Transcript of a symposium on Postmodernism that took place online in October 2001. Edited with an introduction by Maurice Berger. Contributions by Maurice Berger, Maxwell Anderson, Ian Berry, Dan Cameron, John Carlin, Donna De Salvo, Steve Dietz, Wendy Ewald, Ann Eden Gibson, Jennifer González, Teresa Grandes, Chrissie Iles, Caroline Jones, Kellie Jones, Mason Klein, Michael Leja, Simon Leung, Catherine Lord, Barbara Buhler Lynes, Nicholas Mirzoeff, James S. ... [details]
February 1988 issue of Artforum, edited by Ingrid Sischy. Includes the following artists in conversation with Thomas McEvilley, Lucas Samaras, and Ingrid Sischy: Arthur Danto, Peter Schjeldahl, C. Carr, Robert Rosenblum, Gary Indiana, Jack Burnham, Roberta Smith, Glenn O'Brien, Thomas Lawson, Bernard Tschumi, Rosetta Brooks, Sidney Geist, Ben Lifson, Brian O'Doherty, Donald Kuspit, Guerrilla Girls, Carter Ratcliff, Kay Larson, Germano Celant, Thomas McEvilley, and Lucas Samaras. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with shows held in 70 different New York City galleries, the sales of which benefited the American Foundation for AIDS Research. Text by Robert Rosenblum and Matilde Krim, Ph. ... [details]
Monographic issue of the periodical Fantazaria dedicated to the work of Roy Lichtenstein. Edited by Alberto Boatto and Giordano Falzoni. Essays by Alberto Boatto, Maurizio Calvesi, Filiberto Menna, Max Kozloff, Ellen H. ... [details]
September 1966 special issue of Artforum on Surrealism, edited by Philip Leider, with a cover "Surrealism Soaped and Scrubbed," designed for this issue of Artforum by Edward Ruscha. Contents include: "Surrealist Painting Re-examined," by Max Kozloff; "Dada into Surrealism," by Lucy R. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 19 - May 24, 1999. Essays by Robert Rosenblum and Joachim M. Plotzek. Texts in English and German. [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in two parts: "Part I : An Historical Overview," held September 20 - October 5, 1983; "Part II : New Works," held October 12 - October 29, 1983. ... [details]
Monograph honoring the first ten years of the Leo Castelli Gallery and an exhibition celebrating the anniversary held February 4 - 26, 1967. Edited by David Whitney. Statements by William C. Agee, Lawrence Alloway, John Cage, Otto Hahn, Thomas B. ... [details]
Single fold exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with one of Jasper Johns' first solo shows held December 7 - 29, 1960. Includes a text by Robert Rosenblum and a checklist of the exhibition. [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 3 - April 4, 1978. Includes text by LeWitt, Robert Rosenblum, Lucy R. Lippard, and Bernice Rose. Also included are a list of illustrations, a selected bibliography, and a list of exhibitions. ... [details]