Edited by Betsy Sussler. Cover by Georgia Marsh. Essays "Films from the Heartlands of Mexico, Interview, Betsy Sussler," by Nicolas Echevarria; "In the High Ceiling of Stars," by Bradford Morrow; "Cockenoe," by David Rattray; "Spring Training," by Glenn O'Brien; "Translations Janet Brof," by Rosario Murillo; "Translations by Eva Gasteazoro and Harris Schiff," by Rosario Murillo; "Translations by Eva Gasteazoro and Harris Schiff; "Translations INALSE," by Roque Dalton; "Translations by Margaret Randall," by Otto Rene Castillo; "When the Mountains Tremble," by Pam Yates, interview by Betsy Sussler; "Whatever Happens," by Jacek Gulla; "The Hidden Anguish of the Mousketeers," by Gary Indiana; "The Following Myth. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "H.M. Koutoukas, The Head Gargoyle," by Cookie Mueller; "Nightshift," by Allen Frame; "James Purdy," by Allen Frame; "Mary Mhoon," Allen Frame; "478," by David Seidner; "Joan Tewkesbury," by David Seidner; "James McLure," by Betsy Sussler; "Umarla Klasa," by Tadeusz Kantor; "Rockets Redglare," by Mark Magill; "Olue Kuroemon II from the Grand Kabuki," by Robert Aaron; "JoAnne Akalaitis," by Craig Gholson; "Maris Duval," by Susan Mallouk; "Cathode Cruel," by Susan Landau; "Gianfranco Gorgoni," by Betsy Sussler; "Glossolania," by Sarah Charlesworth and Barbara Kruger. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held October 23 - December 15, 2000. Essays by Catherine Tedford, Gary D. Sampson and Esther Parada, further contributions by Michael Hoffman, Mark C. ... [details]