objects: 157
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  • exhibition catalogue
  • board covers
  • offset-printed
  • spiral bound
  • black-and-white
  • 30 x 21.5 cm.
  • 409 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Skulptur Ausstellung in Münster 1977

Katalog I und II

Kaspar König, Klaus Bußman, Aleksandr Archipenko, Hans Arp, Max Bill, Umberto Boccioni, Constantin Brancusi, Alexander Calder, Anthony Caro, Eduardo Chillida, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Lucio Fontana, Otto Freundlich, Naum Gabo, Alberto Giacometti, Julio Gonzáles, Friedrich Gräsel, Ernst Hermanns, Katarzyna Kobro, Norbert Kricke, Berto Lardera, Henri Laurens, Jacques Lipchitz, Lázló Moholy-Nagy, Henri Moore, Antoine Pevsner, Pablo Picasso, Heinz-Günther Prager, David Rabinowitch, Man Ray, James Reineking, Auguste Rodin, Alexander Rodchenko, Oskar Schlemmer, Tim Scott, David Smith, Giuseppe Spagnulo, Michael Steiner, Georgii Stenberg, Vladimir Tatlin, Marino Di Teana, William Tucker, Hans Uhlmann, Georges Vantongerloo, Carl Andre, Michael Asher, Joseph Beuys, Donald Judd, Richard Long, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Richard Serra

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with exhibition held July 3 - November 13, 1977. Show curated by Kasper König and Klaus Bußman. Artists in the section Katalog I include Aleksandr Archipenko, Hans Arp, Max Bill, Umberto Boccioni, Constantin Brancusi, Alexander Calder, Anthony Caro, Eduardo Chillida, Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Lucio Fontana, Otto Freundlich, Naum Gabo, Alberto Giacometti, Julio Gonzáles, Friedrich Gräsel, Ernst Hermanns, Katarzyna Kobro, Norbert Kricke, Berto Lardera, Henri Laurens, Jacques Lipchitz, Lázló Moholy-Nagy, Henri Moore, Antoine Pevsner, Pablo Picasso, Heinz-Günther Prager, David Rabinowitch, Man Ray, James Reineking, Auguste Rodin, Alexander Rodchenko, Oskar Schlemmer, Tim Scott, David Smith, Giuseppe Spagnulo, Michael Steiner, Georgii Stenberg, Vladimir Tatlin, Marino Di Teana, William Tucker, Hans Uhlmann, and Georges Vantongerloo, while artists in the second half (Katalog II) include Carl Andre, Michael Asher, Joseph Beuys, Donald Judd, Richard Long, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, and Richard Serra . ... [details]

Köln, Germany: DuMont Buchverlag,
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  • exhibition catalogue
  • board covers
  • offset-printed
  • spiral bound
  • black-and-white
  • 30 x 21.5 cm.
  • 409 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 3770121813

Skulptur Projekte in Münster 87

Kaspar König, Klaus Bußman, Dennis Adams, Carl ANdre, Giovanni Anselmo, SIah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, Stephan Balkenhol, Lothar Baumgarten, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, Daniel Buren, Scott Burton, Eduardo Chillida, Thierry de Cordier, Richard Deacon, Luciano Fabro, Robert Filliou, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Peter Fischli, Katharina Fritsch, Isa Genzken, Ludger Gerdes, Dan Graham, Rodney Graham, Hans Haacke, Keith Haring, Ernst Hermanns, Georg Herold, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Shirazeh Houshiary, Thomas Huber, Donald Judd, Hubert Kiecol, Per Kirkeby, Harald Klingelhöller, Jeff Koons, Raimund Kummer, Ange Leccia, Sol LeWitt, Mario Merz, Olaf Metzel, François Morellet, Rinhard Mucha, Matt Mullican, Bruce Nauman, Maria Nordman, Claes Oldenburg, Nam June Paik, A.R. Penck, Giuseppe Penone, Hermann Pitz, Fritz Rahmann, Ulrich Rückriem, Reiner Ruthenbeck, Thomas Schütte, Richard Serra, Susana Solano, Ettore Spalletti, Thomas Struth, Richard Tuttle, David Weiss, Franz West, Rémy Zaugg

