objects: 43
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Crash : Homage to JG Ballard
  • ephemera
  • other printing process
  • black-and-white & color
  • 21 x 25.5 cm.
  • [2] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Crash : Homage to JG Ballard

JG Ballard, Richard Artschwager, Francis Bacon, Hans Bellmer, Glenn Brown, Chris Burden, Jake & Dinos Chapman, John Currin, Salvador Dalí, Giorgio de Chirico, Tacita Dean, Jeremy Deller, Paul Delvaux, Cyprien Gaillard, Douglas Gordon, Loris Gréaud, Richard Hamilton, John Hilliard and Jemima Stehli, Roger Hiorns, Damien Hirst, Dan Holdsworth, Carsten Höller, Edward Hopper, Allen Jones, Mike Kelley, Jeff Koons, Roy Lichtenstein, Vera Lutter, Florian Maier-Aichen, Paul McCarthy, Adam McEwen, Dan Mitchell, Malcolm Morley, Mike Nelson, Helmut Newton, Cady Noland, Claes Oldenburg, Eduardo Paolozzi, Steven Parrino, Richard Prince, Robert Rauschenberg, Gerhard Richter, Ed Ruscha, Jenny Saville, George Shaw, Cindy Sherman, Piotr Uklanski, Andy Warhol, Rachel Whiteread, Christopher Williams, Jane and Louise Wilson, Christopher Wool, Cerith Wyn Evans

Exhibition announcement / vinyl sticker published in conjunction with show "Crash: Homage to JG Ballard," held February 11 - April 1, 2010. Artists include Richard Artschwager, Francis Bacon, Hans Bellmer, Glenn Brown, Chris Burden, Jake & Dinos Chapman, John Currin, Salvador Dalí, Giorgio de Chirico, Tacita Dean, Jeremy Deller, Paul Delvaux, Cyprien Gaillard, Douglas Gordon, Loris Gréaud, Richard Hamilton, John Hilliard and Jemima Stehli, Roger Hiorns, Damien Hirst, Dan Holdsworth, Carsten Höller, Edward Hopper, Allen Jones, Mike Kelley, Jeff Koons, Roy Lichtenstein, Vera Lutter, Florian Maier-Aichen, Paul McCarthy, Adam McEwen, Dan Mitchell, Malcolm Morley, Mike Nelson, Helmut Newton, Cady Noland, Claes Oldenburg, Eduardo Paolozzi, Steven Parrino, Richard Prince, Robert Rauschenberg, Gerhard Richter, Ed Ruscha, Jenny Saville, George Shaw, Cindy Sherman, Piotr Uklanski, Andy Warhol, Rachel Whiteread, Christopher Williams, Jane and Louise Wilson, Christopher Wool, and Cerith Wyn Evans. ... [details]

London, United Kingdom: Gagosian Gallery,
Condition:  Very Good / Fine. Light bumping of corners, otherwise Fine.
[Object # 4782]
André Breton : Le Surréalisme et la Peinture
  • critical theory
  • cloth boards without dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27.8 x 21.3 cm.
  • 427 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and numbered

