Edited by Debra S. Burchett and Bridget Reak-Johnson. Cover by Richard Jackson. Essays "Re the Production of Work in the Age of Mechanical Art," by Jim Pomeroy; "A Proposal," by Kristine Stiles; "Fetish to Physics," by Melinda Wortz; "History / Art," by Christopher Knight; "Paragraphs," by Sanda Agalidi; "Notes for "Progress, Not Adventure," " by Al Ruppersberg; "Isolated Imagery: Joe Goode," by Michele De Angeles; "A Conversation with Vija Celmins," by Susan Larsen; "Chandlerism," by Alexis Smith; "Untitled," by Elyn Zimmerman; "The Hydrogen Jukebox: Terror, Narcissism and Art," by Peter Schjeldahl.