Critical history of the art scene in San Francisco between 1945 and 1995 by Thomas Albright. Artists include Thomas Albright, George Abend, Arlo Acton, Ann Adair, Lee Adair, Mark Adams, Tom Akawie, James Alberson, Maxine Labro, Robert Alexander, William Allan, Boyd Allen, Gary Allen, Jesse Allen, John Almond, Alex Anderson, David Anderson, Jeremy Anderson, Steven Andresen, Ruth Armer, Victor Arnautoff, Robert Arneson, Ruth Asawa, Olive Ayhens, Heléne Aylon, Mowry Baden, Jennifer Badger, Martin Baer, Clayton Bailey, Jerrodl Ballaie, Joel Barletta, Carroll Barnes, Matthew Barnes, Raymond Barnhart, John Battenberg, John Baxter, Bruce Beasley, Paul Beattie, Mona Beaumont, Robert Bechtle, Scott Bell, Cleveland Bellow, Jordan Belson, Fletcher Benton, Elio Benvenuto, Richard Berger, Henrietta Berk, Wallace Berman, Roger Berry, David Best, Bernice Lee Bing, Elmer Bischoff, Sue Bitney, Ed Blackburn, Ronald Bladen, Dianne Blell, J.B. Blunk, Marianne Boers, Ron Boise, Roger Bolomey, James Bolton, Peter Bond, Martha Borge, Ralph Borge, Dorr Bothwell, David Bottini, Harry Bowden, Michael Bowen, Cheryl Bowers, Richard Bowman, Keith Boyle, Ray Boynton, Michael Bradley, Robert Brady, Robert Branaman, Henry Brandon, Robert Brawley, Frederick Brayman, Helen Breger, Leonard Breger, Karen Breschi, Tad Bridenthal, Ernest Briggs, John Britton, Blanche Brody, Alan Brooks, Joseph Brooks, Joe Brotherton, Christopher Brown, Joan Brown, William Henry Brown, John Buck, Beniamino Bufano, José Maria Bustos, Deborah Butterfield, Lawrence Calcagno, Cristiano Camacho, Don Campbell, Ed Carrillo, Jerome Carlin, Squeak Carnwath, Arthur Carraway, Jack Carrigg, Lew Carson, Rolando Castellón, Guy John Cavalli, Luis Cervantes, Wesley Chamberlin, Ronald Chase, Ralph Chesse, Judy Chicago, Jack Chipman, William Clapp, Joe Clark, Victor Cohen-Stuart, Robert Colescott, Will Collier, Jess Collins, Guy Colwell, Robert Comings, Gerald Concha, Bruce Conner, Jean Conner, Gordon Cook, John Cook, Michael Cooper, Eleanor Neil Coppola, Edward Corbett, Tony Costanzo, Kevin Costello, Paul Cotton, Hubert Crehan, Robert Cremean, Chris Cross, Paul Crowley, Robert Crumb, Dewey Crumpler, Pascal Cucaro, Rinaldo Cuneo, Benjamin Cunningham, Frank Cyrsky, Peter D'Agostino, Ron Dahl, Taffy Dahl, Susan Dannenfelser, Harold C. Davies, Jerrold Davis, Kenn Davis, Ron Davis, Stephen Davis, Charles Dawkins, Jay De Feo, Roy De Forest, Tony DeLap, Jr., Kate Delos, Herbert De Rockere, Stephen De Staebler, Don de Viverios, Eleanor Dickinson, Richard Diebenkorn, Guy Diehl, Henry Dietrich, Peter di Gesu, Mark di Suvero, James Budd Dixon, Maynard Dixon, Willard Dixon, Joe Doyle, Joe Draegert, William Dubin, Anthony Dubovsky, Ralph Du Casse, Victor Duena, John Duff, Edward Dugmore, Charles Stafford Duncan, A. Ward Dunham, Charles Eckart, Redd Ekks, Muldoon Elder, Elin Elisofon, Robert Ellison, Jan Evans, Jacques Fabert, Claire Falkenstein, Richard Faralla, William Farley, Don Farnsworth, Charles Griffin Farr, Bella Tabak Feldman, June Felter, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, John Fernie, Roger Ferragallo, Jim Finnegan, Alan Finneran, Bean Finneran, Richard Fiscus, Dean Fleming, Tom Foolery, Judith Foosaner, Peter Forakis, Deanna Forbes, John Ford, Doyle Foreman, Darrell Forney, Patricia Tobacco Forrestor, Barbara Foster, Terry Fox, Sam Francis, John Freeman, Viola Frey, Gail Fried, Howard Fried, Robert Fried, Ken Friedman, Harry Fritzius, Nemi Frost, Sekio Fuapopo, Larry Fuente, Charles Fuhrman, Rupert Garcia, Ada Garfinkel, William Gaw, August Gay, Sonia Gechtoff, Yun Gee, William Geis, Nancy Thompson Genn, Joseph Geran, Jr., Tio GIambruni, Luke Gibney, Selden Connor Gile, David Gilhooly, Charles Gill, Charles Ginnever, Anton Gintner, Joel Glassmann, Matt Glavin, Ralph Goings, Leon Goldin, Joseph Goldyne, Robert Gonzales, Gerard Gooch, Kathy Goodell, Sidney Gordin, Russell T. Gordon, Mary Gould, ROy Gover, Jorge Goya-Lukich, Cynthia Grace, Dimitri Grachis, Frederick Grafton, Robert Graham, Art Grant, James Grant, Josie Grant, Charles Greeley, Charles Greer, RIck Griffin, John Grillo, Erik Gronborg, James Growden, Louis Gutierrez, Carlos Gutierrez-Solana, Peter Gutkin, Beatrice Hablig, Howard Hack, John Haley, Susan Hall, Jean Halpert-Ryden, Frank Hamilton, Edith Hamlin, Bill Hamm, Edward Handelman, David Hannah, Armin Hansen, Jo Hanson, Mel Hanson, Suzanne Hanson, Paul Harris, Robert Hartman, Robert Harvey, Sabro Hasegawa, Julius Hatofsky, James Hayward, Ben Hazard, Wally Hedrick, Carol Heineman, Michael Heizer, Sally Hellyer, Mel Henderson, Mike Henderson, Robbin Henderson, Robert Henry, Richard Herman, Roger Herman, George Herms, Robert Hernandez, Sam Hernandez, Michi Hero, Lynn Hershman, Hisako Hibi, Arne Hiersoux, Ed Higgins, Charles Hilger, Tyler James Hoare, Fredric Hobbs, Philip Hocking, Wade Hoefer, Hans Hofmann, Robert Holdeman, Anthony Holdsworth, Tom Holland, Arthur Holman, Douglas Holmes, M.M. Horton, Blanch Phillips Howard, Charles Howard, John Langley Howard, Robert Howard, Raymond Howell, Robert Hudson, Julia Huette, Joseph Hughes, John Hultberg, Patrick Humble, Nick Hyde, Phillis Ideal, David Ireland, David Izu, Oliver Jackson, Rodger Jacobsen, Glenn Jampol, Jack Jefferson, Warner Jepson, Bruce Johnson, Bruce James Johnson, James Johnson, Jerome Johnson, Marie Johnson, Ralph Johnson, Robert Emory Johnson, Sargent Johnson, Ynez Johnston, David Jones, Larry Jordan, Donald Joyce, Stephen Kaltenbach, Bruce Nauman among many others. Also includes appendix, notes, list of illustrations, and index.