objects: 112
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-De Paviljoens : Logboek van een gebouw 1992 - 2004 / -De Paviljoens : Journal of a Building 1992 - 2004
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • loose card[s]
  • black-and-white
  • 15.5 x 23 cm.
  • 191 pp.
  • edition size 1500
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9080659533

-De Paviljoens : Logboek van een gebouw 1992 - 2004 / -De Paviljoens : Journal of a Building 1992 - 2004

Wouter Davidts, Richard Artschwager, Marco Bagnoli, Herbert Brandl, Thierry de Cordier, Raoul De Keyser, Isa Genzken, Gaylen Gerber, Dan Graham, Michael Gross, Tim Johnson, Bhupen Khahar, Vladimir Kokolia, Mariusz Kruk, Marcel Maeyer, Thom Merrick, Christa Näher, Pekka Nevalainen, Jussi Niva, Martin Puryear, José Resende, Gerhard Richter, Eran Schaerf, Adrian Schiess, Pat Steir, Thomas Struth, Mitja Tusek, Luc Tuymans, Juan Uslé, Henk Visch, Ko Aarts, Roel Achterberg, Dennis Adams, Gosbert Adler, Leo Adriaans, Will Alsop, Kai Althoff, Carlos Amorales, Tiong Ang, Nobuyoshi Araki, Armando, Atelier Van Lieshout, Eugéne Atget, Frans Baake, Anne Mieke Backer, Erzsébet Baerveldt, Stephen Balkenhol, Yael Bartana, Christiaan Bastiaans, Joris Baudoin, Nico Bick, Waldo Bien, Guillaume Bijl, Sara Blokland, Bik Van der Pol, Rob Birza, Sabine Bitter, John Blake, Jean-Charles Blais, Neville Blaszk, Andrea Blum, Marinus Boezem, Merijn Bolink, Henry Bond, Jonathan Borofsky, Aniek Boon, Justus Bottenheft, Frederique Braakman, Bob Braine, Jasper can den Brink, Joachim Brohm, James Brown, Angela Bulloch, Raoul Bunschoten, Sjoerd Buisman, Michael Byron, Sery C., Patricio Cabrero, Pedro Cabrito Reis, Marcel van Campen, Olga Chernysheva, Sandro Chia, Chiko & Toko Project, Tom Claassen, Leo Copers, Bob Copray, John Currin, Lody Inge Daniëls, Yael Davids, Jan De Cock, Angelica De Maria, Sandra Derks, Theo Derksen, Marinus van Dijke, Heleen Dijkman, Rineke Dijkstra, Nicolas Dings, Desirée Dolron, Lydia Dona, Jos van Doorn, Federico D'Orazio, Jimmie Durham, Christian Eckart, Atom Egoyan, Olafur Eliasson, Tracy Emin, Rainer Fetting, Aaron Fink, Martina Florians, Alicia Framis, Michel Francois, Dale Frank, Gijs Frieling, Helen Frik, Rik Gadella, Julio Galán, Anya Gallaccio, Jean Louis Garnell, Krijn Giezen, Liam Gillick, Mike Glier, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Karel Goudsblom, Peter Greenaway, Joost Grootens, Anna Gudjónsdóttir, Sigudur Gudmundsson, Reggy Gunn, Herbert Hamak, Richard Hambleton, Andrew Heard, Harma Heikens, Claudia Heinermann, Jan Hendrikse, Lothar Hempel, Francy van den Heuvel, Joost van Hezewijk, Damien Hirst, Carsten Höller, Vanessa Hudig, Paul Huf, Wessel J. Huisman, Rini Hurkmans, Michael Hurson, Cristina Iglesias, Alfredo Jaar, Lidy Jacobs, William Jans, Saskia Janssen, Isabelle Jenniches, Michael Joo, Remy Jungerman, Kalaman, Samson Kambalu, Marin Kasimir, Kazuo Katase, Peter Kempff, Jon Kessler, Karen Kilimnik, Jouke Kleerebezem, Thomas Klegin, Elfry Knook, Job Koelewijn, Hans Koetsier, Christof Kohlhofer, Claudia Kölgen, Robin Kolleman, Krijn de Koning, Aglaia Konrad, Renée Kool, Joes Koppers, Jan Koster, Kraaijvanger-Urbis, Bastienne Kramer, Cees Krijnen, Miriam Kruishoop, Guillermo Kuitca, Danielle Kwaaitaal, Manolo Laguillo, Inez van Lamsweerde, Sean Landers, Susann Lekas, Ilona Lenard, Thomas Lenden, Frea Lenger, Alon Levin, Daniel Libeskind, Jannes Linders, Kaar van der Lippe, Cyril Lixenberg, Eva Lootz, Saskia Louwaard, Rita McBride, Eadweard Muybridge

