Australian periodical featuring artists' projects and interviews with artists and poets. Artists include: Leo Edelstein, Yanni Florence, David Shapiro, Sylvere Lotringer, Brigitte Engler, John Cage, Gerald Murane, Achille Bonito Oliva, Carl Andre, Laurance Wieder, Judith Elliston, Charles North, Harry Zohn, Dernard Heidsieck, Ania Walwicz, Paul Violi, John Giorno, Mike Bidlo, David Herkt, Stephen Bram, Alex Katz, Tory Dent, Graeme Hare, Laura Mullen, Gregory Botts, John Nixon, Bob Black, Sarah Morris, Leon Golub, Peter Spence, Chris Kraus, Juan Davila, Javant Biarujia, Jose de la Pezuela, Brian W. ... [details]
Magazine of New Music. Essays: "Edito," by David LL Laskin; "The Committe to Limit Applause: Stop the Clap!" by R.I.P. Hayman; "Gregory Whitehead: Fingering Radio Bodies," by Jim Andrews; "Sampling Heaven and Hell," by Steven Silverstein; "Wilfred Mellers: Critic in a New Found Land," interview by Mark Lockett; "Musicians (be)Rate, The Critics"; "Requisite Misgivings On Pain of Truth," by David Weinstein; "Take My Advice!" by David Liebman, Anthony Davis, David Darling, Tina Davidson, Geoff Gordon, Linda Bouchard, Joel Chadabe and Diana Meckley; "Handy Hintsand Timely Tips: A Review of Kyle Gann," by Scott Johnson; "Goode Confessions," by Daniel Goode; "Virgil Thomson: You're The Tops!" by Anthony Tommasini; "Anthony Braxton: Play of Die," interview by David LL Laskin; "Laura Seaton," interview by Iris Brooks; "Chicago Old Style Jazz Festival," by Larry Birnbaum; "Goddess Festival," by Peggyann Wachtel; "Eareviews: Performances," by Jody Dalton, Harry Bott, Bob Banister, and Bruce Darby; "Eareviews: Records," by Brooke Wentz, Bob Bannister, Dana Perna, Andrew Caploe, Dean Suzuki, and Ted Panken; "Eareviews: Cassettes," by Charles S. ... [details]