objects: 95
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  • monograph
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 25 cm.
  • 112 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0896595757

A Landscape for Modern Sculpture : Storm King Art Center

John Beardsley, J. Carter Brown, H. Peter Stern, David Finn, Douglas Abdell, Saul Baizerman, Max Bill, Louise Bourgeois, Alexander Calder, Anthony Caro, Dorothy Dehner, Mark Di Suvero, Herbert Ferber, Richard Friedberg, Charles Ginnever, Emilio Greco, Robert Grosvenor, Gilbert Hawkins, Barbara Hepworth, Jim Huntington, Meashe Kadishman, Lyman Kipp, Jerome Kirk, Grace F. Knowlton, Sol LeWitt, Alexander Liberman, Henry Moore, Robert Murray, Forrest Myers, Louise Nevelson, Isamu Noguchi, Ann Norton, Eduardo Poalozzi, Joel Perlman, Joseph Phillhofer, George Rickey, Mia Westerlund Roosen, David Smith, Charles Simonds, Kenneth Snelson, Richard Stankiewicz, David Stoltz, Tal Streeter, George Sugarman, Michael Todd, Ernest Trova, William Tucker, David von Schlegell, Gerald Walburg, Isaac Witkin, Fritz Wotruba

Catalogue published in honor of the Storm King Art Center. Text by John Beardsley, with a foreward by J. Carter Brown, and an introduction by H. Peter Stern. Photographs by David Finn. Artists featured in the publication include Douglas Abdell, Saul Baizerman, Max Bill, Louise Bourgeois, Alexander Calder, Anthony Caro, Dorothy Dehner, Mark Di Suvero, Herbert Ferber, Richard Friedberg, Charles Ginnever, Emilio Greco, Robert Grosvenor, Gilbert Hawkins, Barbara Hepworth, Jim Huntington, Meashe Kadishman, Lyman Kipp, Jerome Kirk, Grace F. ... [details]

Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
  • critical theory
  • cloth boards without dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26 x 18 cm.
  • 203 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and numbered

André Breton : Le Surréalisme et la Peinture

André Breton, Corneille Agrippa, Guillaume Apollinaire, Apulee, Louis Aragon, Alexander Archipenko, Hans Arp, Gaston Bachelard, Honoré de Balzac, Hans Bellmer, Bleuler, Umberto Boccioni, Jérôme Bosch, Constantin Brancusi, Georges Braque, Victor Brauner, Bettina Brentano, Jean-Paul Brisset, Charles de Brosses, Robert Browning, Giordano Bruno, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall, Giorgio de Chirico, Cimabue, Joseph Cornell, Piero di Cosimo, Georges Courteline, Charles Cros, Salvador Dali, Paul Delvaux, André Derain, Denis Diderot, Oscar Dominquez, Enrico Donati, Isidore Ducasse, Marcel Duchamp, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Eckhardt, Albert Einstein, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Serge Essenine, Joachim de Flore, Théodore Flournoy, Jean Fouquet, Charles Fourier, Esteban Frances, James George Frazer, Sigmund Freud, von der Gabelentz, Alberto Giacometti, Giotto, Goethe, Arshile Gorky, Mathias Grunewald, Gutenberg, David Hare, S. William Hayter, Heraclite, Herold, Morris Hirshfield, Victor Hugo, Sidney Janis, Alfred Jarry, Frido Kahlo, Søren Kierkegaard, Paul Klee, Heinrich von Kleist, Kraepelin, Wifredo Lam, Henri Laurens, Eliphas Levi, Georg-Christoph Lichtenberg, Jacques Lipschitz, Raymond Lulle, Mabuse, Maurice Maeterlinck, René Magritte, Majakowsky, Stéphane Mallarmé, André Masson, Pierre de Massot, Henri Matisse, Matta, Meissonnier, Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Nadja, Gérard de Nerval, Friedrich Nietszche, Novalis, Richard Oelze, Gordon Onslow-Ford, Wolfgang Paalen, Blaise Pascal, Benjamin Peret, Francis Picabia, Pablo Picasso, Edgar Poe, Jacques Prévert, Jean Racine, Man Ray, Marcel Raymond, Charles Renouvier, Retz, Arthur Rimbaud, Diego de Rivera, Simon Rosenkreuz, Henri Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Sabato, Marquis de Sade, Kay Sage, Nicolas Saunderson, Caroline Schlegel, Kurt Schwitters, Kurt Seligmann, Georges Seurat, Wirt Sikes, Hélène Smith, Philippe Soupault, HIppolyte Taine, Yves Tanguy, Leo Trotsky, Tristan Tzara, Raoul Ubac, Uccello, Jacques Vache, Paul Valery, Vincent Van Gogh, Jacques Vaucanson, Leonardo da Vinci, Edward Young

