Collection of "text-sound" art / "sound poetry" texts. Edited by Richard Kostelanetz. Text by Richard Kostelanetz, Walter Abish, Jonathan Albert, Charles Amirkhanian, Beth Anderson, Douglas Barbour, Earle Birney, Bill Bissett, Warren Burt, John Cage, Alissandru Caldiero, Rosemarie Castoro, Guy De Cointet, Geoffrey Cook, Michael Cooper, Philip Corner, Jean-Jacques Cory, Bruce Curley, Charles Dodge, Charles Doria, Jon Erickson, Raymond Federman, Camille Foss, Four Horsemen, Sheldon Frank, Else von Freytag-Loringhoven, Fern Friedman, Terri Hanlon, Kenneth Gaburo, Jon Gibson, Abraham Lincoln GIllespie, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Anthony J. ... [details]
Debut issue of the periodical "some/thing" edited by David Antin and Jerome Rothenberg. Contributions by Arthur J.O. Anderson, David Antin, Paul Blackburn, Pauline Chatterton, Charles E. Dibble, George Dowden, Anselm Hollo, David Ignatow, Jackson Mac Low, Rochelle Owens, Jerome Rothenberg, Armand Schwerner and Diane Wakoski. ... [details]
Periodical edited by Jerome Rothenberg and David Antin. Number 1 texts by Antin, Rothenberg, Carol Berge, Paul Blackburn, Robert Bly, Charles Bukowski, Philip Corner, Robert Duncan, George Economou, Theodore Enslin, Kathleen Fraser, Allen Ginsberg, Dick Higgins, Anselm Hollo, David Ignatow, Jess, Robert Kelly, Frank Kuenstler, Denise Levertov, Jackson Mac Low, Gerard Malanga, Neil Myers, Rochelle Owens, Carolee Schneemann, Armand Schwerner, James Tenney. ... [details]
Issue 10/11 of the quarterly arts and culture journal Nomad / New York. Includes contributions by John Ashbery, Michael Benedikt, Carol Bergé, Bill Berkson, Paul Blackburn, Gregory Corso, Diane Di Prima, George Economou, Kenward Elmslie, Seymour Faust, Allen Ginsberg, Barbara Guest, LeRoi Jones, Robert Kelly, Kenneth Koch, Denise Levertov, Jackson Mac Low, Barbara Moraff, John Bernard Myers, Robert Nichols, Frank O'Hara, Joel Oppenheimer, Rochelle Owens, John Perreault, Jerome Rothenberg, James Scuyler, Armand Schwerner, Gilbert Sorrentino, Diane Wakoski, James Dine, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, and Claes Oldenburg. ... [details]
Anthology of American poetry compiled and edited by Richard Kostelantz. Contributors include Randall Jarrell, Delmore Schwartz, Daniel Hoffman, John Logan, J.V. Cunningham, Robert Lowell, John Berryman, Theodore Roethke, Stanley Kunitz, Charles Olson, Louis Zukofsky, John Cage, John Giorno, Dan Graham, W. ... [details]