André Breton : Le Surréalisme et la Peinture

Nouvelle Édition Revue et Corrigée 1928 - 1965

André Breton, Corneille Agrippa, Guillaume Apollinaire, Apulee, Louis Aragon, Alexander Archipenko, Hans Arp, Gaston Bachelard, Honoré de Balzac, Hans Bellmer, Bleuler, Umberto Boccioni, Jérôme Bosch, Constantin Brancusi, Georges Braque, Victor Brauner, Bettina Brentano, Jean-Paul Brisset, Charles de Brosses, Robert Browning, Giordano Bruno, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall, Giorgio de Chirico, Cimabue, Joseph Cornell, Piero di Cosimo, Georges Courteline, Charles Cros, Salvador Dali, Paul Delvaux, André Derain, Denis Diderot, Oscar Dominquez, Enrico Donati, Isidore Ducasse, Marcel Duchamp, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Eckhardt, Albert Einstein, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Serge Essenine, Joachim de Flore, Théodore Flournoy, Jean Fouquet, Charles Fourier, Esteban Frances, James George Frazer, Sigmund Freud, von der Gabelentz, Alberto Giacometti, Giotto, Goethe, Arshile Gorky, Mathias Grunewald, Gutenberg, David Hare, S. William Hayter, Heraclite, Herold, Morris Hirshfield, Victor Hugo, Sidney Janis, Alfred Jarry, Frido Kahlo, Søren Kierkegaard, Paul Klee, Heinrich von Kleist, Kraepelin, Wifredo Lam, Henri Laurens, Eliphas Levi, Georg-Christoph Lichtenberg, Jacques Lipschitz, Raymond Lulle, Mabuse, Maurice Maeterlinck, René Magritte, Majakowsky, Stéphane Mallarmé, André Masson, Pierre de Massot, Henri Matisse, Matta, Meissonnier, Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Nadja, Gérard de Nerval, Friedrich Nietszche, Novalis, Richard Oelze, Gordon Onslow-Ford, Wolfgang Paalen, Blaise Pascal, Benjamin Peret, Francis Picabia, Pablo Picasso, Edgar Poe, Jacques Prévert, Jean Racine, Man Ray, Marcel Raymond, Charles Renouvier, Retz, Arthur Rimbaud, Diego de Rivera, Simon Rosenkreuz, Henri Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Sabato, Marquis de Sade, Kay Sage, Nicolas Saunderson, Caroline Schlegel, Kurt Schwitters, Kurt Seligmann, Georges Seurat, Wirt Sikes, Hélène Smith, Philippe Soupault, HIppolyte Taine, Yves Tanguy, Leo Trotsky, Tristan Tzara, Raoul Ubac, Uccello, Jacques Vache, Paul Valery, Vincent Van Gogh, Jacques Vaucanson, Leonardo da Vinci, Edward Young

Revised 1965 edition of an anthology of critical essays by André Breton. Artists, philosophers, and other figures mentioned in the text include André Breton, Corneille Agrippa, Guillaume Apollinaire, Apulee, Louis Aragon, Alexander Archipenko, Hans Arp, Gaston Bachelard, Honoré de Balzac, Hans Bellmer, Bleuler, Umberto Boccioni, Jérôme Bosch, Constantin Brancusi, Georges Braque, Victor Brauner, Bettina Brentano, Jean-Paul Brisset, Charles de Brosses, Robert Browning, Giordano Bruno, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall, Giorgio de Chirico, Cimabue, Joseph Cornell, Piero di Cosimo, Georges Courteline, Charles Cros, Salvador Dali, Paul Delvaux, André Derain, Denis Diderot, Oscar Dominquez, Enrico Donati, Isidore Ducasse, Marcel Duchamp, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Eckhardt, Albert Einstein, Paul Eluard, Max Ernst, Serge Essenine, Joachim de Flore, Théodore Flournoy, Jean Fouquet, Charles Fourier, Esteban Frances, James George Frazer, Sigmund Freud, von der Gabelentz, Alberto Giacometti, Giotto, Goethe, Arshile Gorky, Mathias Grunewald, Gutenberg, David Hare, S. ... [details]

Condition:  Fair / Good. 5 cm. tear to the book cloth along spine and 1 cm. of soiling. 2 cm. stain on inside front endpapers and flyleaf which carries through lightly to the title page. Contents otherwise clean and unmarked. Due to large size and weight additional shipping charges may be required for international orders.
[Object # 35907]
Artists Make Toys
  • periodical
  • offset-printed
  • black-and-white & color
  • 44.4 x 65.8 cm.
  • [1] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Artists Make Toys


Laurie Anderson, Jared Bark, Bill Beckley, George Brecht, Trisha Brown, Chris Burden, Scott Burton, Tosh Carrillo, Enrique Castro-Cid, John Chamberlain, Angus Chamberlain, Cara Croninger, Brad Davis, Jean Depuy, Steve Gianakos, Charles Ginnever, Michael Goldberg, Peter Gourfain, James Grashaw, Marty Greenbaum, Red Grooms, Bob Grosvenor, Susan Hall, Susan Hartnett, Peter Hutchinson, Patrick Israel, Robert Israel, Kurt Kranz, Robert Kushner, Jeffrey Lew, Les Levine, Kim MacConnel, Christa Maiwald, Gordon Matta-Clark, Richard Mock, Ree Morton, Forrest Myers, Max Neuhaus, Richard Nonas, Claes Oldenburg, Dennis Oppenheim, Robert Owings, Gary Perkins, Howardina Pindell, Lucio Pozzi, Italo Scanga, Willoughby Sharp, Thomas Schmidt, Alan Shields, Charles Simonds, Marjorie Strider, George Sugarman, Don Sunseri, Mark di Suvero, Richard Tuttle, Richard Van Buren, Robert Watts, William Wegman, Susan Weil, Lawrence Weiner, Charles Wiley, William Wiley, Hannah Wilke, Joe Zucker

