objects: 216
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 430 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 49, No. 10 (Summer 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Paul Griffiths, Cory Arcangel, Okwui Enwezor, Carol Armstrong, Catherine Wood, Amy Taubin, Steven Watson, Owen Hatherley, Leilah Weinraub, Michelle Kuo, Harry Cooper, Amy Sillman, Carroll Dunham, Terry Winters, John Elderfield, Jordan Kantor, Carol Mancusi-Ungaro, Ann Temkin, Graham Bader, Molly Warnock, David Joselit, Mark Godfrey, Daniel Marcus, Rodney Graham, El Arakawa, Richard Prince, Jennifer West, Richard Jackson, Katharina Grosse, Jon Pestoni, Liang Yuanwei, Jacqueline Humphries, Katy Moran, Scott Lyall, Julian Schnabel, Lesley Vance, Nicole Eisenman, Sean Keller, Achim Hochdörfer, Irene V. Small, James Meyer, Liz Kotz, Ina Blom, Devin Fore, Kaelen Wilson-Goldie, David Frankel, Suzanne Hudson, Robert Pincus-Witten, Johanna Burton, Annie Ochmanek, Lisa Turvey, Donald Kuspit, Eva Díaz, Frances Richard, Ida Panicelli, Brian Sholis, Michael Wilson, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Lloyd Wise, Michelle Grabner, Jennifer King, Daniel Quiles, Kyle MacMillan, Franklin Melendez, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Matthew Biro, Catherine Taft, Barry Schwabsky, Gareth James, Gilda Williams, Zehra Jumabhoy, Melanie Gilligan, Lauren Dyer Amazeen, Maeve Connolly, Jian-Xing Too, Lillian Davies, Michèle Faguet, Jens Asthoff, Daniela Stöppel, Quinn Latimer, Giorgio Verzotti, Margarita Tupitsyn, Javier Hontoria, Shinyoung Chung, Robin Peckham

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Passages: Paul Griffiths on Milton Babbitt," by Paul Griffiths; "Music: Cory Arcangel on Euro-Trance," by Cory Arcangel; "Slant: Okwui Enwezor on Ai Weiwei and Sharjah Biennial 10," by Okwui Enwezor; "Slant: Carol Armstrong on Paul Cézanne," by Carol Armstrong; "News: Catherine Wood on the Manchester International Festival," by Catherine Wood; "Film: Amy Taubin on Cristi Puiu's 'Aurora,'" by Amy Taubin; "Film: Steven Watson on Wynn Chamberlain's 'Brand X,'" by Steven Watson; "Archictecture: Owen Hatherley on Renzo Piano's Shard," by Owen Hatherley; "Top Ten," by Leilah Weinraub; "Acting Out: The Ab-Ex Effect," Introduction, Michelle Kuo; "Spatter and Daub: The Contradictions of Abstract Expressionism," by Harry Cooper; "Ab-Ex and Disco Balls: In Defense of Abstract Expressionism II," by Amy Sillman; "Close-Up: Carroll Dunham on William Baziote's 'Dwarf,'" by Carroll Dunham; "Depth Charge: Terry Winters talks with John Elderfield about Willem de Kooning"; "Close-Up: Jordan Kantor on Albert Oehlen's 'Fingermalerei,'" by Jordan Kantor; "Landmarks Preservation: Conserving the Monochrome," by Carol Mancusi-Ungaro; "Close-Up: Ann Temkin on Cy Twombly's 'Academy,'" by Ann Temkin; "Emptied Gesture: Roy Lichtenstein's 'Brushstrokes,'" by Graham Bader; "Close-Up: Molly Warnock on Georges Mathieu's 'Battle of the Bouvines,'" by Molly Warnock; "Signal Processing: Abstraction Then and Now," by David Joselit; "Close-Up: Mark Godfrey on Christopher Wool's New Work," by Mark Godfrey; "Eyes in the Heat: Jean Dubuffet, Cathy Wilkes, and Josh Smith," by Daniel Marcus; "Artists on Ab-Ex," by Rodney Graham, El Arakawa, Richard Prince, Jennifer West, Richard Jackson, Katharina Grosse, Jon Pestoni, Liang Yuanwei, Jacqueline Humphries, Katy Moran, Scott Lyall, Julian Schnabel, Lesley Vance, Nicole Eisenman; "Playing the Field: Computational Architecture and Abstract Painting," by Sean Keller; "1000 Words: Heimo Zobernig," by Achim Hochdörfer; "Openings: Matheus Rocha Pitta," by Irene V. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 367 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 50, No. 1 (September 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Craig Clunas, James Quandt, David Joselit, J. Hoberman, Gary Indiana, Rachel Haidu, Chandler Burr, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Claire Bishop, Daniel Birnbaum, Francesco Bonami, Benjamin Paul, Tim Griffin, John Kelsey, Nicholas Cullinan, Paul Galvez, David Joselit, Dieter Roelstraete, Jessica Morgan, Brian Dillon, Christine Mehring, Jeffrey Weiss, Sam Pulitzer, Dennis Lim, Frances Richard, Robert Pincus-Witten, David Frankel, Suzanne Hudson, Lisa Turvey, Ida Panicelli, Donald Kuspit, Emily Hall, Jeffrey Kastner, Michael Wilson, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Eva Díaz, Daniel Quiles, Martha Buskirk, David M. Lubin, Nuit Banai, Franklin Melendez, Jan Tumlir, Catherine Taft, Michael Ned Holte, John-Paul Stonard, Barry Schwabsky, Zehra Jumabhoy, Maeve Connolly, Jian-Xing Too, Anthony Byrt, John Beeson, Michèle Faguet, Astride Wege, Noemi Smolik, Hans Rudolf Reust, Quinn Latimer, Giorgio Verzotti, Brigitte Huck, Markéta Stará, Kaelen Wilson-Goldie, Lauren Dyer Amazeen, Jon Bywater, Angie Baecker, Shinyoung Chung, R.H. Quaytman

