February 1988 issue of Cover: Arts New York, edited by Jeffrey C. Wright. Contents include: "Wall Patrol," Valery Hallery; "Rauschenberg Interview;" "Alien Barnstormers;" "Artists Space," by Mina Roustayi; "Group Shows," by Cyuphers, Schwendenwein; "Artist Statements," by Borofsky, Rose; "Cubans at Mocha," by James Graham; "Laurence Nelson Wilbur;" "New Romantics," by Michael Scholnick; "Dance Diary," by Hughes, MacKay; "Dancenoise," by Tom Murrin; "Jim Carroll, George Kaats;" "Poems," by Michele Corriel; "Broadcasters," by William Kelley; "Video and Folk," by Wooster, Manning; "Afro-Caribbeat," by Jonathan R.; "Marianne Faithfull, " by Paul Paddock; "Record Reviews," by Kelley; "Rubber Road Giorno," by Daivd Ulin; "Opera, Theater," by Savage, Martin; "Carpenter - A Live Doll;" "Recipe, Flash," by Chase Roe; "Charles Sheeler," by Jeff Wright; "Literature," by Ron Kolm; "NY Quickies," by Paul Steiner; "Valentine Lingerie," by Cassaniga, Scobie; "Sculpture, Listings." Cover design by Gina Moss.