Issue number three (of six issues published) of "It Is : A Magazine for Abstract Art," published between 1958 and 1965. Edited by P.G. Pavia. Contents include: "A Little Room for Feeling," by Hubert Crehan; "Face Front," by Sidney Geist; "Abstraction in Poetry," by Allen Ginsberg; "Editor of a Hearsay Panel," by Elaine de Kooning; "Thoughts on the Dance," by Merle Marsicano; "Drawing," by Mercedes Matter; "Spontaneity," by George McNeil; "Manifesto-In-Progress III," by P.G. Pavia; "Book Review," by John Stephan; "Book Review," by May Natalie Tabak. Artists statements by Paul Brach, Kenneth Campbell, Enrico Donati, John Grillo, Hans Hoffman, Landis Lewitin, Robert Motherwell, Theodoros Stamos, and George Sugarman. Cahier leafs by Fritz Bultman, Alfred Duhrssen, Ibram Lassaw, Kyle Morris, Georgine Oeri. Artists reproductions by Stefan Achilles, Peter Agostini, Alice Baber, Paul Brach, Fritz Bultman, Kenneth Campbell, Herbert Crehan, Nasso Daphnis, Enrico Donati, Helen Frankenthaler, John Ferren, Sam Francis, Jane Freilichter, Sidney Geist, Michael Goldberg, Adolph Gottlieb, John Grillo, Philip Guston, Grace Hartigan, Hans Hoffmann, Paul Jenkins, Matsumi Kanemitsu, Fredrick Kiesler, William de Kooning, Landis Lewitin, William Littlefield, Michael Loew, Corrado Marca-Relli, Nicholas Marsicano, Mercedes Matter, George McNeil, Robert Motherwell, Kyle Morris, Felix Pasilis, Ad Reinhardt, Milton Resnick, Ludwig Sander, Abram Schlamowitz, David Smith, Raymond Spillinger, Theodoros Stamos, Joseph Stephanelli, John Stephan, and George Sugarman. Cover: Robert Motherwell.