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Books: Craig Clunas on Gao Minglu's 'Total Modernity and the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century Chinese Art,'" by Craig Clunas; "Film: James Quandt on Raúl Ruiz's 'Mysteries of Lisbon,'" by James Quandt; "Slant: David Joselit on Nicolás Guagnini's 'The Panel Discussion, the Tennis Match, and a Bodegón,'" by David Joselit; "Slant: J. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 295 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 50, No. 3 (November 2011)

Michelle Kuo, P. Adams Sitney, James Quandt, Melissa Anderson, Steven Watson, Ken Okiishi, Rob Young, Derek Bermel, Glenn O'Brien, Julian Rose, Amalia Pica, Rosalind E. Krauss, Arthur C. Danto, Jeffrey Weiss, Robert Morris, Dorothea Rockburne, Adam Szymczyk, Tom McDonough, Kathy Noble, Isabella Graw, Duncan Campbell, David Velasco, Ruba Katrib, Doryun Chong, Nuit Banai, David Rimanelli, Frances Richard, Suzanne Hudson, Jeffrey Kastner, Barry Schwabsky, David Frankel, Michael Wilson, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Ara H. Merjian, Eva Díaz, Joshua Decter, Emily Hall, Donald Kuspit, Daniel Quiles, Jennifer King, Catherine Taft, Jan Tumlir, Ben Carlson, Natilee Harren, Melanie Gilligan, Diana Baldon, John Beeson, Jurriaan Benschop, Daniela Stöppel, Rachel Withers, Quinn Latimer, Hans Rudolf Reust, Marco Meneguzzo, Lars Bang Larsen, Marek Bartelik, Javier Hontoria, Jens Asthoff, Markéta Stará, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Zehra Jumabhoy, Shinyoung Chung, Brian Sholis, Anthony Byrt, Alina Szapocznikow