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with exhibition held June 14 - October 4, 1987. Show curated by Kasper König and Klaus Bußman. Artists in the exhibition include Dennis Adams, Carl ANdre, Giovanni Anselmo, SIah Armajani, Richard Artschwager, Michael Asher, Stephan Balkenhol, Lothar Baumgarten, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, Daniel Buren, Scott Burton, Eduardo Chillida, Thierry de Cordier, Richard Deacon, Luciano Fabro, Robert Filliou, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Peter Fischli, Katharina Fritsch, Isa Genzken, Ludger Gerdes, Dan Graham, Rodney Graham, Hans Haacke, Keith Haring, Ernst Hermanns, Georg Herold, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Shirazeh Houshiary, Thomas Huber, Donald Judd, Hubert Kiecol, Per Kirkeby, Harald Klingelhöller, Jeff Koons, Raimund Kummer, Ange Leccia, Sol LeWitt, Mario Merz, Olaf Metzel, François Morellet, Rinhard Mucha, Matt Mullican, Bruce Nauman, Maria Nordman, Claes Oldenburg, Nam June Paik, A. ... [details]

Köln, Germany: DuMont Buchverlag,
Condition:  Used
Synnyt : Nykytaiteen Lähteitä / Sources of Contemporary Art
  • critical theory
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 28 x 29 cm.
  • 316 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9529004427

Synnyt : Nykytaiteen Lähteitä / Sources of Contemporary Art

Timo Valjakka, Juhana Blomstedt, Juhani Pallasmaa, Tor-Björn Hägglund, Yrjänä Levanto, Lauri Anttila, Mikael Enckell, Jaakko Lintinen, Peter von Bagh, Altti Kuusamo, Keijo Rahkonen

Critical theory text discussing themes and origins of contemporary art. The title, "Synnyt," refers to the Finnish word meaning 'birth' and 'to be born,' and also to Finnish mythology, in which the word alluded to a story that "explained the cause or origin of a given creature, disease or other phenomenon and it was believed that knowledge of the true 'synty' or origin gave its possessor power over the phenomenon in question. ... [details]

Helinski, Sweden: Nykytaiteen Mueso,
Condition:  Used
  • exhibition catalogue
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28.5 x 22 cm.
  • 271 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0810918110

The American Collections

William C. Agee, John I.H. Baur, Doreen Bolger, Nannette V. Maciejunes, E. Jane Connell, William Kloss, Richard L. Rubenfeld, Laura L. Meixner, Debora A. Rindge, Steven W. Rosen, Norma J. Roberts, Winslow Homer, George Inness, Albert Bierstadt, Martin John Heade, Severin Roesen, William Michael Harnett, De Scott Evans, Albert Pinkham Ryder, Ralph Albert Blakelock, Elihu Vedder, John La Farge, James A. McNeill Whistler, John Henry Twachtman, Childe Hassam, John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt, Theodore Robinson, Thomas Eakins, Cecilia Beaux, Robert Henri, John Sloan, Ernest Lawson, Maurice Prendergast, William Glackens, George Wesley Bellows, Rockwell Kent, Edward Middleton Manigault, Arthur G. Dove, Georgia O'Keeffe, Marsden Hartley, John Marin, Man Ray, Morton Livingston Schamberg, Thomas Hart Benton, Stanton Macdonald-Wright, Preston Dickinson, Charles Sheeler, Charles Demuth, Niles Spencer, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Paul Manship, Charles E. Burchfield, Guy Pène du Bois, Peter Blume, Elijah Pierce, Reginald Marsh, Walt Kuhn, Alfred Maurer, Stuart Davis, Lyonel Feininger, Edward Hopper, Isabel Bishop, Hugo Robus, Chaim Gross, Geoge Tooker, Andrew Wyeth, Tom Wesselmann, Kenneth Snelson, Helen Frankenthaler, Kenneth Noland, Louise Nevelson, Dan Flavin, Clement Meadmore, Alexander Calder, George Rickey, George Segal, Richard Stankiewicz, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Robert Natkin, Stephen Antonakos

