Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Massachusetts College of Art Bakalar and Huntington Galleries, Boston, January 20 - March 4, 2000. Essays by Robert E. Alvis and Louise Myers Kawada. Artists include Barbara Bosworth, Gillian Brown, Inga McCaslin Frick, Peter Eudenbach, Bill Jacobson, Fred H.C. Liang, Cameron Shaw, Arlene Shechet, Duane Slick, Kiki Smith, Pat Steir, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Bill Thompson, Roger Tibbetts, Stephen Tourlentes, Mark Winetrout, Petah Coyne, Jeanne Dunning, Peter Garfield, Michal Hardoof-Raz, Arnaldo Hernandez, Christopher Wiley, David Ireland, Larimer Richards, Gary Simmons, and Tomas Vu Daniel. Includes an exhibition checklist. Also includes a tipped in multiple by Peter Eudenbach titled "Memento Mori," a flattened penny with the image of the distorted skull found in Hans Holbeins "The Ambassadors."