objects: 111
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Painting a Place in America : Jewish Artists in New York 1900 - 1945
  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 28 x 21.5 cm.
  • 208 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 0253285364

Painting a Place in America : Jewish Artists in New York 1900 - 1945

Norman L. Kleeblatt, Susan Chevlowe

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held May 16 - September 29, 1991. Essays by Irving Howe, Milton W. Brown, Matthew Baigell, Norman L. Kleebatt, Susan Chevlowe. Edited by Norman L. ... [details]

New York, U.S.A.: The Jewish Museum,
Condition:  Used
Condition:  Collectible
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 25.7 x 21.4 cm.
  • 173 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Collaboration Robert Wilson / No. 16 (1988)

Nancy Princenthal, Peter Halley, Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Hans-Thies Lehmann, Klaus Kertess, Ellen Levy, Trevor Fairbrother, Christine Grandjean, Jacqueline Burckhardt, Bice Curiger, Sherrie Levine, Jutta Koether, Robert Pincus-Witten

Issue edited by Bice Curiger. Essays "About Faces: Alice Neel's Portraits," by Nancy Princenthal; "On Barnett Newman," by Peter Halley / Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe; "Robert Wilson, Scenographer," by Hans-Thies Lehmann; "In Robert Wilson's Forest," by Klaus Kertess; "Robert Wilson: Theater History, Theater As History," by Ellen Levy; "Wilson's Einstein Chair," by Trevor Fairbrother; "Great Day In The Morning," by Christine Grandjean; "The Weight Of A Grain Of Dust," by Jacqueline Burckhardt / Bice Curiger; "Les Infos Du Paradis: Symmetries - An Inquiry By Parkett," by unattributed artists; "Cumulus Aus Europa," by Jutta Koether; "Cumulus From America," by Robert Pincus-Witten; "Balkon: Hydro Iconography," by unattributed artists. ... [details]

Zürich, Switzerland: Parkett-Verlag,
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  • exhibition catalogue
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 24 x 23 cm.
  • [48] pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • monograph
  • boxed edition
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 29 x 28 cm.
  • 275 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Sculpture in Public Places

Constantin Brancusi, Marino Marini, Ossip Zadkine, André Ramseyer, Jean Arp, Max Bill, Marta Pan, Venanzo Crocetti, Kengiro Azuma, Klaus Schultze, Jean Tinguely, Eduardo Chillida, Mathias Goeritz, Bruno Giorgi, Edgar Negret, Federico Silva, Manuel Felguérez, Helen Escobedo, Sebastian Hersúa, Churyo Sato, Emilio Greco, Yutaka Toyota, George Tsutakawa, Group Q, Alexander Calder, David Smith, George Rickey, François Stahly, Louise Nevelson, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Tony Smith, Barnett Newman, Alexander Liberman, Minoru Niizuma, José de Rivera, Harry Bertoia, Masayuki Nagare, Jacques Lipschitz, Giacomo Manzù, Leonard Baskin, George Segal, Herbert Bayer, Claes Oldenburg, Isamu Noguchi, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Jean Dubuffet, Pablo Picasso

Large-scale publication on public sculpture throughout the world. Features work by Constantin Brancusi, Marino Marini, Ossip Zadkine, André Ramseyer, Jean Arp, Max Bill, Marta Pan, Venanzo Crocetti, Kengiro Azuma, Klaus Schultze, Jean Tinguely, Eduardo Chillida, Mathias Goeritz, Bruno Giorgi, Edgar Negret, Federico Silva, Manuel Felguérez, Helen Escobedo, Sebastian Hersúa, Churyo Sato, Emilio Greco, Yutaka Toyota, George Tsutakawa, Group Q, Alexander Calder, David Smith, George Rickey, François Stahly, Louise Nevelson, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Tony Smith, Barnett Newman, Alexander Liberman, Minoru Niizuma, José de Rivera, Harry Bertoia, Masayuki Nagare, Jacques Lipschitz, Giacomo Manzù, Leonard Baskin, George Segal, Herbert Bayer, Claes Oldenburg, Isamu Noguchi, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Jean Dubuffet, and Pablo Picasso. ... [details]

