objects: 24
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  • critical theory
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 22 cm.
  • 103 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9040097313

Breitner and His Age : Paintings from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, 1880 - 1900

George Hendrik Breitner, Wiepke Loos, Guido Jansen, Lourens Alma Tadema, Marie Alexandre Jacques Bauer, Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof, Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriel, Vincent Van Gogh, Isaac Israels, Jozef Israels, Johann Eduard Karsen, Jacobus van Looy, Jacob Maris, Willem Maris, Anton Mauve, Hendrik Willem Mesdag, Willem Roelofs, Therese Schwartze, Jan Toorop, Jan Pieter Veth, Nicolaas van der Waay, Hendrik Johannes Weissebruch, Willem Arnold Witsen, Willem de Zwart

Critical text on the life and work of George Hendrik Breitner, and his contemporaries by Wiepke Loos ad Guido Jansen. Other artists featured include Lourens Alma Tadema, Marie Alexandre Jacques Bauer, Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof, Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriel, Vincent Van Gogh, Isaac Israels, Jozef Israels, Johann Eduard Karsen, Jacobus van Looy, Jacob Maris, Willem Maris, Anton Mauve, Hendrik Willem Mesdag, Willem Roelofs, Therese Schwartze, Jan Toorop, Jan Pieter Veth, Nicolaas van der Waay, Hendrik Johannes Weissebruch, Willem Arnold Witsen, and Willem de Zwart. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 29 x 20 cm.
  • [16] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
Documenta III
  • exhibition catalogue
  • paper over boards issued without dust-jacket
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 22.4 x 22.3 cm.
  • 415 pp. ; 240 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Documenta III

Werner Haftmann, Jean Arp, René Auberjonois, Ernst Barlach, Willi Baumeister, Jean Bazaine, Max Beckmann, Hans Bellmer, Joseph Beuys, Julius Bissier, Umberto Boccioni, Pierre Bonnard, Georges Braque, Rodolphe Bresdin, Carlo Carrà, Paul Cezanne, Marc Chagall, Giorgio de Chirico, Emil Cimiotti, Lovis Corinth, Dado, Salvador Dali, André Derain, Charles Despiau, Otto Dix, Jean Dubuffet, Marcel Duchamp, Raoul Dufy, James Ensor, Max Ernst, Joseph Fassbinder, Lyonel Feininger, Alberto Giacometti, Werner Gilles, Vincent van Gogh, Julio Gonzalez, Arshile Gorky, Juan Gris, George Grosz, Constantin Guys, Hans Hartung, Josef Hegenbarth, Wolfgang Hollegha, Asger Jorn, Wassily Kandinsky, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, R.B. Kitaj, Paul Klee, Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka, Alfred Kubin, Wifredo Lam, Henri Laurens, Fernand Léger, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Lismonde, Lucebert, August Macke, Aristide Maillol, Alfred Manessier, Franz Marc, Gerhard Marcks, Marino Marini, Albert Marquet, André Masson, Gregory Masurovsky, Henri Matisse, Roberto Echaurren Matta, Hans Mettel, Otto Meyer-Amden, Henri Michaux, Joan Miró, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Amedeo Modigliani, Piet Mondrian, Henry Moore, Giorgio Morandi, Edvard Munch, Ernst Wilhelm Nay, Ben Nicholson, Emil Nolde, Richard Oelze, Christian d'Orgeix, Jules Pascin, Constant Permeke, Pablo Picasso, Edouard Pignon, Filippo de Pisis, Jackson Pollock, Odilon Redon, Bernard Réquichot, Auguste Rodin, Egon Schiele, Oskar Schlemmer, Bernard Schultze, Scipione, Georges Seurat, Gino Severini, Paul Signac, Mario Sironi, KRH Sonderborg, Pierre Soulages, Nicolas De Staël, Graham Sutherland, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Hann Trier, Heinz Trökes, Suzanne Valadon, Emilio Vedova, Maria Elena Viera da Silva, Jacques Villon, Edouard Vuillard, Wols, Arnold Bode, Valerio Adami, Robert Adams, Hans Aeschbacher, Afro, Yaacov Agam, Pierre Alechinsky, Horst Antes, Karel Appel, Arman, Kenneth Armitage, Joannis Avramidis, Kengiro Azuma, Francis Bacon, Janez Bernik, Miguel Berrocal, Max Bill, Roger Bissière, Lee Bontecou, Constantin Brancusi, Peter Brüning, Alberto Burri, Pol Bury, Alexander Calder, Anthony Caro, César, Lynn Chadwick, Avinash Chandra, Eduardo Chillida, Bernard Cohen, Harold Cohen, Pietro Consagra, Corneille, Radomir Damnjanovic, Alan Davie, Robyn Denny, Eugene Dodeigne, Piero Dorazio, Dusan Dzamonja, Martin Engelman, Gerson Fehrenbach, Lothar Fischer, John Forrester, Sam Francis, Otto Freundlich, Rupprecht Geiger, Vic Gentils, Nicholas Georgiadis, Quinto Ghermandi, Hermann Goepfert, Roland Goeschl, Leon Golub, Otto Greis, HAP Grieshaber, Waldemar Grzimek, Günter Haese, Etienne Hajdu, Otto-Herbert Hajek, Karl Hartung, Erich Hauser, Bernhard Heiliger, Jochen Hiltmann, Anton Heyboer, Paul von Hoeydonck, Rudolf Hoflehner, Hundertwasser, Jean Ipousteguy, Paul Jenkins, Alfred Jensen, Jasper Johns, Allen Jones, Ellsworth Kelly, Zoltan Kemeny, Phillip King, Konrad Klapheck, Yves Klein, Franz Kline, Alexander Kobzdej, Hans Kock, Fritz Koenig, Willem de Kooning, Harry Kramer, Norbert Kricke, Klaus Kröger, Rainer Küchenmeister, André Lanskoy, Berto Lardera, Le Parc, Richard Lin, Jacques Lipchitz, Wilhelm Loth, Morris Louis, Bernhard Luginbühl, Heinz Mack, Etienne Martin, Almir Mavignier, Brigitte Meier-Denninghoff, James McGarrell, Jean Messagier, James Metcalf, Josef Mikl, Pitt Moog, Morellet, Richard Mortensen, Robert Motherwell, E.R. Nele, Rolf Nesch, Louise Nevelson, Georges Noël , Isamu Noguchi, Kenzo Okada, Alfonso Ossorio, Eduardo Paolozzi, Victor Pasmore, Alicia Penalba, Otto Piene, Pierluca, Serge Poliafkoff, Gio Pomodoro, Concetto Pozzati, Heimrad Prem, Robert Rauschenberg, Germaine Richier, George Rickey, Jean-Paul Riopelle, Günter Ferdinand Ris, Larry Rivers, Giuseppe Romagnoni, Garcia Rossi, Giuseppe Santomaso, Antonio Saura, Nicolas Schoeffer, Emil Schumacher, Kurt Schwitters, William Scott, Gustav Seitz, Jason Seley, David Smith, Sobrino, K.R.H. Sonderborg, Jésus Raphael Soto, Chaim Soutine, Jannis Spyropoulos, Toni Stadler, Stein, Hans Steinbrenner, Klaus Steinbrenner, Kumi Sugai, Marko Sustarsic, Arpad Szenés