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Passages: P. Adams Sitney on Owen Land," by P. Adams Sitney; "Film: James Quandt on Aki Kaurismäki's 'Le Havre,'" by James Quandt; "Film: Melissa Anderson on Robert Kramer's 'Milestones,'" by Melissa Anderson; "Performance: Steven Watson on 'Four Saints in Three Acts,'" by Steven Watson; "On Site: Ken Okiishi on the Leopard at des Artists," by Ken Okiishi; "Music: Rob Young on 'Home of Metal,'" by Rob Young; "Music: Derek Bermel on the Omar Souleyman Group," by Derek Bermel; "Slant: Glenn O'Brien on Right-Wing Masculinity," by Glenn O'Brien; "Archictecture: Julian Rose on 'Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream," by Julian Rose; "Top Ten," by Amalia Pica; "Marks of Distinction: Cy Twombly Remembered," by Rosalind E. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 277 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 50, No. 4 (December 2011)

Michelle Kuo, John Waters, Amy Taubin, James Quandt, Regina Schlagnitweit, Ed Halter, Mark Mothersbaugh, George Lewis, Venus X, Nick Relph, Tobi Vail, David Velasco, Svetlana Alpers, Anthony Vidler, Michael Fried, Dawn Ades, J. Hoberman, Sarah Charlesworth, Graham Harman, Ralph Ubl, Tosh Berman, Nana Last, Ericka Beckman, Pierre Bismuth, Stuart Brisley, George Condo, Matt Connors, Meg Cranston, Lena Dunham, Thomas Eatherton, Zipora Fried, Mark Grotjahn, Lothar Hempel, Alex Hubbard, William E. Jones, Richard Kern, Hassan Khan, Anja Kirschner, David Panos, Andrei Koschmieder, kriwet, Leigh Ledare, Zoe Leonard, Erik van Lieshout, Christian Marclay, Roy McMakin, Olivier Mosset, Carrie Moyer, David Noonan, Anna Ostoya, Laura Owens, Qiu Anxiong, Lucy Raven, Mandla Reuter, Clément Rodzielski, Taryn Simon, Emily Sundblad, Cheyney Thompson, Sara VanDerBeek, Ian Wallace, Wang Jianwei, Emily Wardill, Wang Wei, Martha Wilson, Donelle Woolford, B. Wurtz, Nick Zedd, Zhao Yao, Wolfgang Tillmans, Hal Foster, Manuel Borja-Villel, Christine Macel, Scott Rothkopf, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Lynne Cooke, Jack Bankowsky, Diedrich Diederichsen, Matthew Higgs, Mai Abu ElDahab, Tim Griffin, Jay Sanders, Michael Ned Holte, Lee Ambrozy, Daniel Birnbaum, Ariella Azoulay, Negar Azimi, Elisabeth Lebovici, Leora Maltz-Leca, David Salle, Ekaterina Degot, Jeffrey Kastner, Suzanne Hudson, David Frankel, Johanna Burton, Donald Kuspit, Elizabeth Schambelan, Emily Hall, Barry Schwabsky, Robert Pincus-Witten, Ara H. Merjian, Lloyd Wise, Brian Sholis, Joshua Decter, Eva Díaz, Michael Wilson, Frances Richard, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Nuit Banai, Daniel Quiles, Kyle MacMillan, Andrew Berardini, Natilee Harren, Jan Tumlir, Michael Archer, Briony Fer, Lillian Davies, Élodie Antoine, Olivier Mignon, Jens Asthoff, Astrid Mania, John Beeson, Quinn Latimer, Hans Rudolf Reust, Paola Nicolin, Alessandra Pioselli, Ronald Jones, Sinziana Ravini, Louisa Avgita, Midori Matsui, Shinyoung Chung, Zehra Jumabhoy, Camila Belchior

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Film: Best of 2011," by John Waters, Amy Taubin, James Quandt, Regina Schlagnitweit, Ed Halter; "Music: Best of 2011," by Mark Mothersbaugh, George Lewis, Venus X, Nick Relph, Tobi Vail; "Dance: Best of 2011," by David Velasco; "Books: Best of 2011," by Svetlana Alpers, Anthony Vidler, Michael Fried, Dawn Ades, J. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 249 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 240 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 50, No. 10 (Summer 2012)