Catalogue documenting projects, performances, and installations held in and on the grounds of the Museum De Paviljoens from 1992 - 2004. Texts by Wouter Davidts. Artists include Richard Artschwager, Marco Bagnoli, Herbert Brandl, Thierry de Cordier, Raoul De Keyser, Isa Genzken, Gaylen Gerber, Dan Graham, Michael Gross, Tim Johnson, Bhupen Khahar, Vladimir Kokolia, Mariusz Kruk, Marcel Maeyer, Thom Merrick, Christa Näher, Pekka Nevalainen, Jussi Niva, Martin Puryear, José Resende, Gerhard Richter, Eran Schaerf, Adrian Schiess, Pat Steir, Thomas Struth, Mitja Tusek, Luc Tuymans, Juan Uslé, Henk Visch, Ko Aarts, Roel Achterberg, Dennis Adams, Gosbert Adler, Leo Adriaans, Will Alsop, Kai Althoff, Carlos Amorales, Tiong Ang, Nobuyoshi Araki, Armando, Atelier Van Lieshout, Eugéne Atget, Frans Baake, Anne Mieke Backer, Erzsébet Baerveldt, Stephen Balkenhol, Yael Bartana, Christiaan Bastiaans, Joris Baudoin, Nico Bick, Waldo Bien, Guillaume Bijl, Sara Blokland, Bik Van der Pol, Rob Birza, Sabine Bitter, John Blake, Jean-Charles Blais, Neville Blaszk, Andrea Blum, Marinus Boezem, Merijn Bolink, Henry Bond, Jonathan Borofsky, Aniek Boon, Justus Bottenheft, Frederique Braakman, Bob Braine, Jasper can den Brink, Joachim Brohm, James Brown, Angela Bulloch, Raoul Bunschoten, Sjoerd Buisman, Michael Byron, Sery C. ... [details]

Almere, Netherlands: Museum De Paviljoens,
Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
The Search For Accidental Significance, For Brian Buczak
  • artists' book
  • softcover / other
  • offset-printed
  • other special feature[s]
  • black-and-white & color
  • 18 x 22 cm
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size 200
  • unsigned and unnumbered

