Fall 1985 issue of JOURNAL, edited by Lane Relyea. Featured edited by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe and John Johnston. Contents include: "Multiplicity, Proliferation, Reconvention," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe and John Johnston; "Two Crowds with Shape of Reason Missing," by John Baldessari; "Century," by Robert Ryman; "To a Swan," by David Shapiro; "Multiplicity, Proliferation, Reconvention," The Editors; "Idea as Multiplicity," by Gilles Deleuze; "On Line," by Peter Halley; "Notes on the Kaleidoscope and Stereoscope," by Jonathan Crary; "Thomas Nozkowski: Painting and Proliferation," by Joseph Masheck; "Mass, Crowd and Pack," by Michel Feher; "Lui/un Autre," by Gary Parent; "Some Notes on Proliferation, Process, History," by Sandy Cohen; "Nature," by Kimball Lockhart; "False Works," by Gregory Rukavina; "L'enfant-Bulle," by Jean Baudrillard; "America's Borders Are Everywhere," by Allan Sekula; "The Ditmarsh Tale of Lies," by the brothers Grimm; "To a Swan," a poem by David Shapiro; "Travelog: Excerpts from Plato's Cave, Rothko's Chapel, Lincoln's Profile," by Mike Kelley; "Feature: Multiplicity, Proliferation, Reconvention," edited by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, and Johnston; "Dialog: The Procession of Undine," by T.S. Martin; "Comment: Spitting Out An Eyeful at the Film Feast," by Ellen Kaufman; "Proposals," by Dennis Balk and by James Casebere. Cover by John Baldessari.