Large-scale survey publication of "New Art," published in 1984. Edited by Phyllis Freeman, Eric Himmel, Edith Pavese, and Anne Yarowsky. Artists include: Vito Acconci, John Ahearn, Laurie Anderson, Giovanni Anselmo, Richard Artschwager, Alice Aycock, Luis Cruz Azaceta, Jennifer Bartlett, Georg Baselitz, Jean Michel Basquiat, Lynda Benglis, James Biederman, Jonathan Borofsky, Richard Bosman, Troy Brauntuch, James Brown, Roger Brown, Chris Burden, Johnathan Burke, Scott Burton, Deborah Butterfield, Louia Chase, Sandro Chia, Christo, Francesco Clemente, Tony Cragg, Enzo Cucchi, Agnes Denes, David Deutsch, Martha Diamond, Martin Disler, John Duff, Cynthia Eardley, Jonathan Ellis, Jackie Ferrara, Eric Fischl, Janet Fish, Luis Frangella, Jane Freilicher, Jedd Garet, Gérard Garouste, Gilbert & George, Gregory Gillespie, Nancy Graves, Rodney Alan Greenblat, Jan Groover, Dieter Hacker, Richard Hambleton, Keith Haring, Howard Hodgkin, Jenny Holzer, Bryan Hunt, Jörg Immendorff, Neil Jenney, Bill Jensen, Steven Keister, Anselm Kiefer, Ken Kiff, Komar and Melamid, Barbara Kruger, Stephen Lack, Lois Lane, Christopher le Brun, Richard Long, Robert Longo, Markus Lüpertz, Robert Mapplethorpe, Michael Mazur, Mario Merz, Melissa Miller, Mary Miss, Malcom Morley, Robert Moskowitz, Elizabeth Murray, Paul Narkiewicz, Nic Nicosia, Jim Nutt, Tom Otterness, Mimmo Paladino, Ed Paschke, A. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue / quasi catalogue raisonné published in conjunction with show held at Deichtorhallen Hamburg, September 2 - October 30, 1994. Texts by Zdenek Felix, Stefan Germer, Claus Pias and Katerina Vatsella. ... [details]
Anthology of poetry and prose edited by Bill Berkson, with contributions by Berkson, Joe Brainard, James Schuyler, William Burroughs, Kenneth Koch, Anne Waldman, Gerard Malanga, Pierre Reverdy, Jim Brodey, Larry Fagin, Robert Creeley, Carter Ratcliff, Harry Mathews, Trevor Winkfield, Sotere Torregian, David Shapiro, Tony Towle, Lewis Warsh, Thomas M. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, New York, March 27 - September 7, 1997. Introduction by Olivia Georgia. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "The Red Cloud," by Burt Barr; "The Children's Stories," by Jane Warrick; "Revolutionary Black Workers," by Felice Rosser; "Interview by Bradford Morrow," by Edouard Roditi; "The Birth Cave," by Susan Friedland; "Ferrements," by Aime Cesaire; "Sounds in the Distance," by David Wojnarowicz; "The Earth is a Sattelite of the Moon," by Philip Pocock and Leonel Rugama; "Portrait by Alf Young," by Taylor Meade; "In and Out," by Bob Perlongo; "Knife Story," by Paul Benney / Leslie Dick; "Skeleton," by Liz Cash / Jim Jarmusch; "Porcupines and Other Travesties," by Kiki Smith and Emily Listfield. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "Constance DeJong, I.T.I.L.O.E.," by Richard Beckett, "Michael McClard, The Naked Eye," by Betsy Sussler; "Interview," by Paul Bowles; "Un Tour d'Hoizon," by Richard Armstrong; "The White Shirt," by Burt Barr; "Evening," by Barry Yourgrau; "Harry at Work, A Scenes from Harry's Story," by Michael Alfie; "My First Poem," by Peter Scheldahl; "Summer 1980," by Luc Sante; "Clinton Street," by Fred Brathwaite and Olivier Mosset; "Some Photographs and Brain," by Jane Warrick; "Is It Hemingway or Is It Memorex," by Glenn O'Brien; "The Shoestore in Caborca. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Cover by Georgia Marsh. Essays "Films from the Heartlands of Mexico, Interview, Betsy Sussler," by Nicolas Echevarria; "In the High Ceiling of Stars," by Bradford Morrow; "Cockenoe," by David Rattray; "Spring Training," by Glenn O'Brien; "Translations Janet Brof," by Rosario Murillo; "Translations by Eva Gasteazoro and Harris Schiff," by Rosario Murillo; "Translations by Eva Gasteazoro and Harris Schiff; "Translations INALSE," by Roque Dalton; "Translations by Margaret Randall," by Otto Rene Castillo; "When the Mountains Tremble," by Pam Yates, interview by Betsy Sussler; "Whatever Happens," by Jacek Gulla; "The Hidden Anguish of the Mousketeers," by Gary Indiana; "The Following Myth. ... [details]
Packet of materials published in conjunction with exhibition "MASS," by Group Material held at Artspace, Oct 1 - Oct 18, 1986. Participating artists included in this collaborative piece are Mike Glier, Shelly Silver, Grace Graupe-Pillard, June Wilson, Josely Carvalho, Franc Palaia, Peter Hopkins, Andrea Evans, Ellen Quinn, Tom Koken, Ann Messner, Barbara Broughel, Paul Smith, Julie Wachtel, Robert Gordian, Felix Gordian, Felix Gonzalez, Sean Flynn, Margery Mailman, Mike Osterhout, Keith Rambert, Dona Ann McAdams, Alice Albert, Rachel Romero, Conrad Atkinson, Dennis Thomas, Day Gleeson, Doug Ashford, Mundy McLaughlin, Jessica Diamond, Elders Share The Arts, Peter Oertwig, Judith Croce, Barbara Ess, Charles Yuen, Marshall Collins, Angelo Bellfatto, Greg Sholette, Vincent Desiderio, Roy Rogers, Charles Lahti, Becky Howland, Michael Byron, Michael Ross, Patrice Lorenze, April Palmieri, Luis Stand, Barbara Kruger, Greg Lawrence, David Robbins, Betty Thompkins, Michael Lebron, Peter Burgess, Barbara Lipp, Rae Langsten, Herb Perr, Saul Ostrow, Martha Rosler, Anne Doran, Alan Belcher, Todd Lindsteen-Ayoung, Janet Koenig, Jennifer Bolande, Julie Ault, A. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held September 26 - November 23, 1986. Organized and edited by Alexander Dückers. Text also by Dückers. Artists includes Alexander Dückers, Vito Acconci, Gerhard Altenbourg, Elvira Bach, Jennifer Bartlett, Ed Baynard, Jack Beal, Joseph Beuys, Richard Bosman, Luciano Castelli, Francesco Clemente, Chuck Close, Douglas Davis, Martha Diamond, Christa Dichgans, Jim Dine, Martin Disler, Rainer Fetting, Klaus Fußmann, Wolfgang Gäfgen, Martin Gietz, Dieter Hacker, Richard Hamilton, Karl Horst Hödicke, Andrew Hudson, Jörg Immendorff, Yvonne Jacquette, Jasper Johns, Alex Katz, Anselm Kiefer, Jannis Kounellis, Thomas Lange, Heige Leiberg, Markus Lüpertz, Sylvia Plimock Mangold, Matthias Mansen, Marwan, Bruce McLean, Helmut Middendorf, Hartmut Neumann, Tetsuya Noda, Claes Oldenburg, Mimmo Paladino, Ulrich Panndorf, Philip Pearlstein, A. ... [details]