Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show "Aloof and Incidental," held at Annemarie Verna Galerie and Mai 36 Galerie, Zurich, March 27 - May 22, 1999. Edited by David Gray. Preface by Bartomeu Marí. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with shows held at Galerie Heiner Friedrich, Munich and Cologne and at Annemarie Verna, Zurich, in 1973. A radical little catalogue with illustrations of schematic drawing of galvanized metal sculptures opposed by photographs of the work on opposing pages. ... [details]
Artist's book in three parts by Sol LeWitt featuring "straight, not-straight and broken lines using all combinations of black, white, yellow red and blue, for lines and intervals." [details]
Artist's book/exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held March 30 - May 20, 2000. A small-scale interlocking edition featuring three stacking elements covered in blue, green, and orange book cloth in descending sizes. ... [details]
Artist's book / catalogue raisonné of the drawings of Richard Tuttle. Texts by Richard Tuttle, Gianfranco Verna, Jörg Johnen, Jan Hoet and Roland Jooris. Interview with Tuttle by Jürgen Glaesemer. Includes list of collectors and biographical data. ... [details]
Exhibition announcement published in conjunction with opening held October 16, 1975. Includes brief biography of the artist and a reproduction of "ARCS AND LINES. All combinations of arcs from four corners, arcs from four sides, straight lines, not-straight lines, and broken lines. ... [details]
Exhibition announcement published in conjunction with show held from October 1973 - February 21, 1974. Includes biography of the artist and exhibition history. Text in German. [details]
Exhibition announcement published in conjunction with show held April 8 - May 13, 1976. Includes biography of Donald Judd. Text in German. [details]
Exhibition announcement published in conjunction with show held February 18 - March 16, 1972. Includes a brief biography of the artist, an exhibition history, and a bibliography. Text in German. [details]
Slim exhibition catalogue for show held in 1987 featuring five works by Tuttle, all illustrated within. No text. [details]