Anthology of critical essays by André Breton. Artists, philosophers, and other figures mentioned in the text include André Breton, Corneille Agrippa, Guillaume Apollinaire, Apulee, Louis Aragon, Alexander Archipenko, Hans Arp, Gaston Bachelard, Honoré de Balzac, Hans Bellmer, Bleuler, Umberto Boccioni, Jérôme Bosch, Constantin Brancusi, Georges Braque, Victor Brauner, Bettina Brentano, Jean-Paul Brisset, Charles de Brosses, Robert Browning, Giordano Bruno, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall, Giorgio de Chirico, Cimabue, Joseph Cornell, Piero di Cosimo, Georges Courteline, Charles Cros, Salvador Dali, Paul Delvaux, André Derain, Denis Diderot, Oscar Dominquez, Enrico Donati, Isidore Ducasse, Marcel Duchamp, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Eckhardt, Albert Einstein, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Serge Essenine, Joachim de Flore, Théodore Flournoy, Jean Fouquet, Charles Fourier, Esteban Frances, James George Frazer, Sigmund Freud, von der Gabelentz, Alberto Giacometti, Giotto, Goethe, Arshile Gorky, Mathias Grunewald, Gutenberg, David Hare, S. ... [details]

New York, NY: Brentano's Inc.,
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Art in the San Francisco Bay Area 1945 - 1980 : An Illustrated History
  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30.4 x 23.1 cm.
  • 349 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 052055187

Art in the San Francisco Bay Area 1945 - 1980 : An Illustrated History

Thomas Albright

Critical history of the art scene in San Francisco between 1945 and 1995 by Thomas Albright. Artists include Thomas Albright, George Abend, Arlo Acton, Ann Adair, Lee Adair, Mark Adams, Tom Akawie, James Alberson, Maxine Labro, Robert Alexander, William Allan, Boyd Allen, Gary Allen, Jesse Allen, John Almond, Alex Anderson, David Anderson, Jeremy Anderson, Steven Andresen, Ruth Armer, Victor Arnautoff, Robert Arneson, Ruth Asawa, Olive Ayhens, Heléne Aylon, Mowry Baden, Jennifer Badger, Martin Baer, Clayton Bailey, Jerrodl Ballaie, Joel Barletta, Carroll Barnes, Matthew Barnes, Raymond Barnhart, John Battenberg, John Baxter, Bruce Beasley, Paul Beattie, Mona Beaumont, Robert Bechtle, Scott Bell, Cleveland Bellow, Jordan Belson, Fletcher Benton, Elio Benvenuto, Richard Berger, Henrietta Berk, Wallace Berman, Roger Berry, David Best, Bernice Lee Bing, Elmer Bischoff, Sue Bitney, Ed Blackburn, Ronald Bladen, Dianne Blell, J. ... [details]

Berkeley / Los Angeles / London, CA / United Kingdom: University of California Press,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.9 cm.
  • 142 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 24, No. 1 (September 1985)

Ingrid Sischy, Germano Celant, Herbert Muschamp, William Wilson, Carter Ratcliff, Glenn O'Brien, Martin Parr, Greil Marcus, Frederic Tuten, Donald Kuspit, Max Wechsler, Shigeo Anzai, Kate Linker, Jean Fisher, Charles Hagen, Italo Calvino, Glen Baxter, Jeanne Silverthorne, Ronny Cohen, Barbara Kruger, Thomas McEvilley, Patricia C. Phillips, John Howell, Ida Panicelli, Ed Hill, Suzanne Bloom, Susan C. Larsen, Melinda Wortz, Stuart Morgan, Denys Zacharopoulos, Alexandra Anderson, Gloria Moure, Aurora Garcia, Annelie Pohlen, Steven Henry Madoff, Giuseppe Penone