A two volume catalogue for Documenta III, held June 27 - October 5, 1964. Volume 1 focuses on sculpture and painting. Essay's by Werner Haftmann and Arnold Bode. Artists include Jean Arp, Willi Baumeister, Jean Bazaine, Max Beckmann, Joseph Beuys, Julius Bissier, Pierre Bonnard, Georges Braque, Marc Chagall, Emil Cimiotti, Constant, Lovis Corinth, André Derain, Jean Dubuffet, Max Ernst, Joseph Fassbinder, Alberto Giacometti, Julio Gonzalez, Hans Hartung, Wolfgang Hollegha, Asger Jorn, Wassily Kandinsky, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, R. ... [details]

Kassel, Germany: Documenta GmbH,
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High & Low : Popular Culture & Modern Art
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 31 x 24.8 cm.
  • 460 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0870703544

High & Low : Popular Culture & Modern Art

[Paperback Edition]

Kirk Varnedoe, Adam Gopnik

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held October 7, 1990 - January 15, 1991, at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to The Art Institute of Chicago, February 20 - May 12, 1991 and Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, June 21 - September 15, 1991. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
  • exhibition catalogue
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 31 x 24.8 cm.
  • 460 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0870703536

High & Low : Popular Culture & Modern Art

[Hardcover Edition]

Kirk Varnedoe, Adam Gopnik

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held October 7, 1990 - January 15, 1991, at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to The Art Institute of Chicago, February 20 - May 12, 1991 and Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, June 21 - September 15, 1991. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 21 x 15 cm.
  • 48 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 3720400956

Kupferstich, Radierung, Aquatinta : Werke von Schongauer bis Baselitz aus dem Kupferstichkabinett Basel