The Search For Accidental Significance, For Brian Buczak

Geoffrey Hendricks, Brian Buczak, Andrea Evans, Brad Melamed, Simone Forti, Eric Andersen, John Goodyear, George Brecht, Takako Saito, Ted Victoria, Detlev Hartmann, Yansunao Tone, Joe Jones, Peter Downsbrough, Toby MacLennan, Nancy Spero, Louise Bourgeois, Bob Watts, Doug Kenney, Ray Johnson, Taylor Mead, Lawrence Weiner, Leon Golub, William K. Dobbs, Don Burgy, Darrell Wilson, Philip Corner, David Wells, Jon Hendricks, Nam June Paik, Francois Morelli, Jackson Mac Low, Henry Martin, Berty Skuber, Paul Sharratt, Aric Obrosey, Alison Knowles, Jessica A. Higgins, Allan Bealy, Barbara Moore, Peter Moore, Candy Jernigan, Barbara Ess, Anne Tardos, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Robin Crozier, Stephen Williams, Larry Miller & Sara Seagull, Hank Bull & Eric Metcalf, The Western Front, Andy Horn, Johns Evans, Buster Cleveland & Diane Sipprelle, Charles Doria, Carsten Schmidt-Olsen, Mac Adams, Kirk Winslow, Gyorgy Galantai, Carolee Schneemann, Mogens Otto Nielsen, Bill Gaglione, Helgi Fridjonsson, Michael Kozmiuk, Charles Radanovich, Alice Hutchins, Edward M. Plunkett, Bern Boyle, Mark Melnicove, Geri Morgan, Leo Morrissey, Bracken Hendricks, Ann Mikolowski, Jonathan Leiter, Peggy Midener, Carlo Pittore, Aurora Hendricks, Jane Fire-Flanagan, Gary Kuehn, Lydia Grey, Carter & Maris Laporter Cannon, Harley, Stewart Wilson, Rebecca Moore, Tod Jorgensen, Harvey Redding, Joseph Bernard, Kate Meynell, Wendy Stewart, Jan Hartley, Bici Forbes, Wendy Midener Froud, Phyllis Carlin, Ken Friedman, Piotr Rypson, Jill Johnston, Guy Veryzer, Charles Lahti, Rebecca Sewell Stafford, Michael Andre & John Evans, Anna Banana, Tyche Hendricks, Sue Moon

Artists' book created in an edition of 200, on October 24th, 1987, whose proceeds went to groups that assist people with AIDS. Organized by Geoffrey Hendricks after the death of Brian Buczak. Contributors include Andrea Evans, Brad Melamed, Simone Forti, Eric Andersen, John Goodyear, George Brecht, Takako Saito, Ted Victoria, Detlev Hartmann, Yansunao Tone, Joe Jones, Peter Downsbrough, Toby MacLennan, Nancy Spero, Louise Bourgeois, Bob Watts, Doug Kenney, Ray Johnson, Taylor Mead, Lawrence Weiner, Leon Golub, William K. ... [details]

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Art-Rite Complete Run & Art-Rite Ephemera
  • periodical
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 27 x 21 cm.
  • 20 vol. : 8 pp. ; 16 pp. ; 16 pp. ; 16 pp. ; 24 pp. ; 32 pp. ; 32 pp. ; 32 pp. ; 56 pp. ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; 80 pp. ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; 64 pp. ; 24 pp. ; [4] pp. ; plus three loose sheets
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Art-Rite Complete Run & Art-Rite Ephemera

[No. 1 in Vintage Facsimile ; No. 16 was not issued] / No. 1 (April 15, 1973) ; No. 2 (Summer 1973) ; No. 3 (1973) ; No. 4 (1973) ; No. 5 (Spring 1974) ; No. 6 (Summer 1974) ; No. 7 (Autumn 1974) ; No. 8 (Winter 1975) ; No. 9 (Spring 1975) ; No. 10 (Fall 1975) ; No. 11 - 12 (Winter / Spring 1975 / 76) ; No. 13 (January 1977) [Red] ; No. 13 (January 1977) [Black] ; No. 14 (Winter 1976 / 77) ; No. 15 (1977) ; No. 18 (March 15, 1978) ; No. 19 (June 1978) ; No. 20 (1978) ; No. 21 (1978)

Art-Rite, Edit DeAk, Walter Robinson, Les Levine, William Wegman, Richard Tuttle, Yuri, Christo, Dorothea Rockburne, Vito Acconci, Pat Steir, Robert Ryman, Joseph Beuys, Edward Ruscha, Alan Suicide, Carl Andre, Rosemary Mayer, Image Bank, Kim MacConnel, Chris Burden, Demi, Judy Rifka

Complete run of all issues published of Art-Rite, periodical edited by Edit DeAk and Walter Robinson. This grouping consists of a in vintage facsimile of No. 1 (April 15, 1973) cover by Les Levine ; and original copies of No. ... [details]

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1988 International Forum of Super 8
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 27.9 x 21.5 cm.
  • 56 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0913263230

