Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with the inaugural iteration of the quinquennial exhibition "Greater New York" held February 27 - May 14, 2000. The exhibition marked the first curatorial collaboration between PS. ... [details]
Artist's book published in conjunction with show held April 4 - May 20, 2009. "The central orienting point for the show is an installation of books entitled 'Fifteen People Present Their Favorite Book [After Kosuth]'. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held November 20, 1974 - April 1, 1975. Text by Marty Dunn, Peggy Gale, and Gary Neill Kennedy and artist's statements. Artists include David Askevold, Dana W. ... [details]
Artists' book published to accompany Matt Keegan's "Americamerica" project. "In early 2008, New York artist Matt Keegan undertook a journey that loosely followed the 1986 Hands Across America route. He took casts of thirteen mayors across the way, and as he traced a physical connection between New York and Los Angeles, he began to draw other connections between 2008 and 1986, particularly between the Reagan and Bush Administrations. ... [details]
Artists' book edited by James Hoff -- a recompilation of Artforum magazine's monthly Top Ten column written by a rotating cast of artists, scholars, actors and other superstars from 1998 to 2008. Comprised of direct copies of the author's pages from the magazine coupled with black boxes representing the supporting images. ... [details]
Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Editor's Letter: Waiting for Godot," by Tim Griffin; "Film: Best of 2007," by John Waters, Amy Taubin, James Quandt, Chrissie Iles, and T.J. Wilcox; "Music: Best of 2007," by Damon Krukowski, Kim Gordon, David Byrne, Marissa Nadler, Alex Waterman, and Julian House; "Books: Best of 2007," by Brigid Doherty, Arthur C. ... [details]
Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Passages: Robert Rosenblum on Tom Wesselmann," by Robert Rosenblum; "Passages: Thomas Lawson on Gretchen Bender," by Thomas Lawson; "Books: Keith Sanborn on Guy Debord," by Keith Sanborn; "Film: James Quandt on 'Cinévardaphoto,'" by James Quandt; "On Site: Carol Armstrong on the Barnes Foundation," by Carol Armstrong; "Media: Christopher Bollen on Courtroom Drawings," by Christopher Bollen; "News: Steven Henry Madoff on the Walker Art Center," by Steven Henry Madoff; "Top Ten," by Kehinde Wiley; "Please Recycle: The Art of Kelley Walker," by Tim Griffin; "Russian Front: The Moscow Biennale," by John Kelsey; "1000 Words: Spencer Finch," by Daniel Birnbaum; "Artist Curates: Personal Affects," by T. ... [details]
"The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, America's oldest museum and school of fine arts, was founded in 1805. Today, the Academy boasts one of the nation's finest collections of American art and a roster of alumni representing the greatest artists this country has produced. ... [details]