Poster published in conjunction with "Artists Make Toys" held at The Clocktower, New York, January 1 - February 15, 1975. Image features a topless Hannah Wilke in a bed with a fully clothed Claes Oldenburg. ... [details]

Condition:  Fair / Poor. Light creasing and yellowing across poster with a 10.2 cm. dog-ear to top right corner and 4.8 cm. dog-ear to top left corner. Multiple tears to bottom left corner ranging from 2 mm. to 5.4 cm. with 1.5 cm. and 2 cm. areas of loss. 3 cm. area of loss to top left corner with additional tearing along poster edge and a 8 mm. and 1.5 cm. tear to center of poster. Curl to poster. Otherwise clean and unmarked.
[Object # 38583]
4th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival
  • poster
  • offset-printed
  • black-and-white
  • 58.2 x 27.6 cm.
  • [1] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

4th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival

Charlotte Moorman, Yoko Ono, Benjamin Patterson, Larry Loonin, Frederic Rzewski, Pietro Grossi, Leo Nilson, Ralph Lundsten, Don Heckman, Dick Higgins, La Monte Young, Robert Moran, Philip Corner, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Takehisa Kosugi, Hans G. Helms, Jackson Mac Low, Spencer Holst, David Hazleton, Emmett Williams, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Richard Huelsenbeck, David Anton, Jerome Rothenberg, Carol Berge, Diter Rot, Ludwig Gosewitz, Lamberto Pignotti, Chieko (Mieko) Shiomi, Bazon Brock, Tomas Schmit, Kurt Schwitters, Allan Kaprow, Alison Knowles, Bob Watts, Christo, Stefan Wolpe, Kenji Kobayashi, Howard Lebow, Cecil Taylor, Jimmy Lyons, Ken McIntyre, Mike Mantler, Henry Grimes, Allan Silva, Tony Williams, Jacob Glick, Shigeko Kubota, Allison Knowles, Jerry Agel, James Tenney, Joseph Beuys, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Karl Erik Welin, George Jeffers, Earle Brown, Giuseppe Chiari, Bill Dixon, Judith Dunn, Wolf Vostell, Robert Breer, Gary Harris, Elaine Summers, Hans Richter, Takahiko Iimura, USCO, George Brecht, John Cage, Charles Frazier, Jim McWilliams, Robert Burridge, Robert Ashley, Al Hansen, Bici Hendricks, Geoffrey Hendricks, Barbara Moore, Peter Moore, Gordon Mumma, Max Neuhaus, Nam June Paik, Lil Picard, Raffaele, Ely Raman, Carolee Schneemann, George Maciunas

Program for the Fourth Annual New York Festival of the Avant Garde held at The Central Park Conservatory Pond, New York, September 9, 1966, from 6am until midnight. Organized by Charlotte Moorman. Performances and contributions by Charlotte Moorman, Yoko Ono, Benjamin Patterson, Larry Loonin, Frederic Rzewski, Pietro Grossi, Leo Nilson, Ralph Lundsten, Don Heckman, Dick Higgins, La Monte Young, Robert Moran, Philip Corner, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Takehisa Kosugi, Hans G. ... [details]

Condition:  Good. Folded in sixteen with wear along fold lines and light soiling on verso along fold lines. 1.6 cm. dog-ear to bottom right corner and bumping of bottom left corner and edge. Light bumping of upper left corner of recto and 6 cm. area of light soiling to verso.
[Object # 36269]
Poster for the 4th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival
  • poster
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 73 x 18.3 cm.
  • [3] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Poster for the 4th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival

