May 1970 issue of Studio International. Edited by Charles Harrison. Contents include: "In the Land of My Own Vision," by Henryk Gotlib; "Gilbert & George," by Michael Moynihan; "An Interview with Buckminster Fuller," by Jonathan Benthall; Four Sculptors (Part 2): Picasso Cubist Constructions," by William Tucker; "Sociology of an Art Boom: I-The Background to the Flourishing German Art Market" and "II From Survival to Success: An Interview with Hans-Jürgen Müller," by Robert Kudielka; "Liberman: The Art of Amplitude," by Gene Baro; "Robert Graham's Boxes," by Helene Winer; "A Magazine Sculpture," by Gilbert & George which includes "Underneath the Arches (The most intelligent fascinating serious and beautiful art piece you have ever seen)" and the censored "George the [cunt] / Gilbert the [shit]" magazine sculptures ; "Miró's Sculptures," by John Russell; "Victorians at Manchester," by Mark Haworth-Booth; "Martin Bloch Re-Assessed," by Ronald Alley. ... [details]
2006 facsimile edition of the exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with the show "Villa Jelmini - The Complex of Respect," held January 28 - March 26, 2006. This catalogue is a fateful reproduction of the catalogue originally published in conjunction with the show held March 22 - April 27, 1969. ... [details]
Monograph about Colin De Land and his gallery American Fine Arts. Chiefly composed of photographs from the Colin De Land Photo Archive documenting art, installations, and activities at the gallery. Edited by Dennis Balk. ... [details]
Winter 1980/1981 issue of the quarterly periodical Cover, edited by Judith Aminoff. Contents include: "The Heart of the Pigeon," by Henry Korn; "Conversation," a conversation between Marcia Hafif, Olivier Mosset, Howard Smith, and Jerry Zeniuk; "Currents," artwork by Christian Poveda, Shirly Pu & R. ... [details]
Artist's book / exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show "Jeroen de Rijke / Willem de Rooij and Christopher Willaims" held at the Secession, Vienna, Austria, November 25, 2005 - January 15, 2006. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue housed in paperboard binder published in conjunction with show held March 22 - April 27, 1969. Exhibition traveled to Institute of Contemporary Art, London, with variant catalogue. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held September 28 - October 27, 1969. Exhibition traveled to Institute of Contemporary Art, London, as variant of exhibition originally held at Kunsthalle Bern. ... [details]
An impressive book that acts as a catalogue raisonné of Goldstein's activities in film, audio and performance, based on an exhibition of the same name held at Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne, in November 2000. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Spain, February - April, 2006. Traveled to Kunsthaus Graz, Austrua, June - September, 2006. ... [details]
Issue number 6 of the periodical Neue Bildende Kunst, published in 1995. Contents include "Editorial;" "In Bewegung," by András Zwickl; "Zsigmond Károly, György Jovánovics, Imre Bukta, Csaba Nemes, Róza El-Hassan;" "Berlin-Moskau/Moskau-Berlin," by Hiltrud Ebert; "Erhard Monden," by Eugen Blume; "Jana Milev," by Bernd Rosner; "Wolfram Adalbert Scheffler," Künstlerseiten; "Jürgen Schön," by Ralph Lindner; "Maria Eichhorn," by Annelie Lütgens; "Paul Thek," by Friedrich Meschede; "Hadrian Pigott," by Michael Freitag; "John Latham," by Hans-Ulrich Obrist; "Cy Twombly," by Peter Herbstreuth; "Verdorrt die ostdeutsche Museumslandschaft?," by Anke Petermann; "Wovon lebt der Künsterler?," by Olaf Zimmermann; "Der Österreich-Schwerpunkt auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse," by Verena Kuni; "Subrealismus: Eine neue Kunstgattung aus dem Osten," by Viola Michely; "Open House 1995 in Marfa," by Sabine Russ; "Herbstsaison in New York," by Paul Dickerson/Bettina Munk; "Sehnsucht nach dem Paradies," by Peter Nesweda, Sandra Crawford; "Jana Sterbak in Saint-Etienne," by Anna Mohal; "Grenzenlos - Polnische Kunst in Berlin," by Andreas Quappe; "Fragen an die Malerei in der Galerie Wohnmaschine, Berlin," by Nikola Henze; "Martin Rosz im 'Museum," by Karin Bettina Müller; "Clownpower im Haus der Kunst, München," by Michael Glasmeier; "James Lee Byars in Bremen," by Katrin Wittneven; "Pina/Via Lewandowsky: Die Krise als Material in Leipzig," by Meinhard Michael; "Eine Sculptur von Magdalena Jetelová," by Pavel Liska; "Kunst und Gedächtnis: Sarkis in der Bundeskunsthalle," by Thomas Fechner-Smarsly; "Beate Terfloth," by Peter Herbstreuth; "Geschichte en détail. ... [details]