Showbill for the 1962 season of plays staged at the Cherry Lane Theater in Greenwich Village. Introduction by Kermit Bloomgarden. Plays include: "Theater of the Absurd," by Samuel Beckett, directed by Alan Schneider: "Bertha," by Kenneth Koch, directed by Nicola Cernovich; "Gallows Humor," by Jack Richardson, directed by George L. Sherman; "The Sandbox," written and directed by Edward Albee; "Deathwatch," by Jean Genet, directed by Donald David; "Picnic on the Battlefield," by Fernando Arrabal, directed by Gene Feist; "The American Dream," by Edward Albee, directed by Alan Schneider; "The Zoo Story," by Edward Albee, directed by Richard Barr; and "The killer," by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Richard Barr. Includes selected biographies.