Only Connect!
  • artists' book
  • boxed edition
  • other printing process
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 16 x 21 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size 300
  • unsigned and numbered

Only Connect!

John Crombie

Only Connect!


Artist's book by John Crombie. "Only Connect! may be read in a number of different ways. It may for example be read backwards as well as forwards. Indeed, it may be read several billion billion billion different ways backwards - and of course the same number again forwards. Only one reading, following the sequence in which the pages have been folded, is de rigueur. The simple tale having once been unfolded, the satisfied reader will fold the leaves back in their reverse order without a further glance, leaving the book to bead forwards again in its original authorial version. The unsatisfied or frankly dissatisfied reader may prefer to read on back, from end to beginning. He will thus have carte blanche to make up his own story, folding back the leaves in any order whatsoever and, incidentally, leaving an entirely new story to be read forwards, next time. Thus at a single reverse reading he will have created two quite different stories! Should he grow impatient with unending concatenations he may speed up the denouement, skipping whole series of episodes by turning over several pages at a time. The story is thus not only infinitely variable; it may also be drastically shrunk ad lib. Of course, some interludes may turn out to have more than one immediate repercussion. Connecting is only half the story; making the right connection is perhaps what matters most. A change of perspective may also prove helpful. A character first encountered opening a door or window from the inside may on further readings be discovered apparently opening the same door or window from the outside. If, however, thanks to this variable-geometry decor, the proprieties are often flouted with impunity, at least no truly fundamental laws of nature or rules of grammar are transgressed!" -- from the "Instructions for Use." Hand set and printed.

Paris, France: Kickshaws,
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