Catalogue published in honor of the collection of American art held at the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio. With contributions by William C. Agee, John I.H. Baur, Doreen Bolger, Nannette V. Maciejunes, E. ... [details]

Condition:  New
Condition:  Used
The Suburban, The Early Years : 1999 - 2003
  • reference book
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 15 x 20 cm.
  • 110 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

The Suburban, The Early Years : 1999 - 2003

Michelle Grabner, Brad Killiam, David Robbins, Nicholas Frank, Matthew Higgs, Peter Ribic, Annika Marie

Reference catalogue produced for The Suburban gallery in Chicago from 1999 - 2003. Edited by Annika Marie, with essays by Nicholas Frank, Michelle Grabner, Brad Killam, Matthew Higgs, Peter Ribic, David Robbins. ... [details]

Chicago, U.S.A.: The Suburban,
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Triangle Artist's Workshop 1990
  • reference book
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white
  • 20 x 20 cm.
  • [unpaginated]
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Triangle Artist's Workshop 1990

Sue Johnson, Karen Wilkin, Deborah Kriger, Joseph Masheck, Vivienne Dadour, Stephen Williams, Robert Christie, Clay Ellis, Robert Scott, Wendy Skog, Vincent Gontier, Marielle Tabart, Chabani Cyril Manganyi, Salvador Juanpere, Paul Caro, Peter Hide, Simon Hiscock, Jon Isherwood, Gillian Ord, Mary Collins, Nadine Delawrence, Dan Devine, Ava Gerber, Ron Gorchov, Berj Krikorian, Rodger Mack, Saul Ostrow, Susan Roth, Erik Saxon, Sandi Slone, Robert Sussman, Marjorie Welish, Brenda Zlamany, Adam Madebe, Anthony Caro, Helen Frankenthaler, Michael Fried, Sheila Girling, Archie Rand, Frank Stella, Stephen Westfall, Karen Wilkin

Catalogue produced to chronicle the work produced by participants of Triangle Artists' Workshop 1990, an artists' retreat. Foreword by Joseph Masheck. Artists include Vivienne Dadour, Stephen Williams, Robert Christie, Clay Ellis, Robert Scott, Wendy Skog, Vincent Gontier, Marielle Tabart, Chabani Cyril Manganyi, Salvador Juanpere, Paul Caro, Peter Hide, Simon Hiscock, Jon Isherwood, Gillian Ord, Mary Collins, Nadine Delawrence, Dan Devine, Ava Gerber, Ron Gorchov, Berj Krikorian, Rodger Mack, Saul Ostrow, Susan Roth, Erik Saxon, Sandi Slone, Robert Sussman, Marjorie Welish, Brenda Zlamany, Adam Madebe, Anthony Caro, Helen Frankenthaler, Michael Fried, Sheila Girling, Archie Rand, Frank Stella, Stephen Westfall, and Karen Wilkin. ... [details]

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White Columns Update 1991
  • exhibition catalogue
  • illustrated wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 25.4 x 21.6 cm.
  • [24] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

White Columns Update 1991

Bill Arning, Stephen Aljian, Gale Kaseguma, Harvey Tulcensky, Marlene McCarty, Robin Kahn, Paul Campbell, Donald Powley, Tom Martinelli, Peter Scott, Joo Chung, Ian Hughes, Betty Tompkins, Generosa Rand, Barry Hylton, Ursula Biemann, Michael Timpson, Chip Duyck, Lawrence Conley

Exhibition catalogue published as an overview of shows held as part of White Columns' "White Room Program" exhibition series from 1991. Essay by executive director Bill Arning. Artists include Stephen Aljian, Gale Kaseguma, Harvey Tulcensky, Marlene McCarty, Robin Kahn, Paul Campbell, Donald Powley, Tom Martinelli, Peter Scott, Joo Chung, Ian Hughes, Betty Tompkins, Generosa Rand, Barry Hylton, Ursula Biemann, Michael Timpson, Chip Duyck and Lawrence Conley. [details]

New York, NY: White Columns,
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objects: 157