Journal [LAICA Journal]
  • periodical
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 27.8 x 21.6 cm.
  • 37 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Journal [LAICA Journal]

No. 10 (March - April 1976)

Marcia Tucker, Hap Tivey, Don Hazlitt, Katherine Sokolnioff, Brenda Richardson, Richard Armstrong, Michael Todd, Charles Kessler, Ree Morton, Pat Steir, Betsy Lodato, Quentin C. Dacamera, Roberta Smith, Gary Stephan, Larry Williams

Journal [LAICA Journal]


March/April 1976 issue of Journal, guest edited by Marcia Tucker. Issue incorporates catalogue for "Autobiographical Fantasies," held at Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art [LAICA], January 13 - February 20, 1976. Contents include: "Notice to the Force," by Hap Tivey; "a conversation," by Don Hazlitt, Katherine Sokolnioff, Larry Williams; "Brenda Richardson on Baltimore and Berkeley," by unattributed artists; "Cultural Surplus," by Richard Armstrong; "Michael Todd Interviewed by Charles Kessler," by unattributed artists; "Places," by Ree Morton; "a conversation," by Pat Steir and Marcia Tucker; A Manhatted Epiphany," by Betsy Lodato; "New York City vs. You-Know-Where," by Quentin C. Dacamera; "a conversation," by Roberta Smith and Gary Stephan; and "Catalog: Autobiographical Fantasies." Cover by Larry Williams.

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Journal [LAICA Journal] / No. 4 (February 1975)
Journal [LAICA Journal] / No. 5 (April - May 1975)
Journal [LAICA Journal] / No. 7 (August - September 1975)
Journal [LAICA Journal] / No. 8 (November - December 1975)
Journal [LAICA Journal] / No. 9 (January - February 1976)
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