Charlotte Moorman, Yoko Ono, Benjamin Patterson, Larry Loonin, Frederic Rzewski, Pietro Grossi, Leo Nilson, Ralph Lundsten, Don Heckman, Dick Higgins, La Monte Young, Robert Moran, Philip Corner, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Takehisa Kosugi, Hans G. Helms, Jackson Mac Low, Spencer Holst, David Hazleton, Emmett Williams, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Richard Huelsenbeck, David Anton, Jerome Rothenberg, Carol Berge, Diter Rot, Ludwig Gosewitz, Lamberto Pignotti, Chieko (Mieko) Shiomi, Bazon Brock, Tomas Schmit, Kurt Schwitters, Allan Kaprow, Alison Knowles, Bob Watts, Christo, Stefan Wolpe, Kenji Kobayashi, Howard Lebow, Cecil Taylor, Jimmy Lyons, Ken McIntyre, Mike Mantler, Henry Grimes, Allan Silva, Tony Williams, Jacob Glick, Shigeko Kubota, Allison Knowles, Jerry Agel, James Tenney, Joseph Beuys, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Karl Erik Welin, George Jeffers, Earle Brown, Giuseppe Chiari, Bill Dixon, Judith Dunn, Wolf Vostell, Robert Breer, Gary Harris, Elaine Summers, Hans Richter, Takahiko Iimura, USCO, George Brecht, John Cage, Charles Frazier, Jim McWilliams, Robert Burridge, Robert Ashley, Al Hansen, Bici Hendricks, Geoffrey Hendricks, Barbara Moore, Peter Moore, Gordon Mumma, Max Neuhaus, Nam June Paik, Lil Picard, Raffaele, Ely Raman, Carolee Schneemann, George Maciunas

Poster for the Fourth Annual New York Festival of the Avant Garde held at The Central Park Conservatory Pond, New York, September 9, 1966, from 6am until midnight. Organized by Charlotte Moorman. Performances and contributions by Charlotte Moorman, Yoko Ono, Benjamin Patterson, Larry Loonin, Frederic Rzewski, Pietro Grossi, Leo Nilson, Ralph Lundsten, Don Heckman, Dick Higgins, La Monte Young, Robert Moran, Philip Corner, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Takehisa Kosugi, Hans G. ... [details]

Condition:  Good. Folded in eight, as issued, for mailing. Mailed copy with mailing marks and wear. 2.4 cm. dog-ear to bottom right corner of recto with bumping, light bumping of bottom left corner, and 1.2 cm. dog-ear to upper right corner with 7.7 cm. area of bumping. Multiple light fingerprint marks on verso.
[Object # 36271]
Terpsichore in Sneakers : Post-Modern Dance
  • critical theory
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 24 x 20 cm.
  • 292 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0395282128

Terpsichore in Sneakers : Post-Modern Dance

Sally Banes, Simone Forti, Yvonne Rainer, Steve Paxton, Trisha Brown, David Gordon, Deborah Hay, Lucinda Childs, Douglas Dunn, Meredith Monk, Kenneth King, Ann Halprin, Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Merce Cunningham, Robert Alexander

Critical theory by Sally Banes on post modernist dance in the early 1960's with photographs by Robert Alexander. "'Terpsichore in Sneakers' is the first full-scale discussion of the artists who have made post-modern dance today's pre-eminent choreographic movement. ... [details]

Condition:  Fine. Covers and contents clean and unmarked in unread condition. Due to size and weight additional shipping charges will be required for international orders.
[Object # 24726]
Annotated Press Release for the 4th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival
  • ephemera
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 27.9 x 21.6 cm.
  • [3] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Annotated Press Release for the 4th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival

