Bove, Christian Brown, Robert Medvedz, Jon Widman, Lorenzo de Los Angeles, Gordon Terry, Hisham Akira Bharoocha, Bjorn Copeland, Scott Wolniak, Andrew Jeffrey Wright, Reed Anderson, Larry Bamburg, Sylvie Fleury, Adam Frelin, Vincent Szarek

"How can an art exhibition function as a stand-in for the artists and their studios? How can a gallery project provide greater insight into an artist's practice, the way the formality of a slide lecture or the intimacy of a studio visit can? How can the back-story of the work on display be understood, without being solely reliant on a curatorial statement, catalogue essay or press release? This exhibition allows art to be understood as an ongoing and slippery practice, and less the finite, linear and object-oriented one assumed by the standard exhibition format. ... [details]

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objects: 150