Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in 1959. Edited by Dorothy C. Miller. Artists include J. De Feo, Wally Hedrick, James Jarvaise, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Alfred Leslie, Landès Lewitin, Richard Lytle, Robert Mallary, Louise Nevelson, Robert Rauschenberg, Julius Schmidt, Richard Stankiewicz, Frank Stella, Albert Urban, and Jack Youngerman. [details]
Survey of the work of L.A. based artists before 1980. Edited by Lyn Kienholz with contributing editors Elizabeta Betinski and Corinne Nelson. Includes appendix. "'L.A. Rising SoCal Artists Before 1980' is the first comprehensive pictorial showcase of the diverse universe of artists working in the Los Angeles area during the formative period of Los Angeles' art history. ... [details]