Spring 1977 issue of The Dumb Ox, a quarterly journal edited by James Hugunin and Theron Kelley. Contents include: "Untitled," by John Lanzone; "Acknowledgements;" "Introduction," by J. Hugunin; "A Talk with Ed Ruscha," interview by Gary Lloyd; "Pinocchio," by Claus Boehmler; "The Designated Blank Book," by Loren D. ... [details]
September - October 1981 issue of Journal Contemporary Art Magazine, edited by Bridget Johnson. Contents include: "David Salle Interview," by Peter Schjeldahl; "Knud Merrild: To Be Transformed in the Flux," by Susan Ehrlich; "Pastel, Juice and Gunpowder: The Pico Iconography of Ed Ruscha," by Robert C. ... [details]
Fall 1982 of the tri-quarterly art journal U-Turn, edited by James Hugunin. Contents include "Musings on a Mechanical Muse," by Emily Hicks; "Crash Course in Mellow Drama," by James Hugunin; "Eileen Cowan;" and "Maimed Molodrama," by Dwight Chrissmass. ... [details]
Winter 1983 issue of the tri-quarterly art journal U-Turn, edited by James Hugunin and Grigoris Daskalogrigorakis. Contents include "The Wolf at the Door," by Karen Kristin; "Docking in Space," by Carl Davis; "A Building Owner's Point of View," by Jon Peterson; "Some Notes on A. ... [details]
Edited by Buzz Spector, Timothy Porges. Cover by Michael Hurson. Essays "A Tale of Avarice and Poverty," by Adrian Piper; "The Language Miser," by Auste; "from Milemarker," by Jack Balas; "Seven Stories," by Roberta Allen; "Four Drawings," by Rusty Kane; "Shadows," by Peter Lyssiotis; "from The Life and Times of Cadmean Storch," by James Hugunin; "The Amateur Artist," by Sharon Evans; "Reconstruction (the Temple) From Memory," by Michael K. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition "Photography and Language" at the Camerawork Gallery and La Mamelle's Art Center in San Francisco in 1976. Includes essays by Lew Thomas, James Hugunin, Robert Leverant, Allan Sekula, Donna-Lee Phillips, John Brumfield, Geoffrey Cook, Sam Samore, Harley W. ... [details]
Edited by Debra Burchett and Bridget Johnson. Cover by Ed Ruscha. Essays "For An Art Against the Mythology of Everyday Life," by Martha Rosler; "Exploring the Mathematical Option in Art," by Bernar Venet; "No Money Back Anytime," by Kristine Stiles; "A Diamond is Forever," by Gregory Battcock; "Chymical Wedding," by Carole Caroompas; "To Pico," by Peter Schjeldahl; "Conceptual Art and the Continuing Quest for a New Social Context," by Robert Morgan; "The Level of Water," by Lawrence Weiner; "A The A The," by Alan Sondheim; "Conceptual Comments," by Douglas Huebler; "On Art Writing/Part I," by Clair Wolfe; "L Three Leers/W Three Whys," by John Baldessari; "Media: TeleVisions," by Christopher Knight; "The Dinner Party," by Melinda Wortz; "With a Dinner Party You Get Cheerleaders," by Suzanne Muchnic; "Photographs from the Dinner Party," by Ruth Askey; "The Chelsea Girls Return," by David James; "Photography: Two Photographic Books: Speaking About the Process of Making," by James Hugunin; "Painting: Back to Back," by Melinda Wortz. [details]
Edited by Bridget Johnson, cover by Eleanor Antin. Essays "Video Art in Southern California," by Louise Lewis; "VD Lives/TV Must Die," by Vito Acconci; "Mass Media and the Artist: A Conversation with Gene Youngblood, Tamara Tovey, John Riddler and David Ross," by Davis Ross; "Interview with Eleanor Antin," Dinah Portner; "ADP: An Answer Driving the Problem," by James Hugunin; "The Regime of the Video State," by John Riddler; "The Holland Race," by Robert Morgan; "Film Space: A Preliminary Sketch," by Grahame Weinbren; "Painting: Americans in Paris," by Francis Colpitt; "Performance: What Can Happen, What Does Happen: The Kipper Kids," by Fredrica Drotos; "Photography: Count Dracula in the Olive Grove," by John Brumfield; "Photography: A Growth Investment," by Dr. ... [details]
Edited by Bridget Johnson, cover design by Doug Wheeler. Essays "Art at Large," by Peter Clothier; "At Large in Santa Barbara," by Richard Ross; "You Can't Tell a Book by Its Cover (But You Can Locate a Text by Its Spine)," by Robert C. ... [details]
Edited by Michael Delgado, Jerry Dreva, and Marianne Zlotnick. Essays "Art Norms in 1982," by Ted Castle; "Art Fashion," by David Carrier; "Popular Imagery," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe; "The Difference Between Absence and Not Being Missed," by Geralyn Donahue and Joan Wallace; "Too Good to Be True," by Thomas Lawson; "Paragraphs Towards an Essay Entitled "Restoration Comedies," " by Howard Singerman; "Movies as Modern Muse," by Gerard Haggerty; "A Brief Commentary on Latin American Art," by Imogen Sieveking; "Words and Pictures," by John Brumfield; "Photography: A Bourgeois Success Story," by James Hugunin; "Artists' Pages," by Hesh Rosen and Benjamin Kaiser; "Colson's Corner," by unattributed artists. [details]