Marianne Wackernagel, Meister des Todes Mariae, Meister mit den Bandrollen, Meister E.S., Martin Schongauer, Israhel van Meckenem, Meister M.Z., Andrea Mantegna, Hausbuchmeister, Urs Graf, Daniel Hopfer, Albrecht Dürer, Marcantonio Raimondi, Lucas van Leyden, Lucas Cranach d.A., Hanns Lautensack, Jacques Bellange, Hendrick Goltzius, Claude Mellan, Hendrick Goudt, Matthaeus Meria d.A., Jacques Callot, Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Louis-Marin Bonnet, Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non, James McArdell, Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, Giovanni Antonio Canal, James Ensor, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Eugène Delacroix, Camille Corot, Charles François Daubigny, Édouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Max Klinger, Edvard Munch, Emil Nolde, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Klee, Album Anatole Jakovski, Max Beckmann, Markus Raetz, Miriam Cahn, Eduardo Chillida, Georg Baselitz, Martin Disler, Barnett Newman, Cy Twombly, Claes Oldenburg, Dieter Roth, Bernhard Luginbühl

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Kunstmuseum Basel, May 18 - August 25, 1996. Essay by Marianne Wackernagel. Artists in the exhibition include Meister des Todes Mariae, Meister mit den Bandrollen, Meister E. ... [details]

Basel, Switzerland: Kunstmuseum Basel,
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  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 22 cm.
  • 181 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 2711837513

Millet / Van Gogh

Jean-François Millet, Vincent van Gogh, Marie-Pierre Salé, Louis van Tilborgh, Sjraar van Heugten, Juleke van Lindert

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held September 14, 1998 - January 3, 1999. Written contributions by Marie-Pierre Salé, Louis van Tilborgh, Sjraar van Heugten, and Juleke van Lindert. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Naissance de l'Art Cinétique
  • critical theory
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 25 x 21.5 cm.
  • 245 pp.
  • edition size 1521
  • unsigned and numbered

Naissance de l'Art Cinétique

[Birth of Kinetic Art]

Frank Popper

A critical theory text, "Naissance de l'Art Cinetique" [Birth of Kinetic Art] was written by Frank Popper. Forewords by Frank Popper and Etienne Souriau. Artists referenced include Giacomo Balla, Edgar Degas, Eadward Muybridge, J. ... [details]

out of stock
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Psychedelic Art
  • critical theory
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 21.2 cm.
  • 190 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Psychedelic Art

Robert E.L. Masters, Jean Houston, Barry N. Schwartz, Stanley Krippner

Critical theory text by Robert E.L. Masters and Jean Houston discussing the prevalence of psychedelic drugs in art work. "The psychedelic artist is an artist whose work has been significantly influenced by psychedelic experience and who acknowledges the impact of the experience on his work. ... [details]

New York, U.S.A.: Grove Press,
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  • monograph
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 31 x 25 cm.
  • 210 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0870703021

The Modern Drawing : 100 Works on Paper from the Museum of Modern Art

[Hardcover Edition]

John Elderfeld, Alexander Archipenko, Jean Arp, Lawrence Atkinson, Max Beckmann, Umberto Boccioni, Constantin Brancusi, Georges Braque, Paul Cézanne, Marc Chagall, Giorgio de Chirico, Lovis Corinth, Joseph Cornell, Salvador Dali, Edgar Degas, Paul Delvaus, Robert Delaunay, Jean Delville, Charles Demuth, André Derain, Richard Diebenkorn, Otto Dix, Theo van Doesburg, Arthur G. Dove, Jean Dubuffet, Max Ernst, Alexandra Exeter, Lyonel Feininger, Helen Frankenthaler, Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh, Julio González, Arshile Gorky, John Graham, Juan Gris, George Grosz, Philip Guston, Jasper Johns, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Gustav Klimt, Franz Kline, Oskar Kokoschka, Willem de Kooning, Alfred Kubin, Frantisek Kupka, Mikhail Larionov, Fernard Léger, Jacques Lipchitz, El Lissitzky, Kasimir Malevich, Man Ray, Franz Marc, John Marin, André Masson, Henri Matisse, Joan Miró, Amedeo Modigliani, Piet Mondrian, Robert Motherwell, Emil Nolde, Georgia O'Keeffe, Claes Oldenburg, Max Pechstein, Francis Picabia, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Robert Rauschenberg, Odilon Redon, Auguste Rodin, Christian Rohlfs, Mark Rothko, Georges Rouault, Egon Schiele, Oskar Schlemmer, Kurt Schwitters, Georges Seurat, Gino Severini, Charles Sheeler, David Smith, Vladimir Tatlin, Alexander Vesnin

"This book consists of pictures and essays : pictures of one hundred modern drawings, broadly defined as works on paper, in The Museum of Modern Art, New York; and essays on the subject of each of these drawings and, collectively, of the modern drawing itself and its place in modern art. ... [details]

Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
objects: 24