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Studio International
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 30.7 x 24.1 cm.
  • 84 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Studio International

Vol. 179, No. 919 (February 1970)

Charles Harrison, Barnett Newman, Alexander Liberman, Joseph Kosuth, Chris Whittaker, Mel Bochner, Roy Ascott, Richard Larter, Jonathan Benthall, Barbara Reise, Donald Judd, Dore Ashton, Peter Layton, Sarah Whitfield, Dennis Duerden, Frank Whitford, Eugen Brikcius

Issue edited by Charles Harrison. Essays "Notes Towards Art Work," by Charles Harrison; "Technology and Art 11: Holography and Interference," by Jonathan Benthall; "Barnett Newman," by Barbara Reise; "Chartres and Jericho," by Barnett Newman; "Barnett Newman," by Donald Judd; "Art of the South Seas," by Barnett Newman; "Happenings in Prague," by Eugen Brikcius. ... [details]

London, United KIngdom: Studio International,
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Synnyt : Nykytaiteen Lähteitä / Sources of Contemporary Art
  • critical theory
  • cloth boards with dust jacket
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • color
  • 28 x 29 cm.
  • 316 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 9529004427

Synnyt : Nykytaiteen Lähteitä / Sources of Contemporary Art

Timo Valjakka, Juhana Blomstedt, Juhani Pallasmaa, Tor-Björn Hägglund, Yrjänä Levanto, Lauri Anttila, Mikael Enckell, Jaakko Lintinen, Peter von Bagh, Altti Kuusamo, Keijo Rahkonen

Critical theory text discussing themes and origins of contemporary art. The title, "Synnyt," refers to the Finnish word meaning 'birth' and 'to be born,' and also to Finnish mythology, in which the word alluded to a story that "explained the cause or origin of a given creature, disease or other phenomenon and it was believed that knowledge of the true 'synty' or origin gave its possessor power over the phenomenon in question. ... [details]

Helinski, Sweden: Nykytaiteen Mueso,
Condition:  Used
The Museum of Modern Art, Saint-Éttienne
  • reference book
  • wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white
  • 28 x 21 cm.
  • 126 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

The Museum of Modern Art, Saint-Éttienne

Jacques Beauffet, Bernard Ceysson, Martine Dancer, Maurice Fréchuret, Gilles Aillaud, Carl Andre, Arman, John Armleder, Jean Arp, Jean Atlan, Enrico Baj, Georg Baselitz, Etienne Beothy, Christian Boltanski, Roger Bissiére, Victor Brauner, Camille Bryen, Pierre Buraglio, Victor Burgin, Alexander Calder, Marcelle Cahn, Louis Cane, Auguste Chabaud, Gaston Chaissac, Tony Cragg, Joseph Csaky, Robert Delaunay, Sonia Delaunay, Maurice Denis, Daniel Dezeuze, David Diao, Jim Dine, César Domela, Marcel Duchamp, Jean Dubuffet, Raoul Dufy, Max Ernst, Etienne-Martin, Aleksandra Exter, Luciano Fabro, Jean Fautrier, Naum Gabo, Jochen Gerz, Julio González, Toni Grand, Hans Hartung, Raoul Hausmann, Jean Hélion, Jörg Immendorff, Robert Jacobsen, Alain Jacquet, Donald Judd, Lajos Kassak, On Kawara, Ellsworth Kelly, Yves Klein, Joseph Kosuth, Igor Kopystiansky, Barbara Kruger, Henri Laurens, Bertrand Lavier, Jean Le Moal, Sol LeWitt, Roy Lichtenstein, Richard Long, Markus Lupertz, Alberto Magnelli, Alfred Manessier, Louis Marcoussis, André Masson, Henri Matisse, Mario Merz, Henri Michaux, Claude Monet, Barnett Newman, Kenneth Noland