1988 International Forum of Super 8

Nick Deocampo, Aart van Barneveld, McKenzie Wark, Moira Sweeney, Reinhard W. Wolf, Jürgen Brüning, Kino Garcia, Mario Piazza, Yann Beauvais, Roger Garcia, Robert Malengreau, Tony Avalos, Manuel Palacio, Jean Hamel, Carlos Castillo, Saumen Guha, Valie Export, Fexlix Schaad, Pierre Mennel, Ahmed Zir, Robin Dickie, John Hanhardt, Howard Guttenplan, Larry Kardish, Jonas Mekas, Tessa Hughes-Freeland, Jeanette Ingberman, Papo Colo, Jordi Torrent, Keith Sanborn, Toni Treadway, Bob Brodsky, Alan Sondheim, Steve Gallagher, Nick Deocampo, Aart van Barneveld, McKenzie Wark, Moira Sweeney, Reinhard W. Wolf, Jürgen Brüning, Kino Garcia, Mario Piazza, Yann Beauvais, Roger Garcia, Robert Malengreau, Tony Avalos, Manuel Palacio, Jean Hamel, Carlos Castillo, Saumen Guha, Valie Export, Fexlix Schaad, Pierre Mennel, Ahmed Zir, Robin Dickie, John Hanhardt, Howard Guttenplan, Larry Kardish, Jonas Mekas, Tessa Hughes-Freeland, Jeanette Ingberman, Papo Colo, Jordi Torrent, Keith Sanborn, Toni Treadway, Bob Brodsky, Alan Sondheim, Steve Gallagher, Jo Schafer, Simon Goulet, Ursula Purrer, Michel Lombet, Ahmed Zir, Steve Cummins

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with forum held of international film screened at Exit Art, Collective for Living Cinema, Millenium, and Bleecker Street Cinema May 3 - 16, 1988. Text by Nick Deocampo, Aart van Barneveld, McKenzie Wark, Moira Sweeney, Reinhard W. ... [details]

New York, NY: Exit Art,
Condition:  Used
A Decade of New Art : Artists Space
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 22.9 x 15.2 cm.
  • 80 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

A Decade of New Art : Artists Space

Linda Shearer, Susan Wyatt, Linda Cathcart, Ericka Beckman, Gretchen Bender, Dara Birnbaum, Eric Bogosian, Jonathan Borofsky, Troy Brauntuch, Michael Brewster, Gary Burnley, Scott Burton, Michael Byron, Cynthia Carlson, James Casebere, Louisa Chase, Charles Clough, Arch Connelly, Marcia Dalby, Carroll Dunham, Nancy Dwyer, William Fares, R.M. Fischer, Hermine Ford, Stephen Frailey, Bobby G., Jack Goldstein, Don Gummer, David Haxton, Biff Henrich, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Howland, Mel Kendrick, Jon Kessler, Jeff Koons, Barbara Kruger, Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, Thomas Lawson, John Lees, Sherrie Levine, Robert Longo, Ree Morton, Matt Mullican, Nic Nicosia, Kevin Noble, Tom Otterness, Ken Pelka, Judy Pfaff, Ellen Phelan, Adrian Piper, James Pomeroy, Richard Prince, Walter Robinson, Tim Rollins, Ellen Rumm, Christy Rupp, David Salle, Cindy Sherman, Laurie Simmons, Charles Simonds, Michael Smith, Philip Smith, Ted Stamm, Donald Sultan, John Torreano, Roger Welch, Yunque, Michael Zwack

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held May 31 - June 30, 1984. Organized by Linda Cathcart. Text by Linda Shearer, Susan Wyatt, and Linda Cathcart. Artists include Ericka Beckman, Gretchen Bender, Dara Birnbaum, Eric Bogosian, Jonathan Borofsky, Troy Brauntuch, Michael Brewster, Gary Burnley, Scott Burton, Michael Byron, Cynthia Carlson, James Casebere, Louisa Chase, Charles Clough, Arch Connelly, Marcia Dalby, Carroll Dunham, Nancy Dwyer, William Fares, R. ... [details]