Issue edited by Ingrid Sischy. Essays "On Location: Sculpture and Painting in Emilio Vedova's Studio in Venice," by Germano Celant; "Ground Up: Architecture without Architecture Critics: Ideal for the Architects," by Herbert Muschamp; "Turned Out: Richard Avedon, Sam Shepard, Joan Didion, and the Pull of the American West," by William Wilson; "Modern Life: Utopianism become Survialism - the Quantum Mechanics of Body-Building, in the West and in the East," by Carter Ratcliff; "Like Art: The New Ads and their Gift of Art. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.7 cm.
  • 141 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 31 No. 10 (Summer 1993)

Jack Bankowsky, Andrew Ross, Rhonda Lieberman, Arthur Jafa, Laurence Rickels, Greil Marcus, Keith Seward, Eric Swenson, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Max Kozloff, Thomas Crow, Pat Steir, Louise Bourgeois, Gary Indiana, Sally Potter, Molly Nesbit, Hilton Als, John Ash, Arthur C. Danto, Henry Geldzahler, Justin Spring, John Yau, Gary Kamiya, A.M. Homes, Matias Viegener, Ben Lifson, Tom De Haven, Ann Marlowe, J.W. Bonner, Johanna Drucker, Jan Avgikos, Donald Kuspit, Joshua Decter, Linda Yablonsky, K. Marriott Jones, Barry Schwabsky, Andrew Perchuk, Patricia C. Phillips, Lois Nesbitt, Jenifer P. Borum, Elizabeth Licata, Thomas McEvilley, James Yood, David Levi Strauss, Mark Van de Walle, David Pagel, John K. Grande, Carlos Basualdo, Juan Vicente Aliaga, Massimo Carboni, Francesca Pasini, Olivier Zahm, Miriam Rosen, Marek Bartelik, Elizabeth Janus, Hans Rudolf Reust, Johanna Hofleitner, Noemi Smolik, Norbert Messler, Michael Corris, Michael Archer

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Ecoculture: Andrew Ross' Weather Report," by Andrew Ross; "Glamour Wounds: Rhonda Lieberman on Dorothy's Daughter," by Rhonda Lieberman; "Film: Arthur Jafa on 'Menace II Society,'" by Arthur Jafa; "Books: Laurence Rickels on Jean Baudrillard's 'Transparency of Evil,'" by Laurence Rickels; "Real Life Rock: Greil Marcus' Top Ten," by Greil Marcus; "Press: Keith Seward and Eric Swenson on 'Wired,'" by Keith Seward and Eric Swenson; "Real Imaginary Places: Jean-Marc Bustamante," by Jean-Pierre Criqui; "Stilled Lives," by Max Kozloff; "London Calling: The Sixties Art Scene in London," by Thomas Crow; "Mortal Elements," Pat Steir talks with Louise Bourgeois; "Spirits Either Sex Assume," Gary Indiana talks with Sally Potter; "Apart without a Face: 'Orlando' and 'The Crying Game,'" by Molly Nesbit; "A Fan's Notes," Hilton Als on Jaye Davidson; "Openings: Cheryl Donegan," by Collier Schorr. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.7 cm.
  • 218 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 32 No. 1 (September 1993)

Jack Bankowsky, John Irwin, Walter Hopps, Richard Serra, Irving Blum, John Coplans, Chuck Close, Michael Fried, Peter Plagens, Angela Westwater, Charles Cowles, Henry Geldzahler, Robert Pincus-Witten, Joseph Masheck, Arthur C. Danto, Daniel Soutif, Jim Lewis, Max Kozloff, bell hooks, Greil Marcus, Linda Nochlin, Donald Kuspit, Peter Schjeldahl, Robert Rosenblum, Rhonda Lieberman, Gary Indiana, Germano Celant, Jan Avgikos, Molly Nesbit, Rosalind E. Krauss, John Rajchman, Homi K. Bhabha, Richard Flood, Ingrid Sischy, Lisa Liebmann, Thomas McEvilley, Stuart Morgan, Ida Panicelli, Alessandra Mammi, Anthony Korner, Barbara Kruger, Amy Baker Sandback, Thomas Crow, Glenn O'Brien

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays, Artforum '62 - '79, "Ars Longa, Pecunia Brevis," by John Irwin; "Phil Leider, Editor: No Phil, No Forum," by Walter Hopps; "Phil Leider, Editor: He Was a Great Editor," by Richard Serra; "Phil Leider, Editor: He Was Extremely Talkative," by Irving Blum; "Phil Leider, Editor: He Was Extremely Terse," by John Coplans; "Phil Leider, Editor: He Called Me Chuck," by Chuck Close; "Phil Leider, Editor: He Was a Great Editor, and He Loved his Wife," by Michael Fried; "John Coplans: A Conversation with Peter Plagens"; "Let Slip the Dogs of War: Editing Artforum," by Angela Westwater; "Charles Cowles: A Conversation with Henry Geldzahler"; "The Page Was My Party," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "Yours Faithfully, Joseph Masheck," by Joseph Masheck. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 134 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 37, No. 5 (January 1999)

