Exhibition catalogue and series of letters to young women artists published in conjunction with the Feminist Art Festival at the California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, 1974. Edited by Miriam Schapiro, Sherry Brody, Molly Rhodes, and Lelia Amalfitano. ... [details]
April 1989 issue of Artforum, edited by Ida Panicelli. Contents include: "Remote Control: Barbara Kruger on Television" by Barbara Kruger; "The Cave: Michele Wallace on Invisibility Blues" by Michele Wallace; "Environment: Vilem Flusser on Future Architecture" by Vilem Flusser; "Expertease: Silvia Kolbowski on Knowledge and Power" by Silvia Kolbowski; "Like Art: Glenn O'Brien on Advertising," by Glenn O'brien; "Books: Alice Yaeger Kaplan on 'Nuclear Fear,'" by Alice Yaeger Kaplan; "Signs of Light: Walker Evans' American Photographs," by Max Kozloff; "Subjectivity in Time: Kasimir Malevich," by Rainer Crone and David Moos; "Protection: A Project for Artforum," by Christian Boltanski and Annette Messager; "The Erography of Cy Twombly," by Demosthenes Davvetas; "We ? New Jersey," by Komar & Melamid; "The Passageway: A Project for Artforum," by Wolgang Laib; "Words around Warhol," by Jack Bankowsky; "Space around Warhol," by Herbert Muschamp; "The Phoenix of the Self," by John Yau; "Turning Japenese (In)," by John Welchman; "Ambitious: A project for Artforum," by Janet Zweig. ... [details]
September 1971 Special Film Issue of Artforum, edited by Philip Leider. Contents include: "Foreword in Three Letters," by Peter Gidal, Annette Michelson, Jonas Mekas; "For a Metahistory of Film: Commonplace Notes and Hypothese," by Hollis Frampton; "'True Patriot Love': The Films of Joyce Wieland," by Regina Cornwell; "'Zorns Lemma'," by Wanda Bershen; "'Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son"; by Lois Mendelson and Bill Simon, "A Cinematic Atopia," by Robert Smithson; "Paul Sharits: Illusion and Object," by Regina Cornwell; "Passage," by Michael Snow; "Statements," by Richard Serra; "Paul Revere," by Joan Jonas and Richard Serra; "The Films of Man Ray and Moholy-Nagy," by Barbara Rose; "The Calisthenics of Vision: Open Instructions on the Films of George Landow," by Paul Arthur; "On Negative Space," by Max Kozloff; and "'The Chelsea Girls,'" by Stephen Koch. ... [details]
November 1974 issue of Artforum, edited by John Coplans. This is the issue of Artforum that includes the (in)famous Lynda Benglis "dildo photograph" advertisement. Contents include: "Skyscraper Style: Art Deco New York," by Cervin Robinson and Rosemarie Bletter; "John Storrs, Early Sculptor of the Machine Age," by Abraham A. ... [details]
Monographic issue of the periodical Fantazaria dedicated to the work of Roy Lichtenstein. Edited by Alberto Boatto and Giordano Falzoni. Essays by Alberto Boatto, Maurizio Calvesi, Filiberto Menna, Max Kozloff, Ellen H. ... [details]
September 1966 special issue of Artforum on Surrealism, edited by Philip Leider, with a cover "Surrealism Soaped and Scrubbed," designed for this issue of Artforum by Edward Ruscha. Contents include: "Surrealist Painting Re-examined," by Max Kozloff; "Dada into Surrealism," by Lucy R. ... [details]
Monograph of the work of Peter Hujar published by Scalo in collaboration with show presented at Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands, [ ] - [ ], 1994, and Fotomuseum Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland, September 3 - October 29, 1994. ... [details]
Monograph honoring the first ten years of the Leo Castelli Gallery and an exhibition celebrating the anniversary held February 4 - 26, 1967. Edited by David Whitney. Statements by William C. Agee, Lawrence Alloway, John Cage, Otto Hahn, Thomas B. ... [details]
"This volume is the first full-length monograph on Jasper Johns, whose work has earned a historic place for itself by sparking much of American and, indeed, world art since the mid-1950s. [...] [Kozloff] traces Johns' pictorial development, probes the often complex overlaps of the artist's thought, identifies stylistic changes, and deals with the iconography of Johns' work - the kinds of objects he chooses, how he treats them, and in what contexts he places them. ... [details]
Two sided card / announcement published in conjunction with show held October 1 - 19, 1977. [details]