Condition:  Very Good / Fine. Light dusting to covers. Contents clean and unmarked.
[Object # 39249]
Just Another Asshole #5
  • audio CD
  • offset-printed
  • 88 artists / 77 tracks / :45 seconds each
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Just Another Asshole #5

[Audio CD]

Barbara Ess, Glenn Branca, Larry Simon, Dara Birnbaum, Carla Liss, Bobby G., Wharton Tiers, Carol Parkinson, Nina Canal, Lee Ranaldo, Jenny Holzer, Annea Lockwood, Michael Smith, A. LeRoy, Chris Nelson, Willie Klein, Mitch Corber, Dan Graham, Michael Shamberg, Anne Demarinis, Thurston Moore, Andy Blinx, Don Hunerberg, Vikky Alexander, John Howell, Salvatore Principato, Nigel Rollings, Peggy Katz, Eric Bogosian, Herr Lugus, Amy Taubin, Remko Scha, Susan Russell, Bill Buchen, Verge Piersol, David Hofstra, Lynne Tillman, D. Brown, Sandra Seymour, Phill Niblock, Barbara Kruger, John Rehberger, Paul McMahon, Nancy Radloff, Bruce Tovsky, Martha Wilson, Ned Sublette, Gail Vachon, B. Conan Piersol, Gregory Sandow, Stephen Wischerth, Bob George, Judy Rifka, David Garland, Mark Bingham, Michael Byron, Glenda Hydler, Susan Fisher, Laurie Spiegel, Kiki Smith, Shelley Hirsch, Peter Gordon, Arleen Schloss, Tod Jorgensen, David Rosenbloom, Doug Snyder, Jon Rubin, Thomas Lawson, Harry Spitz, Rhys Chatham, David Linton, Isa Genzken, Daile Kaplan, Kim Gordon, Miranda, Sally A. White, Joseph Nechvatal, Steven Harvey, Sammy Marshall Harvey, Brian Doherty, Rudolph Grey, Richard Morrison, Z'EV

Audio CD reissue of Just Another Asshole #5,which was originally issues as a 12" vinyl LP. Features 83 artists, performing 77 pieces or extracts each of 45 seconds. Edited by Barbara Ess and Glenn Branca. ... [details]

Chicago, IL: Atavistic,
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Scenarios : Scripts to Perform
  • critical theory
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 23 x 15.5 cm.
  • 704 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Scenarios : Scripts to Perform

Richard Kostelantz, Marina Abramovic, Ulay, Blair H. Allen, Charles Amirkhanian, Michael Andre, Bruce Andrews, Mel Andringa, Anna Banana, Amari Baraka, Peter H. Barnett, Wolfgang Bauer, Lee Baxandall, Allan Bealy, Kenneth Bernard, George Brecht, Carolyn Brown, Ed Bullins, Donald Burgy, John Cage, Carl D. Clark, Guy de Cointet, David Cole, Paul Epstein, Loris Essary, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Robert Filliou, A.M. Fine, Richard Foreman, Peter Frank, Ken Friedman, Malcolm Goldstein, Paul Goodman, Dan Graham, Spalding Gray, Charles Gruber, Guerrilla Art Action Group, Anna Halprin, Ihab Hassan, Scott Helmes, Bob Heman, Hi Red Center, Dick Higgins, William M. Hoffman, Jerry Hunt, Patrick Ireland, Tom Johnson, Ben Johnston, Sheila Keenan, George Ketterl, Michael Kirby, Alison Knowles, Christopher Knowles, Kenneth J. Leon, The Living Theatre, Philip Lopate, Alvin Lucier, Mary Lucier, Otto Luening, Toby Lurie, Jackson Mac Low, George Maciunas, Sarah Maclay, Toby MacLennan, Aaron Marcus, Kenneth Maue, Michael McClure, Jonas Mekas, Dave Morice, Charlie Morrow, Linda Mussman, Opal Louis Nations, Claes Oldenburg, Rochelle Owens, Nam June Paik, Pedro Pietri, Le Plan K, Bern Porter, Rachel Rosenthal, Jerome Rothenberg, R. Murray Schafer, Francis Schwartz, Stephen Scobie, Douglas Barbour, Stuart Sherman, Mieko Shiomi, Paul Sills, Stuart Smith, Gertrude Stein, Conciere Taylor, Jim Theobald, Lorenzo Thomas, Fred Truck, Tristan Tzara, Wolf Vostell, Keith Waldrop, Robert Watts, Carole Weber, Emmett Williams, Robert Wilson, Nina Yankowitz, Paul Zelevansky

