Anthology of writings by major figures associated with the Dada movement. Edited by Robert Motherwell. Writing by Jean Arp, Hugo Ball, André Breton, Gabrielle Buffet-Picabia, Arthur Cravan, Paul Eluard, Richard Huelsenbeck, Georges Hugnet, Erik Satie, Kurt Schwitters, Tristan Tzara, Jacques Vaché, Hans Richter, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Philippe Soupault, Harriet Janis, Sidney Janis, Albert Gleizes, Raoul Hausmann, and Bernard Karpel. ... [details]
Anthology of essays on art by noted Surrealists including Paul Eluard, Louis Aragon, Philippe Soupault, André Breton, and Tristan Tzara. Organized and with an introduction by Pontus Hulten. Translation by Michael Palmer and Norma Cole. ... [details]
An overview of the Dada movement by Georges Hugnet. Introduction by Tristan Tzara. Cover by Marcel Duchamp. Artists featured include Pierre Albert-Birot, Aragon, Céline Arnauld, Hans Arp, Johannes Baader, Johannes Theodor Baargeld, Hugo Ball, Jacques Baron, J. ... [details]
Revised 1965 edition of an anthology of critical essays by André Breton. Artists, philosophers, and other figures mentioned in the text include André Breton, Corneille Agrippa, Guillaume Apollinaire, Apulee, Louis Aragon, Alexander Archipenko, Hans Arp, Gaston Bachelard, Honoré de Balzac, Hans Bellmer, Bleuler, Umberto Boccioni, Jérôme Bosch, Constantin Brancusi, Georges Braque, Victor Brauner, Bettina Brentano, Jean-Paul Brisset, Charles de Brosses, Robert Browning, Giordano Bruno, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall, Giorgio de Chirico, Cimabue, Joseph Cornell, Piero di Cosimo, Georges Courteline, Charles Cros, Salvador Dali, Paul Delvaux, André Derain, Denis Diderot, Oscar Dominquez, Enrico Donati, Isidore Ducasse, Marcel Duchamp, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Eckhardt, Albert Einstein, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Serge Essenine, Joachim de Flore, Théodore Flournoy, Jean Fouquet, Charles Fourier, Esteban Frances, James George Frazer, Sigmund Freud, von der Gabelentz, Alberto Giacometti, Giotto, Goethe, Arshile Gorky, Mathias Grunewald, Gutenberg, David Hare, S. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held December 12, 1958 - February 2, 1959. Texts by Tristan Tzara, Hans Jean Arp, Man Ray, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Patrick Waldberg, Max Ernst, Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Höch, Richard Huelsenbeck, Hans Richter. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held March 14 - April 3, 1964. Text by Man Ray with help of Erik Satie, Tristan Tzara. Includes autobiography and exhibition checklist. Text in English, Italian, and French. [details]
Exibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 24 - May 6, 1989. Text by Jaroslav Andel. Artists featured in the exhibition include: Guillaume Apollinaire, Jean Arp, Hugo Ball, Ernst Barlach, Herbert Bayer, Henryk Berlewi, Pierre-Albert Birot, William Blake, Georges Braque, André Breton, David Burliuk, Vladimir Burliuk, Paolo Buzzi, Francesco Canguillo, Josef Capek, Carlo Carrà, Blaise Cendrars, Giorgio de Chirico, Tullio d'Albisola, Salvador Dali, Sonia Delaunay, Fortunato Depero, André Derain, Marcel Duchamp, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Conrad Felixmüller, Pavel Filonov, Paul Gauguin, Natalia Goncharova, Werner Gräff, Juan Gris, Georg Grosz, Raoul Hausmann, John Heartfield, Richard Huelsenbeck, Georges Hugnet, Iliazd (Ilia Zdanevich), Max Jacob, Marcel Janco, Alfred Jarry, Frantisek Kalivoda, Wassily Kandinsky, Lajos Kassak, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Gustav Klutsis, Oskar Kokoschka, Alexei Kruchenykh, Alfred Kubin, Mikhail Larionov, Fernand Léger, El Lissitzky, René Magritte, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Kasimir Malevich, Stéphane Mallarmé, Fillipo Tomasso Marinetti, Frans Masereel, André Masson, Ludwig Meidner, E. ... [details]
Anthology of theatrical/performative scripts and documents conceived as of as a companion to Breakthrough Fictioneers and Essaying Essays. Compiled and edited by Richard Kostelantz. Features contributions by Marina Abramovic, Ulay, Blair H. ... [details]
Audio CD. "'Voices of Dada' features rare interviews and poetry readings by original Dada artists [Marcel Duchamp, Hans Arp, Raoul Hausmann, Richard Huelsenbeck, Kurt Schwitters, Tristan Tzara] recorded between 1932 and 1967. ... [details]
Audio CD. "For the very first time, original recordings by key artists, writers, poets and theorists are now gathered together on a single volume. The various recordings, made between 1929 and 1963, include poetry, interviews, lectures and manifestos. ... [details]