Issue edited by John Wilcock. Cover collage by Cathe Cozzi. Essays "Personal Comment," by John Wilcock; "Wailing," by Nat Freedland; "God's Secret Agent A.O.S.3," by Tim Leary; "The Case of Mace : A Dose of Danger? It Burns, Baby"; "Cops Are Human Wrecks"; "Police Protection : Making New York Policement"; "Wanted for Murder"; art by Anita Steckel; "Andy in Arizona," about Andy Warhol's Lonesome Cowboys; "Conventional Chaos," with collage by Philip Proctor; "Li'l Alcapp," comic by Tony Auth; "Letter from a Greek Prison," by Neal Phillips; "The Tradition of the Nude," by Edward de Bono with photograph by Hermann Nitsch; "Tuli," by John Perreault; "The War? It's Just a Hoax," by Alex Apostolides; "Long, Hot Summer-'68," by Peter Hemphill; "The Lesbian Monster," comic by Masaru Nachoki; "A Modest Proposal," by Jonathan Thrift.