Single sided program for "Spring Gallery '69" performances by Marjorie Strider, Tom Gormley, Hannah Weiner, and Deborah Hay. Performances included "Stagework" and "At a Distance" by Strider with water slides by Jon Henry, frame slides by Ron Miashira and large photograph by 'Cibachrome;' "Preface" by Gormley; "Ping Pong" and "Hannah Weiner on the Telephone" by Weiner; "20 Permutations of 2 Sets of 3 Equal Parts in a Linear Order 1969" by Hay. Performers included Gabriel Clementi, Michael Clementi, Mimi Clementi, Francine Durk, Frank Durk, Jesse Durk, Lionel Durk, Jessica Gormley, Tom McDonald, Laura Torbet, Michelle Trabant, Dick Gallup, Ron Padgett, Jared Bark, Brad Davis, Deborah Hollingworth, Susan Marshall, LIncoln Scott and Jane Sufian.