Charlotte Moorman, Yoko Ono, Benjamin Patterson, Larry Loonin, Frederic Rzewski, Pietro Grossi, Leo Nilson, Ralph Lundsten, Don Heckman, Dick Higgins, La Monte Young, Robert Moran, Philip Corner, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Takehisa Kosugi, Hans G. Helms, Jackson Mac Low, Spencer Holst, David Hazleton, Emmett Williams, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Richard Huelsenbeck, David Anton, Jerome Rothenberg, Carol Berge, Diter Rot, Ludwig Gosewitz, Lamberto Pignotti, Chieko (Mieko) Shiomi, Bazon Brock, Tomas Schmit, Kurt Schwitters, Allan Kaprow, Alison Knowles, Bob Watts, Christo, Stefan Wolpe, Kenji Kobayashi, Howard Lebow, Cecil Taylor, Jimmy Lyons, Ken McIntyre, Mike Mantler, Henry Grimes, Allan Silva, Tony Williams, Jacob Glick, Shigeko Kubota, Allison Knowles, Jerry Agel, James Tenney, Joseph Beuys, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Karl Erik Welin, George Jeffers, Earle Brown, Giuseppe Chiari, Bill Dixon, Judith Dunn, Wolf Vostell, Robert Breer, Gary Harris, Elaine Summers, Hans Richter, Takahiko Iimura, USCO, George Brecht, John Cage, Charles Frazier, Jim McWilliams, Robert Burridge, Robert Ashley, Al Hansen, Bici Hendricks, Geoffrey Hendricks, Barbara Moore, Peter Moore, Gordon Mumma, Max Neuhaus, Nam June Paik, Lil Picard, Raffaele, Ely Raman, Carolee Schneemann, George Maciunas

Press release for the Fourth Annual New York Festival of the Avant Garde held at The Central Park Conservatory Pond, New York, September 9, 1966, from 6am until midnight. Organized by Charlotte Moorman. ... [details]

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Miniatures Exhibition
  • exhibition catalogue
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • slipcase
  • black-and-white
  • 6.9 x 4 x 1.5 cm.
  • [73] pp.
  • edition size 2000
  • unsigned and numbered

Miniatures Exhibition

Roger Ackling, Reg Ashton, Tony Ashton, Robin Bagilhole, Allen Barker, Glen Baxter, Gavin Bennett, Boris Brook, David Brown, Jennifer Buxton RMS, Peter Cartwright, John Christie, Tom Clark, Laurie Clark, Les Coleman, Martin Cook, Simon Cutts, Rosemary Deval, Stephen Duncalf, Paul Eachus, Kenelm Evans, Martin Fidler, Noel Forster, Terry Frost, John Furnival, Phillida Gili, Peter Gordon-Stables, Paul Hammond, Jonette Harley-Peters, Glynn Boyd Harte, Adrian Heath, Anthony Hill, Charlie Holmes, Patrick Hughes, Tess Jaray, David Johnstone, Ron King, Brian Lane, Eileen Lawrence, Edwina Leapman, David Lehrle, Kim Lim, Stuart Mills, Brodnax Moore, Dave Morris, Glen Onwin, Eduardo Paolozzi, Roy A. Perry, Tom Phillips, David Prentice, Dinah Prentice, Kay Roberts, Martin Rogers, Archie Puff, William Scott, Stephen Skidmore, Birgit Skiöld, Diane Slocock, Karl Torok, Ian Tyson, Darrell Viner, Shelagh Wakely, Warren Editions, Alan Welsford, Madelaine Westwood, Steve Wheatley, David Willetts, Julia Wilson, Richard Wilson, Trevor Winkfield

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Coracle Press, London, in 1977. Artists include Roger Ackling, Reg Ashton, Tony Ashton, Robin Bagilhole, Allen Barker, Glen Baxter, Gavin Bennett, Boris Brook, David Brown, Jennifer Buxton RMS, Peter Cartwright, John Christie, Tom Clark, Laurie Clark, Les Coleman, Martin Cook, Simon Cutts, Rosemary Deval, Stephen Duncalf, Paul Eachus, Kenelm Evans, Martin Fidler, Noel Forster, Terry Frost, John Furnival, Phillida Gili, Peter Gordon-Stables, Paul Hammond, Jonette Harley-Peters, Glynn Boyd Harte, Adrian Heath, Anthony Hill, Charlie Holmes, Patrick Hughes, Tess Jaray, David Johnstone, Ron King, Brian Lane, Eileen Lawrence, Edwina Leapman, David Lehrle, Kim Lim, Stuart Mills, Brodnax Moore, Dave Morris, Glen Onwin, Eduardo Paolozzi, Roy A. ... [details]

London, United Kingdom: Coracle Press,
Condition:  Very Good. Complete set. Cards in Fine condition. Light flattening of box, with 2 mm. of soiling to recto. Number 679 / 2000.
[Object # 7862]
Greater New York : New Art in New York Now
  • exhibition catalogue
  • illustrated wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • other special feature[s]
  • black-and-white & color
  • 22.8 x 29.8 cm.
  • 39 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Greater New York : New Art in New York Now

