Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1982. Edited by Antonio Muntadas and Peter D'Agostino. Artists include Sanja Ivekovic, Reese Williams, John Brumfield, Hans Haacke, David Craven, Erika Rothenberg, Kristine Stiles, Les Levine, Dan Graham, Chip Lord, Richard Kriesche, Victor Burgin, General Idea, Robert Morgan, Joan Rabascall, Hal Fischer, Catalina Parra, Jusy Malloy, and Judith Barry. ... [details]
Fall 1982 issue of Journal, edited by Michael Delgado. Contents include: "On Pictures and Meaning," by John Brumfield; "On Number Time and Emotion," by John Whitney; "Defining the Avant-Garge," by Richard Hertz; "Art with a Capital "A" and Television Executives," by Michael Delgado; "The Art Economist," by Ken Friedman; "Bauhaus Brochure," by unattributed artists; "The Open Road of Risk: George Herms, Wallace Berman, the Beats, and West Coast Visionary Poetics," by Robert L. ... [details]
Monograph on still photography, edited and with an introduction by Lew Thomas and Peter D'Agostino. Design/production by Donna Lee-Phillips. Artists include Lutz Bacher, Nancy Blanchard, Al Nodal, Cindy Sherman, John Brumfield, Robert Heinecken, Barbara Kruger, Hal Fischer, Barbara Mensch, John Gutmann, Fred Lonidier, Bruce Kaiper, Larry Sultan, Mike Mandel, Lionell Glaze, Tadeusz Myslowski, Ellen Brooks, Barbara Jo Revelle, Doug Kahn, John Heartfield, Muntadas, Meyer Hirsch, Dennis Adams, Donna-Lee Phillips, Peter D'Agostino, Lew Thomas, and Reese Williams. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition "Photography and Language" at the Camerawork Gallery and La Mamelle's Art Center in San Francisco in 1976. Includes essays by Lew Thomas, James Hugunin, Robert Leverant, Allan Sekula, Donna-Lee Phillips, John Brumfield, Geoffrey Cook, Sam Samore, Harley W. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ingrid Sischy. Essays "Doctor Lawyer Indian Chief: 'Primitivism' in 20th Century Art at the Museum of Modern Art in 1984," by Thomas McEvilley; "Sign on a Truck," by Jenny Holzer; "Campaign 1984," by Alison Gardner Pratt; "Terry Winters' Earthly Anecdotes," by Prudence Carlson; "Naming Pictures: Conversations between Lee Krasner and John Bernard Myers," by John Bernard Myers; "In the American Grain: Robert Helm," by James Ivory; "Tracking Some Angles: A Talk with Alain Resnais," by Frederic Tuten; "Poets and Art: John Ashbery, Tony Towle, Ann Lauterbach, and Barry Schwabsky interviewed by John Yau; with poems by Michael Brownstein, Ashbery, Towle, Lauterbach, Schwabsky, and Rene Ricard"; "Hilton Kramer: An Appreciation," by Thomas Lawson; "Books: Lionel Lambourne on 'The Collected Letters of William Morris,'" by Lionel Lambourne; "Forum: Philosophy and Art: Elective Affinities in and Arranged Marriage," by Donald Kuspit; "Bruce Springsteen: In Your Heart You Know He's Right," by Greil Marcus. ... [details]
Edited by Bridget Johnson, cover by Eleanor Antin. Essays "Video Art in Southern California," by Louise Lewis; "VD Lives/TV Must Die," by Vito Acconci; "Mass Media and the Artist: A Conversation with Gene Youngblood, Tamara Tovey, John Riddler and David Ross," by Davis Ross; "Interview with Eleanor Antin," Dinah Portner; "ADP: An Answer Driving the Problem," by James Hugunin; "The Regime of the Video State," by John Riddler; "The Holland Race," by Robert Morgan; "Film Space: A Preliminary Sketch," by Grahame Weinbren; "Painting: Americans in Paris," by Francis Colpitt; "Performance: What Can Happen, What Does Happen: The Kipper Kids," by Fredrica Drotos; "Photography: Count Dracula in the Olive Grove," by John Brumfield; "Photography: A Growth Investment," by Dr. ... [details]
Edited by Michael Delgado, Jerry Dreva, and Marianne Zlotnick. Essays "Art Norms in 1982," by Ted Castle; "Art Fashion," by David Carrier; "Popular Imagery," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe; "The Difference Between Absence and Not Being Missed," by Geralyn Donahue and Joan Wallace; "Too Good to Be True," by Thomas Lawson; "Paragraphs Towards an Essay Entitled "Restoration Comedies," " by Howard Singerman; "Movies as Modern Muse," by Gerard Haggerty; "A Brief Commentary on Latin American Art," by Imogen Sieveking; "Words and Pictures," by John Brumfield; "Photography: A Bourgeois Success Story," by James Hugunin; "Artists' Pages," by Hesh Rosen and Benjamin Kaiser; "Colson's Corner," by unattributed artists. [details]
Winter 1983 issue of Journal, edited by Michael Delgado. Contents include: "History Repeats Itself (Part I)," compiled by Frances Colpitt and Michael Delgado with assistance from Mitch Tuchman; "The Artist and Television," by Kathy Huffman; "On Meaning and Significance," by John Brumfield; "Art in Search of a Public," by Suzaan Boettger; "Interview: Henryk Grajewski," by Judith Hoffberg; "Artists Pages: Greg Colson, Jeff Colson;" and "Colson's Corner. ... [details]