Michelle Kuo, Huey Copeland, Jack Bankowsky, Jakob Schillinger, Hannah Feldman, Isabelle Graw, Jordan Kantor, David Frankel, David Rimanelli, Robert Pincus-Witten, Jeffrey Kastner, Suzanne Hudson, Lloyd Wise, Barry Schwabsky, Johanna Burton, Frances Richard, Donald Kuspit, Ida Panicelli, Emily Hall, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Eva Díaz, Michael Wilson, Francine Koslow Miller, Ivy Cooper, Michelle Grabner, Jennifer King, Lisa Turvey, Jan Tumlir, Ben Carlson, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Travis Diehl, Zehra Jumabhoy, Jo Applin, Gilda Williams, Lauren Dyer Amazeen, Declan Long, Lillian Davies, John Beeson, Astrid Mania, Noemi Smolik, Quinn Latimer, Yann Chateigné Tytelman, Giorgio Verzotti, Alessandra Pioselli, Astrid Wege, Hans den Hartog Jager, Ronald Jones, Javier Hontoria, Martí Peran, Lee Ambrozy, Shinyoung Chung, Fiona Banner, Manuel Borja-Villel, Richard Meyer, Elizabeth Willis, Matt Saunders, Michael Wood, Amy Taubin, Dennis Lim, Melissa Anderson, Rosalind E. Krauss, Vaginal Davis, Owen Hatherley, Patterson Beckwith, Taryn Simon, Brian De Palma, Richard Aldrich, Tom McDonough, David Graeber, Eric Rentschler, Ina Blom, André Rottmann

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Passages: Manuel Borja-Villel on Antoni Tàpies," by Antoni Tàpies; "Passages: Richard Meyer on Anita Steckel," by Richard Meyer; "Passages: Elizabeth Willis on Adrienne Rich," by Elizabeth Willis; "Books: Matt Saunders on 'Kippenberger: The Artist and His Families,'" by Matt Saunders; "Performance: Michael Wood on Fiona Banner's 'Heart of Darkness,'" by Michael Wood; "FilmL Amy Taubin on Benh Zeitlin's 'Beasts of the Southern Wild,'" by Benh Zeitlin; "Film: Dennis Lim on António Reis and Margarida Cordeiro," by Dennis Lim; "Film: Melissa Anderson on Kleber Mendonça Filho's 'Neighboring Sounds,'" by Melissa Anderson; "On Site: Rosalind E. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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Arts Magazine
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 31 x 23.5 cm.
  • 66 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Arts Magazine

Vol. 41, No. 1 (November 1966)

Lawrence Alloway, Sol LeWitt, Mel Bochner, Al Hansen, Robert Smithson, Nicolas Calas, Lil Picard, Rolf-Gunter Dienst, John Lucas, Laila Damiano, Jud Yalkut, Richard Feigen, Allon Schoener, Charles Mingus, G.R. Swenson, Alfred Werner, Jeanne Siegel, Gordon Brown, William Chandlee III, Roderick Young, Arthur Secunda, Edouard Roditi, Herb Aach, Dan Graham

November 1966 issue of Arts Magazine. Cover features a full color reproduction of Jean Jansen's Girl in Red Standing Up. Contributors include Lawrence Alloway, Sol LeWitt, Mel Bochner, Al Hansen, Robert Smithson, Nicolas Calas, Lil Picard, Rolf-Gunter Dienst, John Lucas, Laila Damiano, Jud Yalkut, Richard Feigen, Allon Schoener, Charles Mingus, G. ... [details]

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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 31 x 23.5 cm.
  • 68 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Arts Magazine

Vol. 43, No. 1 (September / October 1968)

