All issues published of the arts and letters periodical "X Motion Picture Magazine." Contributions by Diego Cortez, Terence Severine, Eric Mitchell, Kathy Acker, Michael McClard, Duncan Smith, Jacki Ochs, Mitch Corber, Alan Moore, James Nares, Jimmy de Sana, Betsy Sussler, Arturo Schwarz, Beth B, Tom Otterness, Dorian Brew, Robert Cooney, Nancy Murray, Bruce Wolmer, Terence C. ... [details]
Arts and letters periodical. Contributions by Kathy Acker, Charles Ahearn, Scott B, Tim Burns, Jimmy de Sana, Stefan Eins, Colen Fitzgibbon, Michael McClard, Craig Gholson, Duncan Hannah, Beth B, Scott Johnson, Tina Lhotsky, Jeremy Lipp, Katy Martin, Aline Mayer, Eric Mitchell, Alan Moore, James Nares, Michael Oblowitz, Judy Rifka, Terence C. ... [details]
Four-color screenprint with additional phosphorescent printing published to highlight Ronald Reagan's interventions into South America; support of the apartheid politicians and policies in South Africa; support for Israel's disenfranchisement of Palestinians; support of multi-national defense and American corporations at the expense of people internationally in addition Reagan's subversions of American imperialism abroad. ... [details]
Artist's book by Robert Cooney about the press and the history of deadly train accidents. Illustrated in color with quotations throughout and a tipped in piece of black sandpaper in center. [details]
Arts and letters periodical. Contributions by Beth B, Duncan Smith, Tom Otterness, Dorian Brew, Robert Cooney, Betsy Sussler, Nancy Murray, Bruce Wolmer, Terence C. Sellers, Seth Tillet, Tim Burns, Kathy Acker, Vivienne Dick, Diego Cortez, Scott B, Rene Ricard, Anya Phillips, Kirsten Bates, Robin Winters, Randi Cohen, Anonymous, Duncan Hannah, Ilona Granet, Marcia Resnick, F. ... [details]