objects: 24
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 7 (March 1973)

John Coplans, Lawrence Alloway, Joseph Masheck, Hollis Frampton, Robert Pincus-Witten, Peter Plagens, Leon Golub, April Kingsley, Wassily Kandinsky, Emile de Antonio, Tanya Neufeld, Bruce Boice, Eadweard Muybridge

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Institution: Whitney Annual," by Lawrence Alloway; "16 Whitney Museum Annuals of American Painting, Percentages 1950-72," by Leon Golub; "Yes! Says Arakawa," by Joseph Masheck; "Eadweard Muybridge: Fragments of a Tesseract," by Hollis Frampton; "Ferdinand Hodler: Expressionism Versus Symbolism," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "Roughly Ordered Thoughs on the Occasion of the Bruce Nauman Retrospective in Los Angeles," by Peter Plagens; "2D/3D," by Leon Golub; "Women Choose Women," by April Kingsley; "Unconscious Formalism, A Response to Andre's Note on the Bechers," by Joe Masheck; "Kandinsky: 'On the Artist'," by Wassily Kandinsky; "An Interview with Emile de Antonio," by Tanya Neufeld; "Joseph Kosuth: 2 Shows," by Bruce Boice. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 8 (April 1973)

John Coplans, Lawrence Alloway, Agnes Martin, Robert P. Welsh, Joop P. Joosten, Peter Plagens, Lowery S. Sims, David Kunzle, Lizzie Borden, Bruce Boice, Joseph Masheck, April Kingsley, Roberta Smith

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Agnes Martin," by Lawrence Alloway; "Reflections," by Agnes Martin; "Early Work," by Lizzie Borden; "Jan Dibbets; The Photograph and the Photographed," by Bruce Boice; "The Birth of de Stijl, Part I: Piet Mondrian, The Subject Matter of Abstraction," by Robert P. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 10 (June 1973)

John Coplans, Peter Plagens, Rudolf W. Oxenaar, Hans Haacke, Bruce Boice, Annette Michelson, Max Kozloff, Louis Finkelstein, Lucinda Childs, Mel Bochner, Joseph Masheck, Lizzie Borden, Roberta Smith, James Collins, Dan Flavin

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Rays of Hope, Particles of Doubt," by Peter Plagens; "The Birth of de Stijl, Part Two: Bart van der Leck," by Rudolf W. Oxenaar; "Hans Haacke's Gallery Visitors' Profile," by Hans Haacke and Bruce Boice; "Rose Hobart and Monsieur Phot: Early Films from Utopia Parkway," by Annette Michelson; "The Uncanny Portrait: Sander, Arbus, Samaras," by Max Kozloff; "Seeing Stella," by Louis Finkelstein; "Notes on Batya Zamir," by Lucinda Childs; "Book Review," by Mel Bochner. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 5 (January 1973)

John Coplans, Annette Michelson, Paul Arthur, Roland Barthes, Phoebe Cohen, Noël Carroll, Rosalind Krauss, Fred Camper, Hollis Frampton, Joyce Rheuban, Carter Ratcliff, Bruce Boice, April Kingsley, Joe Masheck, Sergei Eisenstein

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Camera Lucida/Camera Obscura," by Annette Michelson; "Eisenstein on Mayakovsky," by Sergei Eisenstein; "Stan Brakhage: Four Films," by Paul Arthur; "The Third Meaning: Notes on Some of Eisenstein's Stills," by Roland Barthes; "'Scenes From Under Childhood,'" by Phoebe Cohen; "For God and Country," by Noël Carroll; "Montage 'October': Dialectic of the Shot," by Rosalind Krauss; "'Western History' and 'The Riddle of Lumen,'" by Fred Camper; "Stan and Jane Brakhage, Talking," by Hollis Frampton; "Brakhage Filmography," by Joyce Rheuban. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 6 (February 1973)

John Coplans, Hans Namuth, Preston Heller, Andrew Menard, Lawrence Alloway, Robert Morris, Lucinda Childs, Kermit Champa, Robert Smithson, Bruce Boice, Max Kozloff, Joseph Masheck, Lizzie Borden, Bruce Boice, April Kingsley, Peter Plagens, Jasper Johns

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "In Memoriam: Joseph Cornell," by Hans Namuth; "Kozloff: Criticism in Absentia," by Preston Heller and Andrew Menard; "Sam Francis: From Field to Arabesque," by Lawrence Alloway; "Some Splashes in the Ebb Tide," by Robert Morris; "Lucinda Childs: A Portfolio," by Lucinda Childs; "Miró," by Kermit Champa; "Frederick Law Olmsted and the Dialectical Landscape," by Robert Smithson; "After the Quality Problem," by Bruce Boice; "Book Review," by Max Kozloff. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 27 x 26.5 cm.
  • 94 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 11, No. 2 (October 1972)

John Coplans, Lawrence Alloway, Claes Oldenburg, Angela Westwater Reaves, Robert Smithson, Carter Ratcliff, Lizzie Borden, Max Kozloff, Eleanor Green, Walter D. Bannard, Bruce Boice, Peter Plagens, Lawrence Alloway, Bill Simon, Robert Jensen, Lizzie Borden, Jerome Tarshis

Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Documenta: A Portfolio:" "'Reality': Ideology at D5," by Lawrence Alloway; "Claes Oldenburg, An Interview," by Angela Westwater Reaves; "Cultural Confinement," by Robert Smithson; "Adversary Spaces," by Carter Ratcliff; "Cosmologies," by Lizzie Borden. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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Art-Rite Complete Run & Art-Rite Ephemera
  • periodical
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 27 x 21 cm.
  • 20 vol. : 8 pp. ; 16 pp. ; 16 pp. ; 16 pp. ; 24 pp. ; 32 pp. ; 32 pp. ; 32 pp. ; 56 pp. ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; 80 pp. ; [unpaginated] ; [unpaginated] ; 64 pp. ; 24 pp. ; [4] pp. ; plus three loose sheets
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Art-Rite Complete Run & Art-Rite Ephemera

[No. 1 in Vintage Facsimile ; No. 16 was not issued] / No. 1 (April 15, 1973) ; No. 2 (Summer 1973) ; No. 3 (1973) ; No. 4 (1973) ; No. 5 (Spring 1974) ; No. 6 (Summer 1974) ; No. 7 (Autumn 1974) ; No. 8 (Winter 1975) ; No. 9 (Spring 1975) ; No. 10 (Fall 1975) ; No. 11 - 12 (Winter / Spring 1975 / 76) ; No. 13 (January 1977) [Red] ; No. 13 (January 1977) [Black] ; No. 14 (Winter 1976 / 77) ; No. 15 (1977) ; No. 18 (March 15, 1978) ; No. 19 (June 1978) ; No. 20 (1978) ; No. 21 (1978)

Art-Rite, Edit DeAk, Walter Robinson, Les Levine, William Wegman, Richard Tuttle, Yuri, Christo, Dorothea Rockburne, Vito Acconci, Pat Steir, Robert Ryman, Joseph Beuys, Edward Ruscha, Alan Suicide, Carl Andre, Rosemary Mayer, Image Bank, Kim MacConnel, Chris Burden, Demi, Judy Rifka

Complete run of all issues published of Art-Rite, periodical edited by Edit DeAk and Walter Robinson. This grouping consists of a in vintage facsimile of No. 1 (April 15, 1973) cover by Les Levine ; and original copies of No. ... [details]

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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 26 x 19 cm.
  • 32 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Painting / No. 9 (Spring 1975)

Walter Robinson, Edit deAk, Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Lucio Pozzi, David Reed, Robert Pincus-Witten, Anthony Mascatello, Dennis Kardon, Lawrence Alloway, Robert Ryman, Carl Andre, Richard Armstrong, Rudolf Baranik, Porfirio di Donna, Mel Edwards, Ron Gorchov, Peter Grass, Hans Haacke, Neil Jenney, Bill Jensen, Marilyn Lenkowsky, Willi Lenski, Hass Murphy, Elizabeth Murray, Judy Rifka, Irving Sandler, Julian Schnabel, Barbara Schwartz, Nancy Spero, John Torreano, Michael Train

Spring 1975 issue of Art-Rite focused on Painting, edited by Walter Robinson and Edit deAk. Contents include: "Conventional Wisdom"; "Untitled Statement," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe; "Painting Matters," by Lucio Pozzi; "On Jumping," by David Reed; "On Intermediate Cases," by David Reed; "Random Notes on Painting From A Critic's Daybook," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "The Whitney Biennial," by Anthony Mascatello; "A Pained Expression," by Dennis Kardon; "About Painting," by Lawrence Alloway; "Photographic Realism," by The Staff; "Lilly Brody"; "John Mendelsohn"; "Nancy Spero"; "Julian Schnabel"; "Evriah Bader"; "Peter Grass"; "Niel Jenney:" "Painters (Group One)"; "Bruce Boice (with Irving Sandler)"; "Painters (Group Two)"; "Conversation with Brice Marden. ... [details]

Condition:  Fair / Good. 15.3 cm. and 3.6 cm. tears to spine. 2.2 cm. tear to recto, bumping of top edge of recto, and 1.2 cm. dog-ear to bottom right corner of recto. Chipping and tearing across top edge of verso. Yellowing of covers and pages. 2 mm. tear to page 3 and 1.3 cm. tear to pages 51-54. Contents clean and unmarked.
[Object # 39278]
Dorothea Rockburne
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 20.3 x 20 cm.
  • 11 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Dorothea Rockburne

Dorothea Rockburne, Bruce Boice

Catalogue published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Hartford Art School, April 23 - May 5, 1973. Illustrated in black-and-white. With text by Bruce Boice. [details]

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Arts Magazine
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30.5 x 23 cm.
  • 95 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Arts Magazine

Vol. 47, No. 6 (April 1973)

Andrei Boris Nakov, Jean-Claude Bonne, Willis Domingo, William C. Lipke, Cindy Nemser, Richard Serra, Rosalind Krauss, Jack Burnham, Howard Fried, Dan Graham, Bruce Boice, John Loring, Cara Montgomery, Paul Stitleman, Rosemary Mayer, Robert Pancoast Smith, Jane Bell, Ellen Lubell, Bill Dykes, Nancy Murray, Judith Tannenbaum, Andre Mikotajuk, Gordon Brown, Alexander Rodcenko, Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac Witkin, Lee Krasner, Les Levine, Mel Bochner, Marisol

April 1973 issue of Arts Magazine. Cover features Richard Serra's "Shift." Contributors include Andrei Boris Nakov, Jean-Claude Bonne, Willis Domingo, William C. Lipke, Cindy Nemser, Richard Serra, Rosalind Krauss, Jack Burnham, Howard Fried, Dan Graham, Bruce Boice, John Loring, Cara Montgomery, Paul Stitleman, Rosemary Mayer, Robert Pancoast Smith, Jane Bell, Ellen Lubell, Bill Dykes, Nancy Murray, Judith Tannenbaum, Andre Mikotajuk, and Gordon Brown. ... [details]

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objects: 24