Jack Bankowsky, Brook Adams, Mayer Rus, Ralph Rugoff, Jeremy Blake, David Frankel, Jeffrey Vallance, Peter Plagens, Allan Schwartzman, Ronald Jones, Robert Rosenblum, Katy Siegel, Charles Ray, Steven Henry Madoff, Richard Shone, Daniel Birnbaum, Yilmaz Dziewior, Lisa Liebmann, Matthew DeBord, Miriam Rosen, Giorgio Verzotti, Thierry de Cordier, Carol Armstrong, Brian O'Doherty, Yve-Alain Bois, Nico Israel, Jan Avgikos, Barry Schwabsky, Tom Moody, George Baker, Donald Kuspit, David Levi Strauss, Alexander Alberro, Francine Koslow Miller, James Yood, Patricia Briggs, Bruce Hainley, Pablo Llorca, Francesca Pasini, Valérie Breuvart, Marek Bartelik, James Hall, Rachel Withers

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Books: Brooks Adams on James Fenton," by Brook Adams; "Film: Mayer Rus on Larry Clark's 'Another Day in Paradise,'" by Mayer Rus; "Curators: Ralph Rugoff talks with Lisa Corrin," by Ralph Rugoff; "Hot List," by Jeremy Blake; "Hot List: David Frankel on the Virtual Collection at www. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 164 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 39, No. 6 (February 2001)

Jack Bankowsky, Thomas Crow, Mary Heilmann, John F. Simon Jr, Jane Harris, Dennis Cooper, Anders Stephanson, Steven Henry Madoff, Celso Fioravante, Kyle Gann, Bob Nickas, Daniel Birnbaum, Jan Tumlir, Paul Schimmel, Howard Singerman, Brad Gooch, Vince Aletti, Miriam Rosen, Raymond Depardon, Bruce Hainley, Richard Shone, David Rimanelli, Gloria Moure, Nico Israel, Jean-Max Colard, Frances Richard, David Frankel, Jan Avgikos, Donald Kuspit, Julie Caniglia, Margaret Sundell, Tom Breidenbach, Barry Schwabsky, Gregory Williams, Martha Schwendener, Ida Panicelli, Francine Koslow Miller, David Carrier, Philip Auslander, James Yood, Christopher Miles, Juan Vicente Aliaga, Massimo Carboni, Francesca Pasini, Astrid Wege, Noemi Smolik, Jennifer Allen, Marek Bartelik, Anne Pontégnie, Lars Bang Larsen, Michael Archer, Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith, Joe Brainard

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Books: Thomas Crow on Benjamin H.D. Buchloh," by Thomas Crow; "Passages: Mary Heilmann on Pat Hearn," by Mary Heilmann; "Hotlist," by John F. Simon, Jr.; "Hotlist: Jane Harris on WonderWalker," by Jane Harris; "Film: Dennis Cooper on Wong Kar-wai," by Dennis Cooper; "Film: Anders Stephanson on Jean-Luc Godard," by Anders Stephanson; "News: Steven Henry Madoff on Basel's New Director," by Steven Henry Madoff; "News: Celso Fioravante on a Guggenheim for Brazil," by Celso Fioravante; "Music: Kyle Gann on the Writings of Morton Feldman," by Kyle Gann; "Top Ten," by Bob Nickas; "Mice and Man: Carsten Höller and Rosemarie Trockel," by Daniel Birnbaum; "Tenth Reunion: 'Public Offerings,'" by Jan Tumlir talks with Paul Schimmel and Howard Singerman; "Nancy Ideas: Joe Brainard in Retrospect," by Brad Gooch; "Wolfgang Tillmans: A Project for 'Artforum,'" by Vince Aletti; "Direct to Film," by Miriam Rosen talks with Raymond Depardon; "Openings: Brian Calvin," by Bruce Hainley. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 150 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 39, No. 8 (April 2001)

