"Special Issue : Brand New York," of The Literary Review published in 1982 and edited by Gillian Greenwood. Contents include: "Editorial," by Lisa Appignanesi; "Between Two New Yorks," by Melvyn Bragg; "Manhattan Letter," by Elizabeth Hardwick; "New York Art: Seven Types of Ambiguity," by Hal Foster; "Urban Kisses," by John Ahearn, Mike Glier, Ken Goodman, Keith Haring, Robert Longo, Judy Rifka, Cindy Sherman; "On Being Scene: New York Fashions Its Steyle," by Michael Sorkin; "Philip Johnson's Post-Modernist Venture;" "Reflecting on Post-Modernism," an interview with Rosalind Krauss; "New York: Heroic City," by Rosetta Brooks; "A Hunger for Imagery," an interview with Brooke Alexander; "Graffiti in Well-Lit Rooms," by Suzi Gablik, includes artists statements and brief introductions to artists including Keith Haring, Jean Michel Basquiat, Wasp, Tim Rollins, Futura 2000, and Fab 5 Fred; "Laurie Anderson: Big Science and Little Men," by Stuart Morgan; "Crossing Over: The Streets, Clubs and Art," by Edit deAk; "New York Performs;" "From Dreamgirls to Satyagraha," an interview with Michael Feingold; "On My Efforts," by Richard Foreman; "Beyond the Theatrical Avant-Garde," by Richard Schechner; "Nuclear Theatre," by Bonnie Marranca; "Serialism, Spontaneity and Sass," by Robert Christgau; "Tailored for Television: The World of New York Video," by Arlene Zeichner; "Mean Streets, Dream Structures: New York Film," by J. ... [details]
Issue no. 7 of the quarterly periodical Cover, edited by Judith Aminoff. Contents include: "New York / Paris," by Barre Phillips; "Jazz Visuals," by Arthur Beatty; "a Pierre et Marie," by Claude Gintz; "Pointed Portraits," by Chalkie Davis, Paula Court, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Philippe Cazal; "Pina Bausch;" "Ingrid Caven;" "Richard Foreman;" "Honneur, Puissance et Amour des Femmes," by Craig Owens; "Willy Ronis;" "Figuration: Libre?," by Remy Blanchard, Calum Fraser, Louis Jammes; "Entre Chien et Loup," by Aude Bodet; "Portfolio: Originaux," Jean Goussebaire-Dupin, Bernard Frize, Daniel Buren, Gerard Garouste, Sarkis, Joan Logue, and Bill Woodrow; "Malcolm Morley;" "Dialogue: Bernard Lamarche-Vadel;" "Richard Prince;" "Robert Kramer;" "John Fekner;" "Jean Jacques Schuhl;" "Jacques Minnasian;" and "Lizzie," by Eve Zheim. ... [details]
Inaugural issue of the periodical "October," published in the Spring of 1976. Edited by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Rosalind Krauss, and Annette Michelson. Contents include: "'Ceci n'est pas une pipe,'" by Michel Foucault; "The Carrot and the Stick," by Richard Foreman; "To the Distant Observer: Towards a Theory of Japanese Film," by Noël Burch; "The Giant on Giant-Killing," by Richard Howard; "Video: The Aesthetics of Narcissism," by Rosalind Krauss; "Gravity's Rainbow and the Spiral Jetty," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe and John Johnston; "Star," by Jean-Claude Lebensztejn; and "Notes on Composing in Film," by Hollis Frampton. [details]
Flyer / poster published in conjunction with the Film-Maker's Cooperative's 30th Anniversary Benefit held at Two Boots Restaurant on Avenue A in New York City on November 8, 1993 [?]. Performances by Richard Foreman and Michael Kirby (conceived by Stuart Sherman) and John Zorn, Quintin Crisp, Taylor Mead, Diane Torr, Matthew Courtney, Phillip Johnston, Aaron Beall, Yoshiko Chuma, Scott Heron, Lenora Champagne and Edwin Torres. ... [details]
Special edition of publication on "Einstein on the Beach," an opera in four acts, by Robert Wilson and Philip Glass. Choreography by Andrew de Groat. Edited and with an introduction by Vicky Alliata. Texts by Richard Foreman and Christopher Knowles. ... [details]
Program for 10th year, 15th production, of "Blvd de Paris (I've Got the Shakes)" by Richard Foreman starring Kate Manheim at the Ontological-Hysteric Theater shown Wednesday through Sunday, January - April 1977. ... [details]
Double sided poster published in conjunction with "Ontological-Hysteric Theatre," and "HcOhTiEnLa or Hotel China: Part 1 & Part 2," written, directed, and designed by Richard Foreman, held December 8, [1971] - January 30, [1972]. ... [details]
Edited by General Idea, AA Bronson, Felix Partz, and Jorge Zontal. Essays "The Schizo and Language," by Louis Wolfson; "The Primal Speech," by Jean-Pierre Brisset; "On the Current Symbolic Status of Oil," by Duncan Smith; "The Future of Machine / The Telaxic Synapsulator is the First Meta-Machine," by Kenneth King; "The Start of a 27 Volume Analysis of "Everything"," by Richard Foreman; "Measuring Tape / Filmstrip," by Stuart Sherman; "Giving Thought a Language," by Stuart Sherman, interviewed by Sylvere Lotringer; "Stalin Gazing Enigmatically on the Body of Lenin," by Art Language; "My Vacation," by Mark Beyer; "Most Evil Vehicle," by John Scott; "Mrs. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY, September 1 - September 30, 1979 and February 1 - March 2, 1980. Traveled to Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, October 5 - November 4, 1979 ; University Art Gallery, Berkeley, CA, November 10, 1979 - January 5, 1979 ; Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, CA, February - March 1981. ... [details]
1991 Electronic Arts Intermix catalogue for video art. Edited by Lori Zippay. Artists include Marina Abramovic, Vito Acconci, John Adams, Max Almy, Jon Alpert, Marie André, Lawrence Andrews, Ant Farm, Charles Atlas, John Baldessari, Burt Barr, Stephen Beck, Raymond Bellour, Dara Birnbaum, Skip Blumberg, Ante Bozanich, Klaus vom Bruch, Barbara Buckner, Chris Burden, James Byrne, John Cage, Roger Cahen, Peter Callas, Peter Campus, Shirley Clarke, Wendy Clarke, Maxi Cohen, Cecelia Condit, David Cort, Peter d'Agostino, Douglas David, Cara DeVito, Dimitri Devyatkin, Juan Downey, Ed Emschwiller, Ken Feingold, Kit Fitzgerald, John Sanborn, Richard Foreman, Terry Fox, Tony Oursler, Michael Owen, Nam June Paik, Charlemagne Palestine, Raindance, Anthony Ramos, Daniel Reeves, John Reilly, Martha Rosler, Paul Ryan, Dan Sandin, Éder Santos, Ira Schneider, Bill Seaman, Eric Siegel, Shelly Silver, Michael Smith, Steina, Skip Sweeney, Rea Tajiri, Janice Tanaka, T. ... [details]