Anthology of theatrical/performative scripts and documents conceived as of as a companion to Breakthrough Fictioneers and Essaying Essays. Compiled and edited by Richard Kostelantz. Features contributions by Marina Abramovic, Ulay, Blair H. ... [details]

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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 19.5 x 15 cm.
  • 2 vol. : 142 pp. ; 150 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Forehead : Writing and Art Journal

Vol. 1 / Vol. 2

Kate Ericson and Mel Ziegler, Benjamin Weissman, Lane Relyea, Elaine Equi, Mitch Sisskind, Nathaniel Tarn, Eileen Myles, Edward Ruscha, Dennis Cooper, Tom Clark, Bob Flanagan, David Trinidad, Janet Kauffman, Kathleen Frazer, Stephen Rodefer, Pasquale Verdicchio, Charles Ray, Corrado Costa, Nancy Reese, Merion Estes, Patrick Hogan, Tom Wudl, James Griffith, Robert Helm, Constance Mallinson, Norman Klein, Marjorie Perloff, Richard Gehr, Jerome Sala, Timothy Martin, Mike Kelley, Tony Oursler, Charles Baxter, Franco Cavallo, Constance Mallinson, Margaret Nielsen, Jeffrey Vallance, Biancamaria Frabotta, Paul McCarthy, Nancy Rubins, Tim Quinn, Roland Brener, Robert Crosson, Valentino Zeichen, A.P. Russo, Dennis Holt, James Laughlin, Ed Smith, Janet Gray, Harrison Fisher, Ron Koertge, Donald Britton, Thaisa Frank, Ian Patterson, D.S. Marriott, Rod Mengham, John Wilkinson, Rita Valencia

Two volumes, all published. Volume One: poetry, fiction, non-fiction, art portfolios, book reviews, essays and criticism. Contributions by Kate Ericson and Mel Ziegler, Benjamin Weissman, Lane Relyea, Elaine Equi, Mitch Sisskind, Nathaniel Tarn, Eileen Myles, Edward Ruscha, Dennis Cooper, Tom Clark, Bob Flanagan and David Trinidad, Janet Kauffman, Kathleen Frazer, Stephen Rodefer, Pasquale Verdicchio, Charles Ray, Corrado Costa, Nancy Reese, Merion Estes, Patrick Hogan, Tom Wudl, James Griffith, Robert Helm, Constance Mallinson, Norman Klein, Marjorie Perloff and Richard Gehr. ... [details]

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  • artists' book
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 26.5 x 26.6 cm.
  • 442 pp.
  • edition size 200
  • signed and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9780440153252



