Eight single sided flyer's / announcements published in conjunction with a series of dance performances, workshops, and benefit concerts organized by the Jeff Duncan Dance Studio, held between 1964 and 1965. ... [details]
Fall 1975 issue of Art-Rite, on Performance, edited by Edit deAk and Walter Robinson. Contents include: "Warm-Up," by David Antin; "Ralston Farina," by A.R.; "A Few Things We Know About Her," by John Howell; "Performance: A comment from Outside," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe; "Performance: State of the Art in Arts," by John Howell; "Camoflage: Films by Holt & Horn," by Lucy R. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Frankfurter Kunstvereins, September 30 - November 26, 1995. Essays by Wilfried Wiegand and Peter Weiermair. Artists in the exhibition include Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Diane Arbus, Eugène Atget, Richard Avedon, Maurice Beck, Helen MacGregor, Hans Bellmer, Ruth Bernhard, Werner Bischof, Erwin Blumenfeld, Margaret Bourke-White, Brassaï, Anne Brigman, Francis Brugiuère, Robert Capa, Jewgeni Chaldej, Paul Citroen, Alvin Langdon Coburn, John Coplans, Imogen Cunningham, Fred Holland Day, Robert Demachy, Minya Diéz-Dührkoop, Robert Doisneau, Frantisek Drtikol, Harold Edgerton, William Eggleston, Gerard Pieter van Elk, Ed van der Elsken, Hugo Erfurth, Andreas Feininger, Larry Fink, Robert Frank, Mario Giacomelli, Ralph Gibson, Baron Wilhelm von Gloeden, Jan Groover, Hervé Guibert, Ernst Haas, Fritz Henle, Hugo Henneberg, Lewis Wickes Hine, Oscar Hofmeister, Theodor Hofmeister, Emil Otto Hoppé, Peter Hujar, Alfredo Jaar, Bill Jacobsen, Gertrude Käsebier, André Kertész, William Klein, Barbara Klemm, François Kollar, Josef Koudelka, Germaine Krull, Heinrich Kühn, Jacques-Henri Lartique, Erna Lendvai-Dircksen, Felix H. ... [details]
September / October 1968 issue of Arts Magazine. Cover features color reproduction of work by Lucas Samaras. Edited by Joseph James Akston, with written contributions by Joseph James Akston, Nicolas Calas, Jacqueline Barnitz, Lawrence Alloway, Cindy Nemser, Charles Nagel, Gordon Brown, Roderick Young, Jeanne Siegel, Alfred Werner, Pietro Gilardi, and Noel Frackman. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Cover by Georgia Marsh. Essays "Films from the Heartlands of Mexico, Interview, Betsy Sussler," by Nicolas Echevarria; "In the High Ceiling of Stars," by Bradford Morrow; "Cockenoe," by David Rattray; "Spring Training," by Glenn O'Brien; "Translations Janet Brof," by Rosario Murillo; "Translations by Eva Gasteazoro and Harris Schiff," by Rosario Murillo; "Translations by Eva Gasteazoro and Harris Schiff; "Translations INALSE," by Roque Dalton; "Translations by Margaret Randall," by Otto Rene Castillo; "When the Mountains Tremble," by Pam Yates, interview by Betsy Sussler; "Whatever Happens," by Jacek Gulla; "The Hidden Anguish of the Mousketeers," by Gary Indiana; "The Following Myth. ... [details]
Reference catalog of the Pacific Telesis collection. Texts by Don Guinn, Sam Guinn, Judy Kay, Mark Levy and John Bloom. Artists include Ansel Adams, Mark Adams, Thomas Arndt, Lewis Baltz, Robert Bechtle, William Beckman, Ruth Bernhard, Wynn Bullock, Harry Callahan, Paul Caponigro, Richard Chiriani, William Clift, Bruce Cohen, Larry Cohen, Imogen Cunningham, Liliane DeCock, Willard Dixon, Randy Dudley, William Eggleston, Lee Friedlander, Garnett William, Laura Gilpin, Emmet Gowin, Nancy Hagin, Raymond Han, Linda Heiliger, Peter Holbrook, Keith Jacobshagen, Yvonne Jacquette, Dewitt Jones, Pirkle Jones, Michael Kenna, Robert Glenn Ketchum, Mark Klett, Gregory Kondos, Alma Lavenson, Joel Leivick, O. ... [details]
Reference catalogue of the Conslidated Freightways Inc.'s art collection. Contributions by Judy Kay and Raymond F. O'Brien. Artists include Mark Adams, Ed Baynard, Elmer Bischoff, William Crutchfield, Ron Davis, Laddie John Dill, Richard Estes, Charles Gaines, David Hockney, Bryan Hunt, Keith Jacobshagen, Yvonne Jacquette, Robert Moskowitz, John Okulick, Nathan Oliveira, George Rickey, Edward Ruscha, Richard Sheehan, Saul Steinberg, Michael Steiner, Beth Van Hoesen, Barbara Weldon, Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, Robert Adams, Diane Arbus, Tom Arndt, Eve Arnold, Marynn Older Ausubel, Lewis Baltz, Ruth Bernhard, Lou Bernstein, Ilse Bing, Dave Bohn, Margaret Bourke-White, Harry Bowden, Esther Bubley, Wynn Bullock, Rudy Burckhardt, Harry Callahan, Peter Campus, Irving Canner, Cornell Capa, Paul Caponigro, Henri Cartier-Bresson, William Christenberry, William Clift, Mark Cohen, Bernard Cole, John Collier, Bruce Conner, Linda Connor, Marjorie Content, Harold Corsini, Ralston Crawford, Imogen Cunningham, Bill Dane, Henri Dauman, Bruce Davidson, Faurest Davis and many more. [details]