Joseph James Akston, Nicolas Calas, Jacqueline Barnitz, Lawrence Alloway, Cindy Nemser, Charles Nagel, Gordon Brown, Roderick Young, Jeanne Siegel, Alfred Werner, Lucas Samaras, Pietro Gilardi, Noel Frackman, Clement Meadmore, Betty Blayton, Freda Mulcahy, Natalie Van Buren, Bob Kane, Christo, Joseph Cornell, Harold Tovish, Alexander Calder, Pol Mara, Cesar Paternosto, Margarita De Mena, Ruth Dunkell, Ann Mittleman, Helen Garardia, Joe Wilder, Sylvia Carewe, Michael Booth, Käthe Kollwitz, Wataru Fuki, Ernst Barlach, Theodore Turner, Billy Faier, Richard Holmes Godfrey, Frederick Franck, Gary L. Fox, Clayton Pond, Phyllis Harriman, James Hendricks, Edward McGowin, Nathaneal Neujean, Rudolf Schoofs, Ruth N. Lewis, Roger Furse, Frank Rehn, Leonard Leibowitz, John Opper, Luca Samaras, Stanley Boxer, Helen Soreff, Pia Pizzo, Rodolfo Mishaan, André Hambourg, Mark Scott, Bud Hambleton, Ernst Wilhelm Nay, Colton Waugh, Gustave Caillebotte, Ben Shahn, Eugène Boudin, Ann Taylor, Bernard Galkin, Al Held

September / October 1968 issue of Arts Magazine. Cover features color reproduction of work by Lucas Samaras. Edited by Joseph James Akston, with written contributions by Joseph James Akston, Nicolas Calas, Jacqueline Barnitz, Lawrence Alloway, Cindy Nemser, Charles Nagel, Gordon Brown, Roderick Young, Jeanne Siegel, Alfred Werner, Pietro Gilardi, and Noel Frackman. ... [details]

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Birdspace : A Post-Audubon Artists Aviary
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 25.5 x 15 cm.
  • 103 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 097026707x
BOMB Magazine : Berlin, Los Angeles, New York
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 37.6 x 27.3 cm.
  • 68 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

BOMB Magazine : Berlin, Los Angeles, New York

No. 7

Betsy Sussler, Gary Indiana, Ann Powell, Rose Sand, Howard Brookner, Michael Covino, Michael Lally, William Leavitt, Hunter Drohojowska, Johannes Vermeer, Lizzie Borden, Jörg Immendorff, Celsus, Carl Apfelschnitt, James Purdy, Kiki Smith, George Condo, Robin Winters, Antonin Artaud, Kathryn Bigelow, Monty Montgomery, Jeannette Montgomery, Graig Gholson, Jan Sazuki, Lisa Persky, William Morris, Dale Held, Becky Johnston, Nancy Reese, Harry Kipper, Roger Herman, Melvin Jules Bukiet, Hella Santa Rose, Lisa Blaushild, Mary Woronov, Daniel Schmid, Heidrun Reshoft

Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "Apropos Daniel Schmid, Interview," by Gary Indiana; "Caligari's Children, Excerpts from a Screenplay," by Ann Powell and Rose Sand; "Burroughs," a film by Howard Brookner; "The Hour of the Ungovernable," by Michael Covino; "Lost Angels," by Michael Lally; "Untitled," by William Leavitt; "A Young Girl," by Hunter Drohojowska; "Untitled," by Johannes Vermeer; "Born in Flames," Lizzie Borden, interview by Betsy Sussler; "Cafe Deutschland," Jorg Immendorf, interview by Heidrun Reshoft; "The False Fear of the Christians," by Celsus; "Untitled," by Carl Apfelschnitt; "Mudd Toe the Cannibal," by James Purdy; "Untitled," by Kiki Smith; "Missing in Action," by Ann Powell; "Untitled," by George Condo; "I'm Not Waiting for My Ship To Come In, I'm Out Sailing," Robin Winters, interview by Betsy Sussler; "Interjections," by Antonin Artaud, translated by Clayton Eshleman and A. ... [details]

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objects: 216