Folded poster / announcement published in conjunction with the inaugural exhibition at P.S.1 held June 10 - 26, 1976 featuring site specific installations in the rooms of the then largely un-renovated building. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with inaugural exhibition held at P.S. 1, June 9 - 26, 1976, featuring site-specific installations in the rooms of the then largely unrenovated building. The publication includes brief text by participating artists; executive director, Alanna Heiss; and program director, Linda Blumberg; with installation images and images of artists installing their works. ... [details]
Issue no. 2 of "Tracks: A Journal of Artists' Writings," edited by Herbert George. Contents include: "The Great Interplanetary Art Plot," by Peter Hutchinson; "The Art Dictator," by Peter Hutchinson; "Sitting Still (Poem)," by May Stevens; "Two Prosepoems for Old Women," by May Stevens; "5 Minute Intermission," by Francis Picabia; "The Journal, May 10, 1952," by Saul Baizerman; "Untitled Poem," by Rosemary Castoro; "More Modest," by Jean Dubuffet; "August (Poem)," by Michael Goldberg; "Untitled Poem," by Rosalind Hodgkins; "Card (Inside of Card Shown On Cover)," by Joseph Cornell; "Letter," by Joseph Cornell; "The Automobile Demystified," by Alberto Giacometti; "Experiment (Poem)," by Sari Dienes; "Untitled Poem," by Sari Dienes; "Poem," by Angelo Savelli; "Ants are Any Bodys (Poem)," by David Hare; "Two Turtles (Poem)," by David Hare; "The Black Room, A Theatre Play," by Oyvind Fahlstrom; "Notes on The Art of Painting," by Piero Dorazio; and"On Recorded History (Part 1)," by Roger Welch. ... [details]
August-September 1975 issue of Journal, edited by Peter Clothier. Contents include: "Editorial Comment," by Peter Clothier; "'We the People,' a Proposal," by Joyce Shaw; "Thoughts Toward Two Art Pieces," by David MacDermott; "Up from the Hole," by Tom Edwards; "Cast Aspersions," by Tim Spain; "Libra Piece," by David Antin; "Of What Use Are They: Women in Industry," by Barbara T. ... [details]
Issue number three (of six issues published) of "It Is : A Magazine for Abstract Art," published between 1958 and 1965. Edited by P.G. Pavia. Contents include: "A Little Room for Feeling," by Hubert Crehan; "Face Front," by Sidney Geist; "Abstraction in Poetry," by Allen Ginsberg; "Editor of a Hearsay Panel," by Elaine de Kooning; "Thoughts on the Dance," by Merle Marsicano; "Drawing," by Mercedes Matter; "Spontaneity," by George McNeil; "Manifesto-In-Progress III," by P. ... [details]
Issue number two out (of six issues published) of the periodical It is. published from 1958 - 1965. Collated by P.G. Pavlia, directed by Sebastian Gallo. Contents include: "Dialogue Found in Brooklyn Cellar," by John Asher; "Sound, Noise, Varese and Boulez," by Morton Feldman; "On Innocence in Abstract Painting," by John Ferren; "Glossary," by Aristodimos Kaldis; "4 Excerpts," by Piet Mondrian; "Artaud: Review/Essay," by E. ... [details]
First issue of six issues published of "It Is: A Magazine for Abstract Art." Director and collator: Sebastian Gallo. Contents include: "Recent Attacks on Abstract Art," by Hubert Crehan; "The Canvas Plane, or Onwards and Upwards," by Michael Goldberg; "Drawing the Figure," by Nicholas Marsicano; "Ambiance and Abstract Sculpture," by E. ... [details]
All issues published of the arts and letters periodical "X Motion Picture Magazine." Contributions by Diego Cortez, Terence Severine, Eric Mitchell, Kathy Acker, Michael McClard, Duncan Smith, Jacki Ochs, Mitch Corber, Alan Moore, James Nares, Jimmy de Sana, Betsy Sussler, Arturo Schwarz, Beth B, Tom Otterness, Dorian Brew, Robert Cooney, Nancy Murray, Bruce Wolmer, Terence C. ... [details]
Poster published in conjunction with "Artists Make Toys" held at The Clocktower, New York, January 1 - February 15, 1975. Image features a topless Hannah Wilke in a bed with a fully clothed Claes Oldenburg. ... [details]
Arts and letters periodical. Contributions by Kathy Acker, Charles Ahearn, Scott B, Tim Burns, Jimmy de Sana, Stefan Eins, Colen Fitzgibbon, Michael McClard, Craig Gholson, Duncan Hannah, Beth B, Scott Johnson, Tina Lhotsky, Jeremy Lipp, Katy Martin, Aline Mayer, Eric Mitchell, Alan Moore, James Nares, Michael Oblowitz, Judy Rifka, Terence C. ... [details]