James Hoff, David Adjaye, Vince Aletti, Pawel Althamer, Rae Armantrout, Art Club 2000, Jan Avgikos, Fia Bakström, Jack Bankowsky, Clive Bell, Daniel Birnbaum, Ian Birnie, Claire Bishop, Nayland Blake, Francesco Bonami, David Bordwell, Lizzi Bougatsos, Andrea Bowers, AA Bronson, Delia Brown, Louisa Buck, Richard Buckley, Kate Bush, David Byrne, Dan Cameron, Laura Cantrell, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Monsieur Chat, Lynne Cooke, Dennis Cooper, Christopher Cox, Arthur C. Danto, Diedrich Diederichsen, Trisha Donnelly, Sam Durant, Marcel Dzama, Dave Eggers, Okwui Enwezor, Roe Ethridge, Matias Faldbakken, Johanna Fateman, Wendy Fonarow, Forcefield, Iain Forsyth, Brendan Fowler, Thomas Frank, Anna Gaskell, Alison M. Gingeras, Thelma Golden, Ann Goldstein, Loren Goodman, Isabelle Graw, Rachel Greene, Boris Groys, Bruce Hainley, Peter Halley, Howard Hampton, Richard Hawkins, Martin Herbert, Dave Hickey, Matthew Higgs, J. Hoberman, Tom Holert, A.M. Homes, Julia House, Andrew Hultkrans, Susie Ibarra, Chrissie Iles, Gary Indiana, Jim Isermann, Darius James, Kent Jones, Ronald Jones, Isaac Julien, Miranda July, Charlie Kaufman, Matt Keegan, Mike Kelley, Christina Kelly, John Kelsey, Rita Kersting, Karen Kilimnik, Alison Knowles, Kode9, Wayne Koestenbaum, Barbara Kruger, Christina Kubisch, Friedrich Kunath, Marta Kuzma, Steve Lafreniere, Alix Lambert, Inez van Lamsweerde, Thomas Lawson, Pamela M. Lee, Lisa Liebmann, Arto Lindsay, Barbara London, Charles Long, Chip Lord, Guy Maddin, Christian Marclay, Matmos, Nick Mauss, Lucy McKenzie, Josephine Meckseper, James Meyer, Jason Middlebrook, Aleksandra Mir, Katy Moran, Jessica Morgan, Dave Muller, Christopher Münch, Marissa Nadler, Rosalind Nashashibi, Kori Newkirk, Bob Nickas, Philip Nobel, Linda Nochlin, Geoffrey O'Brien, Glenn O'Brien, Ken Okiishi, Paulina Olowska, Elizabeth Peyton, Richard Phillips, Paola Pivi, Peter Plagens, Olivia Plender, Jane Pollard, Stephen Prina, Rob Pruitt, James Quandt, Eileen Quinlan, Raqs Media Collective Ben Ratliff, Simon Reynolds, Daivd Rimanelli, David Rimanelli, David Rimanelli, David Robbins, Jonathan Romney, Kay Rosen, Robert Rosenblum, Marina Rosenfeld, Daniela Rossell, Neather Rowe, Ralph Rugoff, Mayer Rus, Lisa Ruyter, Tomas Saraceno, Elizabeth Schambelan, Paul Schimmel, Jim Shaw, Richard Shone, Choire Sicha, Katy Siegel, Amy Sillman, Laurie Simmons, Debra Singer, Guy Richards Smit, Susan Sontag, Carol Squiers, Frances Stark, Georgina Starr, Robert Storr, D. Strauss, Ali Subotnick, Amy Taubin, John Tremblay, Donald Urquhart, Jeffrey Vallance, Tom Vanderbilt, Banks Violette, Stephen Vitiello, Bruce Wagner, Hamza Walker, Kelley Walker, Alex Waterman, John Waters, Toby Webster, Olav Westphalen, T.J. Wilcox, Cathy Wilkes, Stephanie Zacharek

Artists' book edited by James Hoff -- a recompilation of Artforum magazine's monthly Top Ten column written by a rotating cast of artists, scholars, actors and other superstars from 1998 to 2008. Comprised of direct copies of the author's pages from the magazine coupled with black boxes representing the supporting images. ... [details]

Brooklyn, NY: No Input Books,
Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
Theft is Vision
  • critical theory
  • wrappers with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 21 x 15 cm.
  • 270 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9783905770360

Theft is Vision

Bob Nickas

Collection of essays by Bob Nickas. "Theft is Vision gathers essays and interviews ... by the influential New York critic and curator Bob Nickas, offering a personal, shoot-from-the-hip take on the American art scene. ... [details]

Zurich / Dijon, Switzerland / France: JRP|Ringier / Les Presses du Réel,
Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
objects: 112
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