Jack Bankowsky, Katy Siegel, Richard Shone, Peter Plagens, Michael Duncan, Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith, Steven Henry Madoff, Bob Nickas, Fabienne Arvers, Lev Manovich, Reena Jana, Bennett Simpson, Inez van Lamsweerde, Jennifer Allen, Joep van Lieshout, Rachel Withers, Glenn O'Brien, Daniel Birnbaum, Saul Anton, Anders Stephanson, Rhonda Lieberman, Daniel Soutif, Arthur C. Danto, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Richard Howard, Nico Israel, David Frankel, Meghan Dailey, RoseLee Goldberg, Donald Kuspit, Barry Schwabsky, Kirby Gookin, Gregory Williams, Martha Schwendener, Francine Koslow Miller, Philip Auslander, James Yood, Christopher Miles, Bruce Hainley, Catherine Cafopoulos, Adriano Pedrosa, Marco Meneguzzo, Filippo Romeo, Francesca Pasini, Jean-Max Colard, Hans Rudolf Reust, Sabine B. Vogel, Astrid Wege, Anne Pontégnie, Michael Archer

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "First Break: Katy Siegel on Robert Morris," by Katy Siegel; "Books: Richard Shone on 'Groovy Bob,'" by Richard Shone; "News: Peter Plagens on 'EGG the Arts Show," by Peter Plagens; "News: Michael Duncan on a New Appointment at the Hammer," by Michael Duncan; "News: Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith on Declan McGonagle and the IMMA," by Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith; "News: Steven Henry Madoff on the Kunsthalle Zürich's New Director," by Steven Henry Madoff; "Design: Bob Nickas on Art Chantry," by Bob Nickas; "Theater: Fabienne Arvers on Peter Brook's 'Hamlet,'" by Fabienne Arvers; "Hotlist," by Lev Manovich; "Hotlist: Reena Jana on the Fourth Annual Digital Arts Conference," by Reena Jana; "Curator: Bennett Simpson Talks with Nicolas Bourriaud," by Bennett Simpson; "Top Ten," by Inez van Lamsweerde; "Up the Organization: Atelier van Lieshout," Jennifer Allen talks with Joep van Lieshout; "A Thousand Words: Keith Tyson," by Rachel Withers; "TV Guide: Wolf Vostell Reconsidered," by Glenn O'Brien; "Rineke Dijkstra: Portfolio," by Daniel Birnbaum; "Color Commentary: The Art of Spencer Finch," by Saul Anton; "Openings: John Pilson," by Anders Stephanson. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 196 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 40, No. 9 (May 2002)

Jack Bankowsky, Vince Aletti, Steven Henry Madoff, Peter Plagens, Geoffrey O'Brien, Bruce Hainley, Maciej Wisniewski, Rachel Greene, Simon Watney, Steve Lafreniere, Eric C. Banks, Sarah Boxer, Brian Wallis, Daniel Birnbaum, Hans Rudolf Reust, David Joselit, James Meyer, Anne Truitt, Bob Nickas, George Baker, Saul Anton, Avital Ronell, Ulrich Baer, Thomas Struth, Jeff Weinstein, David Rimanelli, Pamela M. Lee, Richard Shone, David Frankel, Jordan Kantor, Gregory Williams, Mason Klein, Michael Meredith, Kirby Gookin, Donald Kuspit, David Levi Strauss, Frances Richard, Martha Schwendener, Tom Breidenbach, James Yood, Christopher Miles, Janine Marchessault, Alexandre Melo, Pablo Llorca, Juan Vicente Aliaga, Mario Codognato, Giorgio Verzotti, Jean-Max Colard, Brigitte Huck, Jennifer Allen, James Hall, Barry Schwabsky, Michael Archer, Charles Green

Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "First Break: Vince Aletti on Larry Clark," by Vince Aletti; "News: Steven Henry Madoff on the Venice Biennale," by Steven Henry Madoff; "News: Peter Plagens on Neal Benezra," by Peter Plagens; "Film: Geoffrey O'Brien on Eric Rohmer," by Geoffrey O'Brien; "Slant: Bruce Hainley on Ron Galella," by Bruce Hainley; "Hotlist," by Maciej Wisniewski; "Hotlist: Rachel Greene on 'Open_Source_Art_Hack,'" by Rachel Greene; "Books: Simon Watney on Douglas Crimp," by Simon Watney; "Top Ten," by Steve Lafreniere; "10-20-30: Eric C. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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objects: 95
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