Reference book for the collection of the Museum of Modern Art, Saint-Étienne. Essays by Jacques Beauffet, Bernard Ceysson, Martine Dancer and Maurice Fréchuret. Artists include Gilles Aillaud, Carl Andre, Arman, John Armleder, Jean Arp, Jean Atlan, Enrico Baj, Georg Baselitz, Etienne Beothy, Christian Boltanski, Roger Bissiére, Victor Brauner, Camille Bryen, Pierre Buraglio, Victor Burgin, Alexander Calder, Marcelle Cahn, Louis Cane, Auguste Chabaud, Gaston Chaissac, Tony Cragg, Joseph Csaky, Robert Delaunay, Sonia Delaunay, Maurice Denis, Daniel Dezeuze, David Diao, Jim Dine, César Domela, Marcel Duchamp, Jean Dubuffet, Raoul Dufy, Max Ernst, Etienne-Martin, Aleksandra Exter, Luciano Fabro, Jean Fautrier, Naum Gabo, Jochen Gerz, Julio González, Toni Grand, Hans Hartung, Raoul Hausmann, Jean Hélion, Jörg Immendorff, Robert Jacobsen, Alain Jacquet, Donald Judd, Lajos Kassak, On Kawara, Ellsworth Kelly, Yves Klein, Joseph Kosuth, Igor Kopystiansky, Barbara Kruger, Henri Laurens, Bertrand Lavier, Jean Le Moal, Sol LeWitt, Roy Lichtenstein, Richard Long, Markus Lupertz, Alberto Magnelli, Alfred Manessier, Louis Marcoussis, André Masson, Henri Matisse, Mario Merz, Henri Michaux, Claude Monet, Barnett Newman, Kenneth Noland and many, many more. [details]

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The Prints of Barnett Newman
  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 33 x 22.5 cm.
  • 103 pp.
  • unsigned and unnumbered

The Prints of Barnett Newman

Barnett Newman, Hugh M. Davies, Riva Castleman, Sally Yard

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at University Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November - December, 1983. Traveled to The Art Museum, Princeton University, January - March 1984 ; Yale University Art Gallery, September - October 1984 ; Allen Memorial Art Museum, November - December 1984 ; University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley, January - March, 1985 ; Washington University Gallery of Art, St. ... [details]

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  • exhibition catalogue
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • sewn bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 23 cm.
  • 107 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • ISBN 1878283421

The Sublime is Now : The Early Work of Barnett Newman. Paintings and Drawings 1944 - 1949

Barnett Newman, Jeremy Strick

Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, March 20 - May 29, 1994. Traveled to the Saint Louis Art Museum, July 1 - August 28, 1994; and the Pace Gallery, New York, October 21 - November 26, 1994. ... [details]

Condition:  Used
Tracks : A Journal of Artists' Writings
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • staple bound
  • black-and-white
  • 22.8 x 15 cm.
  • 64 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Tracks : A Journal of Artists' Writings

Vol. 1, No. 1 (November 1974)

Herbert George, Angelo Savelli, Robert Indiana, Robert Motherwell, David Smyth, Will Insley, Sol Lewitt, Mario Yrissary, Barnett Newman, Gino Severini, Alberto Giacometti, Frank O'Hara, Larry Rivers, Adolf Wölfli, Ad Reinhardt

Issue edited by Herbert George. Essays "Untitled Poem," by Angelo Savelli; "Mother and Father," by Robert Indiana; "On The Humanism of Abstraction," by Robert Motherwell; "Untitled Poem," by David Smyth; "The Greater Context," by Will Insley; "The Location of a Line (Not Straight)," by Sol Lewitt; "Untitled Poem," by Mario Yrissary; "The Ideographic Picture," by Barnett Newman; "Apollinaire Remembered," by Gino Severini; "May 1920," by Alberto Giacometti; "The Dream, The Sphinx, and The Death of T," by Alberto Giacometti; "Surprising J. ... [details]

New York, NY: Herbert George,
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objects: 111