objects: 2
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The Rx Art Ball
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • color
  • 28 x 21.5 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

The Rx Art Ball

Jonathan Adler, Neale M. Albert, Jonathan Allen, Joe Andoe, Ida Applebroog, Jourdan Arpelle, Chris Astley, John Baldessari, Ed Baynard, Randall Beale and Carla Lana, Barton Lidicé Benes, Marie Krane Bergman, Ellen Berman, Jake Berthot, Dike Blair, Ross Bleckner, Katherine Bowling, Dusty Boynton, Stephen Burrows, Dietmar Busse, Rutherford Chang, C.F. Childs, Robert Colescott, Judy Cotton, Will Cotton, E.V. Day, Lucky DeBellevue, Carlton DeWoody, Lesley Dill, Michele Oka Doner, Beata Drozd, Sam Durant, Carlo Ferraris, R.M. Fischer, Joel Fitzpatrick, L'Oriano Galloni, Ryan Gander, Milton Glaser, Deborah Grant, Hope Grayson, Duncan Hannah, Ellen Harvey, Tim Hawkinson, Carol Hepper, Josh Hickey, Matthew Higgs, Jene Highstein, Kathleen Holmes, Joanne Howard, Scott Hug, Ryan Humphrey, Alfredo Jaar, Agnes Jacobs, Gareth James, Ilya and Emily Kabakov, Jerry Kearns, Barry Kieselstein-Cord, Robert Kushner, Justen Ladda, Thomas Lanigan -Schmidt, Matt Larkin, Geraldine Lau, Jim Lee, Lance Letscher, Joshua Levine, Les Levine, David Levinthal, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, Leah McCloskey, David McGee, Arnold Mesches, Ray Mortenson, Carrie Moyer, Dave Muller, Yoshitomo Nara, James Nares, Senga Nengudi, John Newman, Tom Nussbaum, Yoko Ono, Tom Otterness, Graham Parker, Sheila Pepe, Hirsch Perlman, Felix Portela, Lucio Pozzi, Dianne Purdy, Anna Ray, Cosimo Di Leo Ricatto, Ruth Root, Nicholas Rule, Jonathan Seliger, Kate Shepherd, Lisa Sigal, Gary Simmons, Arlene Slavin, Hunt Slonem, Zak Smith, William Sofield, Stephen Sollins, Julie Speed, Devorah Sperber, William Steiger, Sloane Tanen, Tem, Gwenn Thomas, Rirkrit Tiravanija, John Torreano, Troy, Fatimah Tuggar, Lane Twitchell, Chris Van Allsburg, Chris Vasell, Lydia Venieri, Henry Vincent, Martabel Wasserman, Leslie Wayne, Mary Weatherford, William Wegman, Lawrence Weiner, Marion Wilson, Steve Wiman, Sydney P. Yeager, John Zurier

Auction catalogue published in conjunction with event held on November 3, 2005. Artist include Jonathan Adler, Neale M. Albert, Jonathan Allen, Joe Andoe, Ida Applebroog, Jourdan Arpelle, Chris Astley, John Baldessari, Ed Baynard, Randall Beale and Carla Lana, Barton Lidicé Benes, Marie Krane Bergman, Ellen Berman, Jake Berthot, Dike Blair, Ross Bleckner, Katherine Bowling, Dusty Boynton, Stephen Burrows, Dietmar Busse, Rutherford Chang, C. ... [details]

New York, NY: ,
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White Columns Update 1993
  • exhibition catalogue
  • illustrated wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 25.4 x 21.4 pp.
  • 28 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

White Columns Update 1993

Bill Arning, Peter Seidler, Joel Holub, Melissa Gwyn Miller, Irene Hardwicke, Tom McGlynn, Cannon Hudson, Gary Dodson, M.W. Wilson, Portia Munson, Enoc Perez, Greg Brown, Elizabeth Crawford, Barton Lidicé Benes, Hovey Brock, Kathy Bartlett, Jacqueline Hayden, Sarah Schwartz, KK Kozik, Kevin Landers, Colette Mullan, Stephan Andrews

Exhibition catalogue published as an overview of shows held as part of White Columns' "White Room Program" exhibition series from 1993. Essay by executive director Bill Arning. Artists include Peter Seidler, Joel Holub, Melissa Gwyn Miller, Irene Hardwicke, Tom McGlynn, Cannon Hudson, Gary Dodson, M. ... [details]

New York, NY: White Columns,
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objects: 2