Multiple by Benjamin Lord produced by the Peter Norton Family as their 2010 Christmas Project sent to friends and artworld colleagues. Comprised of three print portfolios containing stereoscopes, an introduction, a stereoscopic portrait of the Norton's in their New York apartment, a special stereoscopic viewer, a pez dispenser, and a card in a sealed envelope. "The photographs of 'Humaliwo Chambers' depict a series of interconnected underground spaces, entered through a portal on a hillside in Malibu, California. The various rooms, passageways, and objects found in them evoke conflicting European, Latin American and Native American forms and histories. ('Humaliwo' is the Chumash word from which malibu is derived, and can be translated as ' where the waves crash loudly.') Handcrafted in the artist's studio, this elaborate historical fiction is both a study of the complex and contradictory relationship between art and anthropology, and a meditation on 10,000 years of California history... The Project consists of three print portfolios... The prints of the project are all steroscppic ('3/D') image pairs, and are designed to be viewed through the special viewer provided." -- publisher's statement.