April 1971 issue of Studio International edited by Peter Townsend. Contents include: "The artist's reserved rights transfer and sale agreement / the background," by Seth Siegelaub; "Arnolfini Gallery; 10 years in Bristol," by Jeremy Rees; "Correspondence;" "News and Notes;" "Bochner and photography," by Jonathan Benthall; "Art in Revolution," by Peter Wollen; "The development of the theory of Socialist Realism in Russia; 1917 to 1932," by Andrew Higgens; "Berlin Dada," by John Elderfield and Raoul Hausmann; "Coloured food," by Peter Kuttner; "Events," by Antoni Miralda and Dorothée Selz; "The House of the Vienna Secession movement," by Peter Hautmann and Klara Hautmann; "The shape's the thing; paintings by John Walker," by Dore Ashton; "Standpoints," by Daniel Buren; "An introduction to 'Art and Technology,'" by Maurice Tuchman; "The artist's reserved rights transfer and sale agreement;" and "Inno 70," by John Latham. [details]
Exhibition catalogue and series of letters to young women artists published in conjunction with the Feminist Art Festival at the California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, 1974. Edited by Miriam Schapiro, Sherry Brody, Molly Rhodes, and Lelia Amalfitano. ... [details]
Issue number two out (of six issues published) of the periodical It is. published from 1958 - 1965. Collated by P.G. Pavlia, directed by Sebastian Gallo. Contents include: "Dialogue Found in Brooklyn Cellar," by John Asher; "Sound, Noise, Varese and Boulez," by Morton Feldman; "On Innocence in Abstract Painting," by John Ferren; "Glossary," by Aristodimos Kaldis; "4 Excerpts," by Piet Mondrian; "Artaud: Review/Essay," by E. ... [details]
September 1974 issue of Studio International. Edited by Peter Townsend. Contents include: "Art Front," by Gerald M. Monroe; "The Hayward Biennale," Andrew Forge, Myles Murphy, Paul Huxley, John McEwen; "A Conversation with Henryk Stazewski," with Wieslaw Borowski; "Correspondence;" "The Origins of Modernism in England," by Charles Harrison; "Food as an Art Form," by Mary Douglas; "The mature portraitist: Richard Avedon," by Dore Ashton; "The Englishness of Caro," by Joseph Masheck; "Review. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue issued in conjunction with show held January 7 - 29, 1972. Exhibition documented Paula Cooper's gallery and a selection of her artists. Show included works by, Lynda Benglis, Joel Fisher, Peter Forakis, Charles Ginnever, Grace Glueck, Robert Grosvenor, Keith Hollingworth, Bernard Kirschenbaum, George Kuehn, Forrest Myers, Harvey Quaytman, Edwin Ruda, Doug Sanderson, Joel Shapiro, Alan Shields, Richard Van Buren, Joseph P. ... [details]
Catalogue from 1985 offering for rental and sale 200 video programs by 85 independent producers of experimental video as well as back issues of Video Data Banks publication "Profile." Artists include Vito Acconci, Chantal Akerman,Max Almy, Laurie Anderson, Carl Andre, Eleanor Antin, Betty Asher, Dore Ashton, Alice Aycock, Myrna Bain, John Baldessari, Jennifer Bartlett, Gregory Battcock, Romare Bearden, Billy Al Bengston, Joseph Beuys, Dara Birnbaum, Louise Bourgeois, Stan Brakhage, Joan Brown, Roger Brown, John Cage, Judy Chicago, Christo, Chuck Close, A. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, April 28 - June 25, 1967; and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, September 15 - October 29, 1967. Text by Maurice Tuchman, Lawrence Alloway, Wayne V. ... [details]
Volumes 1 and 2 transcribing a series of symposiums on Time and Space in Modern Art edited by Marilyn Bedford and Jerry Herman. "Time and Space I," was a symposium on concepts in music and visual art, and was moderated by Dore Ashton. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with Kienholz's first solo show held at Alexander Iolas Gallery, New York, February 5 - 23, 1963, organized in collaboration with Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles. ... [details]
Anthology of critical texts on Robert Ryman written from 1967 on, edited by Vittorio Colaizzi and Karsten Schubert. Includes contributions by Volker Adolphs, Laura Arici, Dore Ashton, Kenneth Baker, Neal Benezra, Bruce Boice, Yve-Alain Bois, Christian Bonnefoi, Daniel Buren, Dan Cameron, John Canaday, David Carrier, Jean Clay, Douglas Crimp, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Arthur Danto, Jan Dibbets, Willis Domingo, Thierry de Duve, Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Marcia Hafif, Ellen Handy, Gerrit Henry, Suzanne Hudson, Robert Hughes, Steven L. ... [details]