Single sided flyer published in conjunction with new dance works by Phoebe Neville and Meredith Monk, with Kenneth King, performed December 5 and 6, [1966]. [details]
Flyer / poster published in conjunction with performances of Meat Joy held November 16, 17 and 18, 1964. Flyer designed by Schneemann. [details]
Single sided flyer / program published in conjunction with new dance works by Meredith Monk and Phoebe Neville, with Kenneth King, performed December 5 and 6, 1966. Works presented included "Variations on Ragaroni," "Duet with Cats Scream and Locomotive," "16 Millimeter Earrings," and "Dance with Mandolins. ... [details]
Single sided poster / announcement flyer for series of performances held on April 27, 28, 29, 1964 at Judson Memorial Church. Poster designed by Robert Morris. Performances featured choreography, dance and music by Robert Morris, Carla Blank, Lucinda Childs, Alex Hay, Robert Rauschenberg, Steve Paxton, Yvonne Rainer, Elaine Summers, Carolyn Brown, William Davis, Judith Dunn, Deborah Hay, Tony Holder, Barbara Lloyd, Albert Reid, Carolee Schneemann, Joanna Vischer, Carla Blank, Abigail Ewert, Deborah Lee, Sandra Neels, Fred Herko, Tony Holder, John Cage, Sally Gross, Philip Corner, James Waring, Malcolm Goldstein, Valda Setterfield, David Gordon, Christian Wolff, Ira Lieberman, Mimi Hartshorn, Lucy Reisman, Robert Schumann, Robert Dunn, Al Kurchin, and Max Neuhaus. [details]