Issue edited by Ingrid Sischy. Essays "The Sublime and the Avant-Garde," by Jean-François Lyotard; "From Imitation, to the Copy, to Just Effect: On Reading Jean Baudrillard," by Kate Linker; "Hiroshi Sugimoto: No Such Thing as Time," by John Yau; "The Critic Sees Through the Cabbage Patch," by Edit deAk; "Cheez Whiz (Roy Lichtenstein)," by Richard Armstrong; "The View from Past 50," by Sidney Tillim; "Forum," by Thomas McEvilley; "Books: Joe Lewis on 'How to Commit Suicide in South Africa," by Joe Lewis; "Books: Donald Kuspit on 'Art Worlds' and 'Patrons Despite Themselves," by Donald Kuspit. Reviews Kate Linker, Thomas McEvilley, Richard Armstrong, Donald Kuspit, Barbara Kruger, Lisa Liebmann, John Howell, Ronny Cohen, Charles Hagen, Glenn O'Brien, Jean Fisher, Thomas Lawson, Kevin Concannon, Judith Russi Kirshner, Michael Bonesteel, Sarah Fox Pitt, Suzaan Boettger, Howard Singerman, Jeff Kelley, Ida Panicelli, Luciana Rogozinsky, Max Wechsler, Denys Zacharopoulos, Annelie Pohlen, Wolfgang Max Faust, and Lars Nittve. Cover: Robin Winters.