Volume 1 of a catalogue raisonné of the work of artists (last names beginning in A - I) held in the Collection of Contemporary Art Fundación "la Caixa," Barcelona. Catalogue concept and essay by Maria de Corral, director. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held May 24 - June 14, 1986. Organized by Group Material. Essay by Glenn O'Brien. Includes artists Group Material, Richard Prince, Anton van Dalen, Joseph Kosuth, Alan Belcher, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, Claes Oldenburg, Ben Tempelton, Tom Forman, Jane Dickson, Tseng Kwong Chi, Barbara Cartland, Joseph Berger, Haim Steinbach, John Plunkett, Allan McCollum, Norman Rockwell, Suzanne Hellmuth, Jock Reynolds, Christof Kohlhofer, Andy Warhol, Louise Lawler, Lady Pink, Mike Glier, Barbara Kruger, Dean Young, Micki McGee, Conrad Atkinson, Lee Quinones, Oliver Watson, Vikky Alexander, James Rosenquist, Howard Halle, Walt Disney Studios, Aric Obrosey, Mundy McLaughlin, and Edgar Heap of Birds. ... [details]
Two volume exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Museum Fridericianum, Neue Galerie, Orangerie, Karlsaue, Kassel, Germany, June 19 - September 28, 1982. Introduction by R.H. Fuchs, artistic director. ... [details]
VHS video cassette tape documenting "Pharmakon '90," an exhibition held at Nippon Convention Center, Makuhari Messe Event Hall, Chiba, Japan, July 28 - August 20, 1990. Originally aired on NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Satellite TV No. ... [details]
Fall 1987 issue of JOURNAL. "This issue of JOURNAL is a collaborative effort between thirteen contributing editors representing ten cities of nations in the United States and Western Europe. The works appearing in this issue were chosen by the contributing editors. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 9 - February 20, 1993. Curated and with texts by Christian Leigh. Artists included Pedro Almodóvar, Janine Antoni, Lutz Bacher, Jo Baer, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Raymond Bellour, Philipe Venault, Janet Biggs, Nayland Blake, Ross Bleckner, Peter Bogdanovich, Louise Bourgeois, Richmond Burton, Laurie Ann Campbell, Larry Clark, Chuck Close, Robert Colescott, George Condo, Maureen Connor, John Coplans, James Croak, Brian De Palma, Walt Disney, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, Christian Eckart, Robert Feintuch, Dan Flavin, Llyn Foulkes, Frank Gehry, Jean-Luc Godard, Robert Graham, Peter Greenaway, Robert Greene, Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, Zaha M. ... [details]
Two loose double sided announcement cards published in conjunction with exhibition held May 15 - June 15, 1986 and the afterparty held in honor of Patti Astor, Barbara Braathen, and Leo Castelli. Artists include Vito Bruno, Roman Ricardo, Fred Brathwaite, Pontus Carle, Stefano Castronovo, Francesco Clemente, Rich Colicchio, George Condo, Arch Connelly, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, Doze, ERO, Jedd Garet, Gerard Garouste, Laura Grisi, Nancy Giesman, Keith Haring, Kiely Jenkins, Cletus Johnson, Steven Kramer, Barbara Kruger, Roy Lichtenstein, Donald Lipski, Michael Lucero, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Mike Parker, Rammellzee Mic Controller, James Rosenquist, Andy Warhol, Melody D'Arnell, Katy Bolger, Armand Saiia, and Hanson and Davis. [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held September 7 - November 10, 1996. Text by Dieter Koepplin. Artists include Johann Jakob Neustück, Hieronymus Hess, Joseph Anton Koch, Emil Nolde, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Hieronymous Vischer, Jörg Schqeiger Zugeschrieben, Hans Holbein the Elder, Hans Holbein the Younger, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Emanuel Büchel, Anton Winterlin, Maria Sibylla Merian, Johann Heinrich Lips, Ferdinand Hodler, Max Kämpf, Mireille Gros, Johann Georg Bergmüller, Matthaeus Merian the Elder, Hans Hug Kluber, Ludwig Adam Kelterborn, Johann Ludwig Aberli, Caspar Wolf, Samuel Hironymous Grimm, Michel Vincent Brandoin, Samuel Birmann, Balthasar Anton Dunker, Tiberius Wocher, Jacques Henri Juillerat, Alexandre Calame, Heinrich Merian, Johann Heinrich Füssli, Copley Fielding, William Turner, Thomas Abiel Prior, Carl Gustav Carus, Carl Philipp Fohr, Friedrich Salathé, Peter Birmann, Marquard Wocher, Johann Jakob Klein, Wolfgang Adam Toepffer, Fran kBuchser, Friedrich Horner, Hieronymous Emil Bischoff, Albert Anker, Ernst Ferdinand Oehme, Jakob Christoph Bischoff, Paul Cézanne, Auguste Rodin, Odilon Redon, Paul Gauguin, Camille Pissarro, Paul Signac, Otto Meyer-Amden, René Auberjonois, Wols, Hans Arp, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Albert Müller, Louis René Moilliet, August Macke, Sonia Delaunay, Paul Klee, Joseph Beuys, Jean Dubuffet, Claes Oldenburg, Niklaus Stoecklin, Georg Baselitz, A. ... [details]
Large-scale exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Nippon Convention Center, July 28 - August 20, 1990. Text by Kikuko Amagasaki, Jan Avgikos, Achille Bonito Oliva and Motoaki Shinohara. ... [details]
Large-scale exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held July 16 - November 2, 1986. Text by Armin Zweite, Laszlo Glozer, Georg Jappe, Johannes Cladders, Klaus Gallwitz, Thomas M. Messer, Reiner Speck, Günther Ulbricht, Lucio Amelio, Ronald Feldman, Anne & Anthony d'Offay, Jörg Schellmann, and Bernd Klüser. ... [details]