June 1970 issue of Art-Language edited by Terry Atkinson, David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin, Harold Hurrell, and Joseph Kosuth. Contents include: "Proceedings: Society for Theoretical Art and Analyses," by Ian Burn, Mel Ramsden, and Roger Cutforth; "Art Enquiry (2)," by Mel Ramsden; "(i) Concerning Some Theories and their Worlds," by Graham J. ... [details]
February 1970 issue of Art-Language edited by Terry Atkinson, David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin, Harold Hurrell, and American editor Joseph Kosuth. Contents include: "Introductory note by the American Editor," by Joseph Kosuth; "Untitled," by David Bainbridge; "Three from May 23rd, 1969," by Frederic Barthelme; "Notes on Marat," by Stephen McKenna; "Plans and Procedures," by Michael Baldwin; "Dialogue," by Ian Burn; "Moto-Spiritale," by Robert Brown-David Hirons; "From an Art & Language Point of View," by Terry Atkinson; "Concerning Interpretations of the Bainbridge/Hurrell Models," by Terry Atkinson; "Notes on Atkinson's 'Concerning Interpretation of the Bainbridge/ Hurrell Models,'" by Harold Hurrell; "Sculptures and Devices," by Harold Hurrell; "Conceptual Art: Category & Action," by Michael Thompson; and "Notes on Genealogies," by Mel Ramsden. [details]
Artist's book by Daniel Buren with a three-panel color fold-out. Text in French. [details]
May 1970 issue of Studio International. Edited by Charles Harrison. Contents include: "In the Land of My Own Vision," by Henryk Gotlib; "Gilbert & George," by Michael Moynihan; "An Interview with Buckminster Fuller," by Jonathan Benthall; Four Sculptors (Part 2): Picasso Cubist Constructions," by William Tucker; "Sociology of an Art Boom: I-The Background to the Flourishing German Art Market" and "II From Survival to Success: An Interview with Hans-Jürgen Müller," by Robert Kudielka; "Liberman: The Art of Amplitude," by Gene Baro; "Robert Graham's Boxes," by Helene Winer; "A Magazine Sculpture," by Gilbert & George which includes "Underneath the Arches (The most intelligent fascinating serious and beautiful art piece you have ever seen)" and the censored "George the [cunt] / Gilbert the [shit]" magazine sculptures ; "Miró's Sculptures," by John Russell; "Victorians at Manchester," by Mark Haworth-Booth; "Martin Bloch Re-Assessed," by Ronald Alley. ... [details]
This issue of Studio International contains a 48-page "exhibition" organized by Seth Siegelaub: "The content of the 48-page exhibition in this issue was organized by requesting six critics to each edit an 8-page section of the magazine, and in turn, to make available their section to the artist(s) that interest them. ... [details]
Artist's book composed of color photographs illustrating various qualities of air in Southern California. Within the book Bruce Nauman presents eight full-page photo-reproductions of the atmosphere. Facsimile signature on verso -- don't let anybody tell you this publication is actually signed by Nauman. ... [details]
Press release / letter "To the friends of the Gallery," by Howard Wise, published December 16, 1970 announcing the closure of Howard Wise Gallery following the closing of the exhibition "Three Sounds," by Howard Jones on December 19, 1970. ... [details]
Unique postcard sent by Sol Lewitt, then in Minneapolis, to John & Annina [Nosei] Weber in memorial of the four students murdered, and nine additionally injured, by members of the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University on May 4, 1970. ... [details]
Ruscha's first exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in [January 7 - February 14, 1970]. Text by Henry T. Hopkins. Includes exhibition checklist. Designed by Sergio Tosi. [details]
Artist's book / exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 26 - March 1, 1970. Includes a catalogue of works in the exhibition. [details]