Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held July - September 1968. Text by Vladimir Tatlin, K.G.P. [Pontus] Hultén, Troels Andersen, Ulf Linde, Per Olof Ultvedt, T. Shapiro, I. Meyerzon, P. ... [details]
Book of critical theory outlining the intersection of mediums in art after 1950. Edited by Gerald Woods, Philip Thompson and John Williams. Artists include Valerio Adami, Michelangelo Antonioni, Dennis Bailey, Saul Bass, Lester Beall, Max Bill, Derek Birdsall, Jan Bons, Walerian Borowczyk , Mark Boyle, Bill Brandt, Robert Brownjohn, Alberto Burri, Pol Bury, Mel Calman, Antonio Carena, Eugenio Carmi, Mario Ceroli, Chermayeff and Geismar, Christo, Chryssa, Roman Cieslewicz, Giulio Cittato, Bob Cobbing, Crosby / Fletcher / Forbes, Wim Crouwel, Allan D'Arcangelo, Rudolph De Harak, Eric De Maré, Walter de Maria, Feder, Jean-Michel Folon, Lucio Fontana, André François, Anthony Froshaug, Geoffrey Gale, Pietro Gallina, Frank Gallo, Winfred Gaul, Juan Genoves, Jean-Luc Godard, Franco Grignani, Richard Hamilton, Dick Higgins, David Hockney, Dom Sylvester Houédard, John Kaine, William Klein, Ferdinand Kriwet, Jan Lenica, Sol LeWitt, Romek Marber, Robert Massin, Hansjorg Mayer, Raymond Moore, Joseph Müller-Brockmann , Siegfried Odermatt, Rosemarie Tissi, Claes Oldenburg, Giovanni Pintori, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Paul Rand, Robert Rauschenberg, Roger Raveel, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Diter Rot, Hans Schleger, Peter Schmidt, Richard Smith, Stefan and Franciszka Themerson, Jan Tschichold, Stan Vanderbeek, Tom Wesselmann, Kurt Wirth, Henry Wolf and Edward Wright. ... [details]
Issue number two of the bi-annually published periodical F.R. David. Edited by Ann Demeester, Will Holder and Dieter Roelstraete. Designed by Will Holder. Essays "The Plastic and the Poetic Form," by Goethe; "Ian Hamilton Finlay, an Illustrated Essay," by Stephen Bann; "Poetry as a Means for the Structuring of a Social Environment," by Eugen Gomringer; "Ici, le langage brille par son absence," by Jérôme Peignot; John & Yoko meet Experimental Jetset meet Marinetti; "Essex," by Matt Mullican; "Voiceless Alters of Flesh," by Steven Shearer; "Rundschreiben," by Martin Bormann; "A Lot of Searching Went into these Words," by Marc Nagtzaam; "The Location of A Circle," by Sol LeWitt; "Untitled," by Scott Myles; "The Votes Under My Bed," by Barry Johnston; "Bourgeois Poetry," by Kasper Andreassen; "What a. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held May - September 1979. Edited by Christoph Stötzl. Artists include Josef Achmann, Eduard Aigner, Karl Arnold, Gustav Lörincz de Baranyai, Carl Johann Becker-Gundahl, René Beeh, Fritz Behn, Otthans Beier, Rudolf Belling, Karl Bertsch, German Bestelmeyer, Peter Birkenholz, Bernhard Bleeker, Albert Bloch, Georg Brenninger, Albert Burkart, Yorgo Busianis, Heinrich Campendonk, Felice Casorati, Karl Caspar, Maria Caspar-Filser, Fritz Claus, Oskar Coester, Eugen Maria Cordier, Lovis Corinth, Heinrich Maria Davringhausen, Julius Diez, Otto Dill, Erna Dinklage, Franz Doll, Heinrich Düll, Elk Eber, Josef Eberz, Eduard Ege, Henry Ehlers, Fritz Hellmuth Ehmecke, Heinrich Ehmsen, Edgar Ende, Julius Ussy Engelhard, Adolf Erbslöh, Fritz Erler, Ernesto de Fiori, Max Eschle, Max Fischbach, Alexander Fischer, Theodor Fischer, Hermann Geibel, Otto Geigenberger, Willi Geiger, Theodor Georgii, Franz Paul Glass, Erich Glette, Benjamin Godron, Georg Graessegger, Günther Graßmann, Rudolf Grossmann, Olaf Gulbransson, Hugo von Habermann, Hermann Hahn, Thomas Theodor Heine, Wilhelm Heise, Edwin Hermann Richard Henel, Josef Henselmann, Christian Hess, Julius Heß, Friedrich Heubner, Anton Hiller, Josef Hillerbrand, Käthe Hoch, Ludwig Hohlwein, Julius Hüther, Walter Jacob, Angelo Jank, Mary Kaemmerer, Alexander Kanoldt, Ludwig Kaspar, Hermann Keimel, Heinrich Kirchner, Karl Knappe, Fritz Koelle, Gertrud Kraut, Erwin von Kreibig, Alfred Kubin, Otto Gottlieb Konstantin von Kursell, Martin Lauterburg, H. ... [details]
Exibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 24 - May 6, 1989. Text by Jaroslav Andel. Artists featured in the exhibition include: Guillaume Apollinaire, Jean Arp, Hugo Ball, Ernst Barlach, Herbert Bayer, Henryk Berlewi, Pierre-Albert Birot, William Blake, Georges Braque, André Breton, David Burliuk, Vladimir Burliuk, Paolo Buzzi, Francesco Canguillo, Josef Capek, Carlo Carrà, Blaise Cendrars, Giorgio de Chirico, Tullio d'Albisola, Salvador Dali, Sonia Delaunay, Fortunato Depero, André Derain, Marcel Duchamp, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Conrad Felixmüller, Pavel Filonov, Paul Gauguin, Natalia Goncharova, Werner Gräff, Juan Gris, Georg Grosz, Raoul Hausmann, John Heartfield, Richard Huelsenbeck, Georges Hugnet, Iliazd (Ilia Zdanevich), Max Jacob, Marcel Janco, Alfred Jarry, Frantisek Kalivoda, Wassily Kandinsky, Lajos Kassak, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Gustav Klutsis, Oskar Kokoschka, Alexei Kruchenykh, Alfred Kubin, Mikhail Larionov, Fernand Léger, El Lissitzky, René Magritte, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Kasimir Malevich, Stéphane Mallarmé, Fillipo Tomasso Marinetti, Frans Masereel, André Masson, Ludwig Meidner, E. ... [details]
"This lavishly illustrated volume presents in full color over three hundred of the finest posters selected from the rich resources of the graphic design collection of the Museum of Modern Art... In this book the lively interaction between design and fine art is described in terms of all the principal styles and movements of the modern period. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, May 12 - August 12, 1984. Traveled to Everson Museum of Art of Syracuse and Onondaga County, Syracuse, September 8 - October 20, 1984; The Saint Louis Art Museum, St. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held September 12 - October 15, 1969. Written contributions by K.G.P. Hultén, Troels Andersen, Ulf Linde, Per Olf Ultvedt, K. Artseulov, Kornely Zelinsky, and Tatlin. ... [details]