Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held August 4 - 31, 1990. Curated and with an essay by Ralph Rugoff. Artists include Chris Burden, Jessica Diamond, David Hammons, Georg Herold, Mike Kelley, John Miller, Cady Noland, Raymond Pettibon, Jeffrey Vallance, William Wegman, and Erwin Wurm. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held May 7 - July 12, 1987. Essays by Lynne Tillman, Phil Mariani, and William Olander. Participating artists include Dennis Balk, Nancy Burson, David Cabrera, Laurel Chiten, Cheryl Qamar, Clegg & Guttmann, Mark Dion, Jason Simon, Duvet Brothers, Tim Ebner, John Glascock, Gorilla Tapes, Day Gleeson, Dennis Thomas, Fariba Hajamadi, Reginald Hudlin, Joan Jubela, Stanton Davis, Annette Lemieux, MICA-TV, Paul McMahon, Branda Miller, Peter Nagy, David Robbins, John Scarlett-Davis, Andres Serrano, Shelly Silver, Michael Smith, and Sarah Tuft. ... [details]
Folded poster / announcement published in conjunction with the inaugural exhibition at P.S.1 held June 10 - 26, 1976 featuring site specific installations in the rooms of the then largely un-renovated building. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with inaugural exhibition held at P.S. 1, June 9 - 26, 1976, featuring site-specific installations in the rooms of the then largely unrenovated building. The publication includes brief text by participating artists; executive director, Alanna Heiss; and program director, Linda Blumberg; with installation images and images of artists installing their works. ... [details]
Compendium of jokes and messages from a file on Seth Siegelaub's computer found by Marja Bloem after his death. "These jokes, quotes, and pieces of advice had been collected by Seth since 1999 and were redistributed regularly via email amongst his friends. ... [details]
Artist's book / exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 13 - March 6, 2005. Essays by John Miller. Includes biography, bibliography, and colophon. Additionally includes slipped-in text by Claudia Beck. [details]
Autumn 1986 issue of Real Life Magazine, edited by Thomas Lawson. Contents include: "David Hammons," interviewed by Kellie Jones; "Swiss Family Robbins," by John Miller; "Geography Notes: A Survey," by Gregg Bordowitz; "Context - Come Together Textere - To Weave," by Jaime Davidovich; "Pluralism as the Accommodation of Style," by Robert C. ... [details]
March 1987 issue of Artforum, edited by Ingrid Sischy. Contents include: "The Opposite of Emptiness: On the Spirit in Art," by Thomas McEvilley; "Excuse Me Madame But It Seems To Me Unless I'm Mistaken That I've Met You Somewhere Before: A Conversation with Eugène Ionesco," by Sanda Miller; "Nine Beatitudes on Eight Pages: After 'Four Saints in Three Acts,' Another Act, with Pictures," by Ingrid Sischy; "Hans Haacke's Corporate Muse: 'Unfinished Business,'" by Jean Fisher; "The Sleeping Beauty in the Castle of Modern Art: A Slumberer Stirs," by Ida Panicelli; "Louise Bourgeois: Where Angels Fear to Tread, A Profile in Courage," by Donald Kuspit; "Museum Piece: Rain. ... [details]
May 1988 issue of Artforum, edited by Ida Panicelli. Contents include: "Ground Up," Herbert Muschamp on Architecture; "Special Effects," Carol Squiers on the News and It's Pictures; "Marginalia," Thomas McEvilley on Son of Sublime; "Believe it or Not," J. ... [details]
June - July 1975 issue of Journal, edited by Peter Clothier. Includes introduction to the issue by Peter Clothier; "Boxed Thinking," by John Baldessari; "Language and Structure," by Richard Kostelanetz; "Untitled," Guy de Cointet; "Language of Ligh,t" by Greg S. ... [details]