Issue 55 of Parkett, edited by Bice Curiger. Contents include: Editorial: "Pavel Pepperstein: The Artist as a Subculture," by Boris Groys; "Universal Wisdom at the Bewitching Hour on Private TV," by Rudolf Schmidtz; Ed Ruscha: "Ed Ruscha's Illuminated Manuscripts," by Jeff Perrone; "Critters Crave Salt," by Jennifer Higgie; "Ed Ruscha's Modern Language," by Howard Singerman; "White-Out," by Katja Schenker; "The Ballad of Ed Ruscha," by Joe Scanlan; Edition for Parkett: Ed Ruscha;" Andreas Slominski: "Berlin Detours," by Nancy Spector; "Mousedomes at the Periphery of Peopledom," by Patrick Frey; "Wordless," by Julian Heynen; a conversation between Bettina Funcke, Jens Hoffmann, and Boris Groys; Edition for Parkett: Andreas Slominski; Sam Taylor-Wood: "Sustaining the Antagonism. ... [details]
Large-scale exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with exhibition "Documenta 5," held June 30 - October 8, 1972. Catalogue features screenprinted cover designed by Edward Ruscha. This massive tome is housed in a vinyl covered, European standard, two-ring notebook. ... [details]
Two volume set: Volume 1: Anthology of Marxist writings on communications, information and culture. Edited by Armand Mattelart and Seth Siegelaub. Essays by Armand Mattelart, Seth Siegelaub, Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Antonio Gramsci, V. ... [details]
A collection of essays by Martha Rosler, Brian Wallis, Yvonne Rainer, Rosalyn Deutsche, Alexander Kluge, Richard Plunz, Christine Benglia Bevington, Marie Annick Brown, Allan Sekula, Tony Masso, Andrew Byard, Cenen, Dan Wiley, William Price, Camilo Jose Vergara, Mel Rosenthal, Dan Graham and Robin Hurst, photographic documentation, architectural information and more, pertaining to the theme of artist's efforts to engage with and improve issues in urban development such community housing and social equality. ... [details]
Edited by Bettina A.W. Funcke, Continuous Project #8 is the final "issue" within the series, also with #8 "Continuous Project" will become know as "Consultants."
"The Centre national de l'estampe et de l'art imprimé (Cneai) invited us, as Continuous Project, to spend a month in Paris in the spring of 2006 in order ta realize a publication and an exhibition.
A collection of essays -- edited by Brian Wallis -- by Martha Rosler, Wallis, Yvonne Rainer, Rosalyn Deutsche, Alexander Kluge, Richard Plunz, Christine Benglia Bevington, Marie Annick Brown, Allan Sekula, Tony Masso, Andrew Byard, Cenen, Dan Wiley, William Price, Camilo Jose Vergara, Mel Rosenthal, Dan Graham and Robin Hurst, photographic documentation, architectural information and more, pertaining to the theme of artists' efforts to engage with and improve issues in urban development such community housing and social equality. ... [details]
Catalogue for show presented at Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea. Contains texts in Spanish by Max Hollein, Martina Weinhart, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Alexander Kluge, Lars Hendrik Gass, Ingvild Goetz, Boris Groys, John G. ... [details]
Volume 2 of a two volume anthology on Marxist writings on communications, information and culture. Edited by Armand Mattelart and Seth Siegelaub. Essays by Armand Mattelart, Seth Siegelaub, Antonio Gramsci, Michele Mattelart, Leon Trotsky, Oskar Negt, Alexander Kluge, Wolfgang Fritz Haug, Etienne Cabet, Laurent-Antoine Pagnerre, Karl Marx, Ambrosio Fornet, Pierre Lavroff, V. ... [details]
Edited by Joan Copjec, Douglas Crimp, Rosalind Krauss, and Annette Michelson. Essays "Why Kluge?," by Stuart Liebman; "On New German Cinema, Art, Enlightenment, and the Public Sphere: An Interview with Alexander Kluge," by Stuart Liebman; "The Public Sphere and Experience: Selections," by Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge; "Word and Film," by Edgar Reitz, Alexander Kluge, and Wilfried Reinke; "Why Should Film and Television Cooperate? Selections from New Stories, Notebooks 1 - 18: "The Uncanniness of Time," by Alexander Kluge; "An Analytic Storyteller in the Course of Time," by Andreas Huyssen; " "What is Different is Good": Women and Femininity in the Films of Alexander Kluge," by Heide Schlüpmann; "On Negt and Kluge," by Fredric Jameson; "Reinventing the Nickelodeon: Notes on Kluge and Early Cinema Alexander Kluge: Filmography," by Miriam Hansen; "Alexander Kluge: Selected Videography," "Alexander Kluge: Selected Publications in Chronological Order," "Selected Bibliography of Writings About About Alexander Kluge," "Acknowledgements," by Stuart Liebman. [details]