Terrence Accola, Manuel Acevedo, Ricci Albenda, Ghada Amer, Alfredo Arcia, Adriana Arenas, Michael Ashkin, Nicole Awai, Adam Baer, Tracey Baran, AidasKlaus Biesenbach, Alanna Heiss, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Russell Haswell, Paulo Herkenhoff, Laura Hoptman, Deborah Wye, Bareikis, Yael Bartana, Jane Benson, Big Room, Jimbo Blachly, Jeremy Blake, Chakaia Booker, Jennifer Bornstein, Bob Braine, Michael Bramwell, Jesse Bransford, Steven Brower, Cecily Brown, Matthew Buckingham, Luca Buvoli, Elizabeth Campbell, Francis Cape, Yungshu Chao, Jennifer Cho, Seoungho Cho, Peter Coe, Diana Cooper, Jessica Craig-Martin, Jordan Crandall, E.V. Day, Lucky DeBellevue, Robert De Mar, Elena Del Rivero, Kelly Driscoll, David Dupuis, Aleksandar Duravcevic, Keith Edmier, Benjamin Edwards, Inka Essenhigh, Roe Ethridge, Rachel Feinstein, Teresita Fernández, William Fick, Jonah Freeman, David Galbraith, Teresa Seemann, Ellen Gallagher, Tim Gardner, Jeff Gaunt, Hope Ginsburg, Maria Elena González, Sam Gordon, Terence Gower, Toland Grinnell, Chris Hammerlein, Chris Hanson, Hendrika Sonnenberg, Sharon Harper, Rachel Horowitz, Timothy Hutchings, Emily Jacir, Julia Jacquette, Gareth James, Natalie Jeremijenko, Ernest Jolicoeur, Brad Kahlhamer, Sermin Kardestunger, Seth Kelly, Nina Katchadourian, Joachim Koester, Jeff Konigsberg, Udomsak Krisanamis, Alex Ku, Justine Kurland, Julian Laverdiere, Nikki Lee, Daniel Lefcourt, Paul Etienne Lincoln, Pia Lindman, Mark Lombardi, Charles Long, Michelle Lopez, Kristin Lucas, Giles Lyon, Johnna Macarthur, Caitlin Masley, Tony Matelli, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, Julie Mehretu, John Menick, Deborah Mesa-Pelly, Arnaldo Morales, Shirin Neshat, Nils Norman, Olu Oguibe, Mick O'Shea, Roxy Paine, Erik Parker, Bruce Pearson, Sheila Pepe, David Perry, Elizabeth Peyton, Paul Pfeiffer, Michael Phelan, Richard Phillips, John Pilson, Rob Pruitt, Nadine Robinson, Ruth Root, Alex Ross, Lisa Ruyter, Calvin Seibert, Lawrence Seward, Jocelyn Shipley, Alyson Shotz, James Siena, Shahzia Sikander, Amy Sillman, Gwen Smith, Valeska Soares, Mi-Young Sohn, Dylan Stone, Do-Ho Suh, Jude Tallichet, Javier Tellez, Scott Teplin, Nicola Tyson, Piotr Uklanski, Cynthia Underwood, Mark Dean Veca, Anton Vidokle, Stephen Vitiello, Douglas Wada, Olav Westphalen, TJ Wilcox, Clara Williams, Karen Yasinsky, Lisa Yuskavage

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with the inaugural iteration of the quinquennial exhibition "Greater New York" held February 27 - May 14, 2000. The exhibition marked the first curatorial collaboration between PS. ... [details]

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The Grand Union
  • ephemera
  • offset-printed
  • black-and-white
  • 21.5 x 27.8 cm.
  • [2] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

The Grand Union

Trisha Brown, Douglas Dunn, Nancy Green, Yvonne Rainer, Steve Paxton, David Gordon, Barbara Lloyd

Double sided flyer for The Grand Union, comprised of Trisha Brown, Douglas Dunn, Nancy Green, Yvonne Rainer, Steve Paxton, David Gordon, and Barbara Lloyd, at The Dance Gallery April 1 - May 31, [1973]. ... [details]

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objects: 43